Staff Account - Contacts
This article outlines how to add a new Staff Contact record i.e. for Emergency and important contacts of the Staff Member, in a Staff Account. It also covers the privileges required to access the Contacts tab, and the information that may be recorded such as Name, Relationship, Interpreter Required, Language, Preferred Contact Method and contact details.
Privilege: 'Human Resources' at the Site/Service level or 'Human Resources For ALL Staff'
Audience: HR Specialists
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- Who can access this tab?
- How to add a new Contact on the Contacts tab
- What information is recorded in a Staff Contact record?
- Where is the information entered in Staff Contact records utilised?
Who can access this tab?
The Contacts tab of a Staff Account is only accessible to those with the 'Human Resources' privilege for the Site/Services this individual works in, or the global 'Human Resources For ALL Staff' privilege.
Staff who do not have either of these privileges will see the following notification displayed after selecting the 'Contacts' tab:
' Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges to view or edit human resources information for this staff member'
How to add a Contact on the Contacts tab
To add a Contact on the Contacts tab select the '+ Add a new contact' icon:
This will open a new Staff Contact record where the relevant information may be entered:
What information is recorded in a Staff Contact record?
When a new Staff Contact record is first added, several fields are highlighted in red to indicate these are the minimum required data:
- Name - Enter the Contact's First and Last name
- Relationship - Enter the Relationship of the Contact with the Staff Member
- Work Phone - Only one of the three phone types is required to be entered
- Home Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Street Address - enter the relevant Street Address
- Suburb - enter the relevant Suburb
- State - select the relevant State from the list of options
- Postcode - The Postcode may be entered if known, or selecting the Seach icon will automatically populate the Postcode based on the Suburb entered and State selected.
Selecting the Australia map icon will open a new tab with the address pinpointed in Google maps
Additional information may be recorded in a Staff Contact record as outlined below:
- Email - Once an email address has been entered, selecting the mail icon will automatically populate the email address in a new email in your usual email program
- Interpreter Required - Select this checkbox if relevant
Language - This is a pre-configured List in SupportAbility and cannot be modified. If the required option is not available, selecting 'Other' will populate a second field where the relevant language may be entered
- Date of Birth - Use the calendar icon to enter the relevant 'Date of Birth'. Once entered and the record saved, the 'Age' will automatically populate
- Preferred Contact Method - Options include Email, Letter, Phone, SMS, Other.
This list can be modified to include the relevant options for your organisation on the Lists tab in System Preferences.
N.B. The one List applies to Client, Client Contact, Staff Contact and Shared Contact records Call Times - Select the Contact's Preferred 'Call Times' i.e. BH (Before Hours) or AH (After Hours), where relevant
Notes - This is a free-text field where any additional information relating to this Contact may be entered, and the field expands to accommodate the quantity of data entered as required
Once all required fields, and any other relevant information e.g Notes, have been completed, select the 'Save User' button to save the record:
Additional Contacts may be added as needed by selecting the '+ Add a new contact' icon.
Incomplete record warning
At least one Contact needs to be added on the Contacts tab of a Staff Account, which includes the minimum required data i.e. First name and at least one phone number, along with the 'Emergency Contact' checkbox selected, to deem a Staff Account record Complete:
If no valid Emergency Contact has been added an 'Incomplete' badge in the Warning bar will display at the top of the Staff Account:
N.B. This Warning bar will be visible when viewing the Staff Account from any tab.
Selecting the Warning bar will open it to display the Description outlining details of why the Staff Account has been deemed 'Incomplete':
Where is the information entered in Staff Contact records utilised?
The Staff Account Search is a useful tool for identifying those Staff members whose Staff Account does not contain a valid Emergency Contact:
More information regarding this Search is available in the Staff Accounts Search article, linked below for reference.