Accident and Incident Register (AIR)
The Accident and Incident Register (AIR) is designed to be used for recording the following types of organisational accidents and/or incidents, along with the related investigation information:
- involving multiple Clients,
- involving Staff only,
- involving the general public,
- relating to your organisation's building/offices/property,
- relating to safety issues in community spaces, and
- relating to equipment/vehicles.
Audience: All
The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- Prerequisites
- Creating a New Incident
- What are the different components of an (AIR) Incident?
- Incident Details tab
- Investigations tab
- Status tab
- AIR Dashboard Notification portals
- Incident Search
Whilst anyone can create a 'New' Incident, the 'Status' of the Incident may only be updated by Staff with the 'Team Leader' Staff Account Privileges, provided they have access to the Site/Service the Incident relates to.
Once the Status has been updated, only those with the relevant privileges will be able to access and view the Incident.
Creating a New Incident
A New Incident can be added via the Accident & Incident Register (AIR) subsection of the AIR & OFI section in the Reports menu:
Select 'Add a New Incident' and then the Site/Service it relates to e.g. Day Services @ Melbourne (HQ):
What are the different components of an (AIR) Incident?
Incidents created using the AIR feature include three tabs: Incident Details, Investigations and Status:
The Incident Details tab is where the Status of the Incident may be changed and this tab also includes a Risk Assessment matrix which may have the Risk Level Action indicated, a place to add any people involved, injured parties, informed parties, & damaged properties. Any relevant documents may be uploaded and related Opportunities For Improvement (OFI's) can be viewed at the bottom of the page.
The Investigations tab is where investigation records can be created relating to the incident. Investigations can be tracked alongside the incident itself.
The Status tab is where a log of the Status changes an Incident has gone through may be viewed.
Incident Details tab
Below is a summary of the information which is recorded on the Incident Details tab within the Organisation Accident Incident Register (AIR)
Incident Details:
Details of the Incident can be recorded here such as the Incident 'Name', related 'Service@Site', 'Area / Location', 'Tags', 'Date' and 'Time', 'Accident / Incident Type', and a 'Detailed Description'.
SupportAbility automatically populates the following information:
- 'Incident ID' - assigns a unique number
- 'Originator' - displays the name of the person logged in and creating the Incident
- 'Status' - this will display as 'New' when first created:
Risk Assessment:
The level of risk, relative to the probability of reoccurrence and consequences of severity, using the Risk Assessment matrix can be selected here:
People Involved:
A list of people involved in the Incident (Client, Staff, and/or External Individual) can be added here along with their Contact Details:
Injured Parties
Information about any injuries sustained by a person (Client, Staff, and/or External Individual) from the Incident are recorded here. A summary is displayed as follows:
Selecting the target icon will open the Incident Injury page which includes the following information:
'Injured Party Details' (Description of the Injury, Severity, Treatment Applied)
'Contact Details' for the Injured Party
'Injured Body Part' diagrammatic map
Informed Parties
Details of any Parties which are required to be informed about an Incident can be entered here:
- Party - e.g. Work Safe. This is a customisable list which can be configured in System Preferences::Lists::Incident: Informed Parties
- Notification Required?
- Due Date
- Date Notified
- Reference Number
- Person Notified (free text field)
Damaged Properties
Details as to any Property Damage can be recorded here:
- Property (free text field)
- Damaged Type - e.g. Functional Damage. This is a customisable list which can be configured in System Preferences::Lists::Incident: Damage Property Type
- Owner - the Change Owner button can be used to select the relevant person (Client, Staff Member, External Individual) responsible for overseeing the repair/maintenance of the Damaged Property
- Note
Document files related to the incident can be linked here with a Due/Review Date and person set to Notify:
The Incident can be linked to Standards from the Quality Safeguards Framework (QSF), National Disability Standards, or DMI Codes:
Related Opportunities For Improvement (OFI) Reports
Once an Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) Report has been created via the Reports menu, and it has been linked to an Incident, this will automatically be displayed in this section of the Incident Report:
Investigations tab
The AIR includes the ability to enter any Investigations relating to the Incident.
Each new investigation created opens into its own record.
Information regarding the Investigators, Status of the Investigation, the Summary/Conclusions, any Notes, along with Major Contributing Factors can be entered where relevant:
Investigations may also have Documents uploaded to them, with features akin to Client Documents to assist managing these in a timely manner. Preventative Actions may also be added to follow up on and assist managing all elements associated with the Investigation:
Status tab
The Status tab displays a log of all changes which have been made to the Status of that Incident.
When an incident is first created it has a Status of 'New':
The Status of the Incident may only be updated by Staff with the 'Team Leader' Staff Account Privileges, provided they have access to the Site/Service the Incident relates to.
The Status is changed on the Incident Details tab:
An Incident may be updated to the Status of In Progress, Completed or Rejected:
For example, once Staff member Athena Kuen who has the 'Team Leader' privilege, reviews the incident and changes the Status to 'In Progress' this change of Status will be recorded in the log displayed on the Status tab:
N.B. Even though Abel, created the Incident, because he does not have either of the 'Team Leader' Staff Account Privileges, he can no longer view the Incident now the Status has been updated.
Record automatically locking after completion or rejection
Once the status has been changed from In Progress to Completed or Rejected, the Incident will lock after a period of 30 days.
When the record is locked, the Completed status icon will change from blue to black and the Change Status button will disappear.
After the record has been locked, it will not be possible to change the status of the Incident for the purpose of:
- Reverting the status to In Planning to edit existing information or add new data to the record
- Change the outcome of the Incident to Complete or Rejected respectively
The 30 day duration is the default period set when a provider's installation is initially provisioned. If needed, this can be reconfigured by the Customer Success team to meet the requirements of the provider. To do so, a request can be submitted in writing to by the organisations nominated Authorised Representatives.
N.B. It is not recommended that the 30 day duration be configured to 0 (zero) as this will result in the records not locking at all.
AIR Dashboard Notification portals
Several Dashboard Notification portals relate to AIR Incidents as follows:
- Incomplete Incident Records
- Incident Documents
- Incident Injury Documents
- OFI Records
Staff Members with the 'Team Leader' Staff Account Privileges who also have access to the Site/Service the Incident relates to, will be able to see Incident-related Notifications on their Dashboard.
The Incident ID along with the Name of the Incident is included in the Incident link displayed on the Dashboard. The Incident can be accessed via the target icon:
Incident Search
The Incident Search is available in the Accident & Incident Register (AIR) subsection of the AIR & OFI section of the Reports menu:
The Incident Search may be filtered by a range of search criteria as follows:
- Incident ID
- Incident Name
- Injured Person Name
- Involved Person Name
- Incident Date
- Service
- Site
- Tag
- Incident Status
- Incident Type
- Risk Assessment
Keep in mind that the List Results returned will be based on your Staff Account Privileges:
The 'Incident: List' results can be downloaded into a CSV file by selecting 'Download Incident List' from the Actions menu: