Client Goals tab overview

The Goals tab is where information about Client Goals and Goal Strategies can be added and managed. Client Goals and Goal Strategies form a critical foundation on which evidence regarding the progress of this can be gathered, tracked, and reported on. This information is used during the ongoing process of supporting Clients and to capture changes over time.

This article provides an overview of the different sections of this tab in the Client record and includes a section regarding related learning content for reference. 

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Client Goals tab overview

The Client Goals tab is divided up into the following sections:

  • Personal Goals - New Client Goals are added here. The details of all current and completed Client Goals are summarised here also, including a link to the Goal itself, the Goal Status, Start and End Date, any Services that have been linked to this, the Goal itself, Strategies & Responsibilities Summary and a numeric count of the Strategies, Journal Evidence and Assessments that are associated with each Goal.
  • Maintenance Reports - Goal Maintenance Reports can be added here, designed to provide a snapshot of the active Goals within a three-month period detailing the progress during this time by way of the Journal evidence created for active Goals within this timeframe.

Related learning content

The following articles have been linked below for reference and videos can be found in the Learning Centre in SupportAbility:

  • Foundations | Client Goals & Goal Strategies article
  • Managing Client Goals and Goal Strategies article
  • Clients: Goals tab video in the Client Management::Client Record section of the Learning Center

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