Troubleshooting & support
Provides articles to help troubleshoot issues & important system-related information
- Assisting another Staff Member to log in
- SupportAbility Training Installations
- Logging into SupportAbility
- Supported web browsers and troubleshooting browser-related issues
- SupportAbility Scheduled Maintenance and Outage Register
- SupportAbility Data Logs and Paid Investigations
- Considerations when terminating a SupportAbility s​ubscription
- SupportAbility subscription termination process
- Record creation and last modified details
- SupportAbility Data Replicas
- Authorised Customer Representatives
- Resetting my individual password & resolving log in issues
- Paid Professional Services
- Change of SupportAbility Installation Domain Name
- How to ensure your organisation receives communications from SupportAbility
- How can the direct provision of Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) Services be tracked at standard NDIS prices?
- How to open CSV files safely with Microsoft Excel
- Retrieving a missing Client record
- How to fix date formatting issues in an NDIS Bulk Payment Request file
- Minimum Recommended Hardware Specifications