Configuring Mobile App Check In/Out by Service

When using the SupportAbility Mobile App, there is an option available for Staff Members to Check In and Out of their shifts.

However, Mobile App Check In/Out must first be configured for each of the Services this is required for, as this is off by default in all SupportAbility installations. 

For more information about this functionality, we recommend reviewing the following articles (linked at the end of this article) ahead of configuring this, as enabling this functionality may result in a change to your current workflows: 

  • How to Check In/Out and Record kms using the Mobile App
  • Viewing Mobile App Check In/Out data and Recorded kms in the Web App

This article outlines how to configure, by Service, the ability for Staff Members to Check In and Out using the Mobile App. 

Privileges: Edit System Preferences

Audience: Authorised Customer Representatives, System Administrators


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Configuring Mobile App Check In/Out by Service

The ability for staff to Check In and Out of their shifts using the Mobile App is configured as 'Off' by default.

Therefore, if your organisation wants staff to be able to access this functionality, it will need to be turned 'On'.

The ' Mobile App - Check In/Out' setting is configurable per individual Service and configuration is completed on the 'Services' tab in System Preferences:

Only staff with the 'Edit System Preferences' privilege are able to access this area and complete the configuration.

Select the 'Change' button for this setting for each of the required Services. This will open the 'Mobile App - Check In/Out' window: 

The available options include:

  • Off
  • Record Time
  • Record Time and Location

More information on each of these is outlined below.

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When the 'Mobile App - Check In/Out' setting is configured to 'Off', this functionality is not available for Staff Shifts associated with this Service. 

The Check In/Out buttons will not be visible in Activities for this Service in the Mobile App:

N.B. As you can see above, only the 'Shift Sign Off' button is visible which has been configured to 'On'.

If 'Check In/Out' is not a requirement for your organisation, it may be helpful to turn this functionality Off to clarify process requirements and reduce visible clutter for staff when using the Mobile App. 

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Record Time

When 'Record Time' is configured and saved:

Staff will be able to Check In and Out of their shifts associated with this Service using the Mobile App: 

SupportAbility will display the date and time that the Check In/Out was recorded in the 'Check In/Out and Recorded Kilometres' window accessible in the Staff section of the Activity record via status flags in the Web App, e.g. Check In at 10:32 am:

It is important to clarify that Check In/Out  does not automatically update the Staff Members' shift times. If the Staff Member's shift time needs to be updated based on this, this can be synchronised as required manually by selecting the recorded button, which will customise their shift time. 

Please see the  Viewing Mobile App Check In/Out data and Recorded kms in the Web App article linked below for more information. 

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Record Time and Location

When 'Record Time and Location' is configured and saved:

Staff will be able to Check In and Out of their shifts associated with this Service using the Mobile App, as outlined above. However, they will be prompted once that authorisation is required for SupportAbility to access the location settings of their device for Check In/Out:

Once Proceed is selected, SupportAbility will request access to the device's location settings. Please see the Location settings section of the  How to Check In/Out and Record kms using the Mobile App article for more information. 

Once location settings have been granted and the Staff Member Checks In/Out of their shifts, SupportAbility will display the date and time, as well as the location in the 'Check In/Out and Recorded Kilometres' window accessible in the Staff section of the Activity record via status flags in the Web App, e.g.:

As outlined above, it is important to clarify that Check In/Out  does not automatically update the Staff Members' shift times. If the Staff Member's shift time needs to be updated based on this, this can be synchronised as required manually by selecting the recorded button, which will customise their shift time. 

There may be instances where SupportAbility is unable to access location data, please see the 'Check In/Out Locations' section of the  Viewing Mobile App Check In/Out data and Recorded kms in the Web App article linked below for more information. 

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