Journal Search
The Journal Search is a useful tool for reviewing Journals holistically that have been created for the following Record Types, Clients, Staff or Shared Contacts.
A range of search criteria is available, however, when an organisation is using the additional functionality of Tags and creating Journal Types specific to each Record Type these can be used to further refine the search thereby providing more targeted results.
The Journal List results can either be printed in summary or detailed format, and a detailed CSV file export is available for download.
This article outlines the various functionality of the Journal Search.
Audience: Team Leaders, Support Staff, and anyone tasked with reviewing Client Journals.
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- How to access the Journal Search
- Journal Search Criteria
- The Journal List
- Printing the Journal List
- Exporting the Journal List
How to access the Journal Search
The 'Journal Search' is accessed via the Dashboard:
Journal Search Criteria
A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently or in conjunction to meet specific requirements.
Related search criteria are grouped together under the following subsections:
- Details - general details or attributes pertaining to a Journal
- Client Journals - specifically related to Journals created for the Record Type 'Clients'
- Staff Journals - specifically related to Journals created for the Record Type 'Staff'
- Shared Contact Journals - specifically related to Journals created for the Record Type 'Shared Contacts'
Searching by 'Record Type'
The Journal Search can be filtered to focus on Journals created for one or more specific Record Type/s e.g. Clients, Staff, or Shared Contacts, by selecting the relevant option in the 'Record Type' filter:
Searching by Journal 'Details'
Once the Record Type has been selected the remaining search criteria in the 'Details' section may be utilised to further refine the search. The criteria in this section apply across all record types and include the following filters:
- Sites - Available options for selection include 'Select All', 'Active', 'Inactive' or the relevant Sites may be selected individually:
Services - Available options for selection include 'Select All', 'Active', 'Inactive' or the relevant Services may be selected individually:
Journal Date: From and To - The calendar icon may be used to select the relevant From and To dates:
- Journal Type - The list of available options to select from in this filter reflect the Journal Types configured on the Journals tab in System Preferences:
N.B. Regardless of the 'Record Type' selected for the search, the list of Journal Types displays all of the Journal Types created for each of the different Record Types e.g. Client: Medication Update and Staff: Police Check.
- Authoring Staff Member - This is the Staff Member who created the Journal, as per the 'Author' noted in the Journal.
Available options for selection include 'Select All', all 'Active', all 'Inactive', or one or more individual Staff Members may be selected as required:N.B. Regardless of any other search criteria selected for this search, the list of 'Authoring Staff Members' contains all Active and Inactive Staff Members for your organisation.
- Tags - If an organisation is using the 'Tags' functionality for Journals as configured on the 'Tags' tab in System Preferences, these options will be available for selection here:
- Title - This is a free-text field where it is possible to enter part or all of the 'Journal Title' you are searching for e.g. initial to refine your search:
- Notes - This is a free-text field where it is possible to enter specific keywords which may be contained in the Journal Notes to refine the search e.g. was not engaged during the afternoon Activities:
Searching by criteria specific to Record Type
When filtering the Journal Search by specific Record Types, it is possible to further filter the search by attributes related to that Record Type.
Search criteria related to each Record Type are grouped together as outlined below.
Client Journals
- Clients - A list of all Clients, Active and Inactive, are available for selection. One or more individual Clients may be selected as required, or there is the option to 'Select All':
The relevant Client may also be found for selection by entering all or part of their name in the 'Select Clients' field which will display the relevant options that match the information entered:
- Client Status - the available options include 'Active' and 'Inactive':
N.B. The 'Clients' filter functions independently of the 'Client Status' filter, whereby if 'Active' has been selected for 'Client Status', the 'Clients' filter will still list all 'Active' and 'Inactive' Clients. This is intentional to support the performance of the Search.
Staff Journals
- Staff Journal For - A list of all Staff, Active and Inactive, regardless of other search criteria selected, are available for selection. One or more individual Staff Members may be selected as required, or there are the options of selecting all 'Active', all 'Inactive', or 'Select All':
The relevant Staff Member may also be found for selection by entering all or part of their name in the 'Select Staff Members' field which will display the relevant options that match the information entered:
Shared Contact Journals
- Shared Contact Types - The list of available options to select from includes all of the options configured for 'Contact: Type' on the 'Lists' tab in System Preferences. One or more individual 'Contact Types' may be selected as required, or there is the option to select all 'Active', all 'Inactive' or 'Select All':
N.B. 'Inactive' Contact Types are those Types set as 'Archived' on the 'Lists' tab in System Preferences.
