Record creation and last modified details

The 'Record Creation and Last Modified' feature has been designed to track and record the creation and modification details for primary records e.g. Client, Staff, Activity, etc.

This feature displays the following information:

  • Who originally created the primary record
  • Date the primary record was created
  • Who last modified the primary record
  • The date the primary record was last modified

N.B. It should be noted however that not all data additions/amendments are recorded by this feature.  More information on this is outlined below.

Audience: All

How to access this feature

To access the 'Record Creation and Last Modified' feature select the 'i' icon in the top left-hand corner next to the SupportAbility version number: 

N.B. This feature can be accessed from anywhere in SupportAbility and displays information relevant to changes across the currently open primary record, not changes specifically related to the individual tab where this feature is being viewed from. 

Which additions/amendments within a record are tracked?

Any data entry or modifications to sections within a primary record, which have a fixed number of line items per field (e.g . most fields within the Client Details section of a Client record), will be tracked and recorded in the 'Record Creation and Last Modified' feature:

However, any changes made to sections within the primary record e.g. additions or changes to 'Client Service Participation' records within the Client record, are  not be tracked and recorded in the 'Record Creation and Last Modified' feature: 

This is due to the fact these are secondary records, which whilst linked to the primary record, are unfortunately not included in the 'Last Modified' change tracking due to the complexity of the database structure. 

Other examples of sections/fields that are not recorded in the 'Record Creation and Last Modified' feature when changes are made:

  • Client record - Status tab: Warnings, Medical Conditions, Behaviours, Immunisation records, Routines
  • Activity record - Clients and Staff
  • Client Goal record - Goal Strategies
  • Client Journal record - Actions
  • Staff Account record - Sites and services where this staff member works
  • Client Funding record - NDIS Support Categories & NDIS Support Items

N.B Changes made by a Staff Member in their 'My Account' section are reflected in the 'Modified By' and 'Modified Date' section of their Staff record. For example, if a Staff Member accesses the 'My Account' section and adds a note to their Standard Availability, then the 'Modified By' and 'Modified Date' section of the Staff record will be updated to reflect this change. This may cause confusion when the name of the Staff Member who is listed as making the change does not have the 'Edit User Account' privilege and would therefore not have access to their Staff record.

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