The relevant Shared Contact Type may also be found for selection by entering all or part of the name in the 'Select Contact Types' field which will display the relevant options that match the information entered: - Company Name - A list of all Contact 'Company Names' are available for selection. One or more individual Companies may be selected as required, or there is the option to 'Select All':
The relevant 'Company Name' may also be found for selection by entering all or part of the name in the 'Select Company Names' field which will display the relevant options that match the information entered:
- Primary Contact - A list of all 'Primary Contacts', as entered in the 'Primary Contact Name' field on the Shared Contact Details tab of Shared Contact records, are available for selection. One or more individual 'Primary Contacts' may be selected as required, or there is the option to 'Select All':
The relevant 'Primary Contact' may also be found for selection by entering all or part of the name in the 'Select Primary Contacts' field which will display the relevant options that match the information entered:
The Journal List
Once the Search has been generated, the Journal List will display the results to the right of the search criteria:
Selecting the arrow on the dividing line between the search options and results List will minimise or expand the search criteria section as required:
The Journal List includes the following columns of information:
- Journal Date
- Journal Type
- Title - includes a link to the Journal record
- Client Name - when the Journal relates to a Client record e.g Andrea Broadshaw
- Staff Member - when the Journal relates to a Staff Account record e.g. Amanda Peyton
- Shared Contact - when the Journal relates to a Shared Contact record e.g. Brunswick Community Medical Centre
- Site
- Service
- Author - the Staff Member who created the Journal, as per the 'Author' noted in the Journal.
How Staff Privileges and Service access determine the Search results
It is important to note when generating a Search that the results returned are determined not only by the search criteria selected but also by the level of access the Staff Member generating the search has, either via the Site/Services listed or high-level Privileges granted in their Staff Accounts.
If there are Journals that meet the search criteria selected but which the Staff Member generating the Search does not have access to a blue Notification message will display at the top advising, Note: These journal entries have been filtered based on your staff account privileges and the service/s you have access to:
'Managers Only' and 'Team Leaders Only' Journal Settings
Journals that have been set to 'Team Leaders Only':
will only display in the Journal List results, when the Staff Member generating the Search has the relevant privileges i.e. 'Team Leader' at the related Site/Service level or global 'Team Leader for ALL Services' privilege.
Similarly, when a Journal has been set to 'Managers Only', these Journals will only display in the Journal List results, when the Staff Member generating the Search has the relevant privilege i.e. 'User is a Manager'.
Staff Journals
Staff Journals will only display in the Journal List results when the Staff Member generating the Search has the relevant privileges i.e. 'Human Resources' at the related Site/Service level or global 'Human Resources For ALL Staff' privilege.
Shared Contact Journals
Generally, all Shared Contact Journals meeting the search criteria will display in the Journal List results regardless of the Site/Service access the Staff Member generating the Search has.
The exception to this is for Journals set as 'Managers Only' or 'Team Leaders Only'. In these instances, those Journals will only display in the Journal List results for those Staff Members generating the Search who have the relevant privileges:
- 'User is a Manager'
- 'Team Leader' privilege for the same Site/Service the Journal is related to, OR
- global 'Team Leader for ALL Services' privilege
Sorting the Journal List
By default, the Journal List results are sorted by 'Journal Date' with the most recently dated Journal appearing at the top.
The results can, however, be sorted by any of the columns in the Journal List based on how you wish to view the results. Selecting the arrows next to the column header e.g. Journal Type, will either sort the list in ascending or descending order:
Printing the Journal List
There are two options for printing the Journal List, both of which can be accessed via the 'Print' icon:
The ' Journal List - Summary' prints the list as displayed onscreen:
The 'Journal List - Detailed' option prints the Journal Notes in addition to the onscreen information, in the format displayed below:
Exporting the Journal List
The Journal List can be exported in a CSV file, by selecting 'Download Journal List' from the 'Actions' menu:
The 'Journal Export' file contains all of the information displayed onscreen as well as additional information, specifically the Journal Notes and record IDs:
The columns of information include:
- Client - this column will only display information when it is a Client Journal
- Shared Contact Company Name - this column will only display information when it is a Shared Contact Journal
- Staff Member - this column will only display information when it is a Staff Journal
- Type - Journal Type
- Site
- Service
- Date
- Author - this is the Staff Member who created the Journal, as per the 'Author' noted in the Journal.
- Title
- Notes
- Journal ID - unique SupportAbility ID of the Journal
- Author Staff ID - unique SupportAbility ID of the related Author
- Client ID - unique SupportAbility ID of the related Client record
- Staff ID - unique SupportAbility ID of the related Staff Account
- Shared Contact ID - unique SupportAbility ID of the Shared Contact record