How to Configure Staff Shift Settings by Service

This article outlines the new 'Staff Shift Settings', which are configurable by Service and introduced in the upgrade to SupportAbility v8.6 (June 2024).

These settings allow providers to:

  • Turn off or on features related to Staff Shifts, e.g. Shift Sign Off or the ability to Capture Kms. Turning these off removes data entry points that are irrelevant to particular Services.
    • Shift Sign Off and Capture Kms are on for all Services by default, as per the current functionality.
  • Configure inline warning messages for Recorded Shift Hours and/or Kms based on customised thresholds.
    • Warnings are off by default but can be configured based on your organisation’s chosen thresholds.
  • Set your organisation’s preference for the default data to populate in the 'Finalised' column of the Activity Staff section. This is designed to minimise the clicks required for those completing the Activity Sign Off.
    • The default settings for existing and new Services populate the Rostered data for Hours and Recorded data for Kms in the 'Finalised' column of the Activity Staff section. 

Detailed information regarding each of these settings is outlined below. 

More Staff Shift Settings are expected in future upgrades, including Check In/Out, which will be applicable for both the Web App as well as the Mobile App in a future release. 

Privileges: Edit System Preferences

Audience: Authorised Representatives, Operations Management


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Staff Shift Settings Overview

Staff Shift Settings are configured on the Services tab in System Preferences and can be configured individually by Service as required. 

The current settings are displayed for each Shift Setting per Service, however, these may be updated as required:

The Staff Shift Settings include the following.

Shift Sign Off

  • Applicable to both the Web and Mobile Apps.
  • This setting enables your organisation to turn on or off the staff 'Shift Sign Off' feature, and set it to record 'Time Only' or 'Time and Location'.
  • Turning this setting off removes data entry points that are irrelevant for that Service.

Shift Hours Settings

  • Applicable to the Web App only.
  • This setting enables your organisation to configure the Shift Hours data to be used in the Finalised column of the Staff section of the Activity; either Recorded or Rostered. 
  • Warnings can also be activated to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded Shift Hours deviate, up or down, from the Rostered Shift Hours.
  • A Warning Threshold can also be set, specifying the number of minutes of deviation between the Recorded and Rostered Hours that would trigger the inline Warning Message.

Capture Kms

  • Applicable to both the Web and Mobile Apps.
  • This setting enables your organisation to Roster and Record private and company kilometres associated with the Service.

Shift Kms Settings

  • Applicable to the Web App only.
  • This setting enables your organisation to configure the Kilometres (Private and Company) data to be utilised in the Finalised column of the Staff section of the Activity, either Recorded or Rostered. 
  • Warnings can also be activated to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded kilometres are higher than the Rostered kilometres, or deviate, up or down, from the Rostered kilometres.
  • A Warning Threshold can also be set, specifying the number of kilometres of deviation between the Recorded and Rostered kilometres that would trigger the inline Warning Message.

Bulk Actions Menu

A Bulk Actions menu is also available, allowing each of the Staff Shift Settings to be applied to multiple Services at a time.

More detailed information about each of these settings is outlined below. 

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Shift Sign Off

The 'Shift Sign Off' can be turned on or off for specific Services as required, and if turned on, there is the option to set 'Time Only' or 'Time and Location' to be recorded.

To configure this setting, select the corresponding 'Change' button:

This opens the 'Shift Sign Off Settings' window:

There are three options available for this setting as follows:

  • Off
  • On - Time Only
  • On - Time and Location 

More information on each of these is outlined below.

It is important to note that the Activity Sign Off results in all shifts going through to payroll, regardless of Shift Sign Off being configured or not. 

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Selecting this option means that the 'Shift Sign Off' will not be available for any Shifts associated with this Service.

It will not be visible in the Staff section of the Activity in the Webb App:
Nor will it be visible in the MobileApp:

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On - Time Only

Selecting this option means that 'Shift Sign Off' will be available for any Shifts associated with this Service, but only the Time, not Location, will need to be recorded.

'Shift Sign Off' will be visible in the Staff section of the Activity in the Webb App as follows:

It will also be visible in the Webb App as follows:

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On - Time and Location 

Selecting this option means that 'Shift Sign Off' will be available for any Shifts associated with this Service. Time will be recorded for both the Mobile and Webb Apps, while Location will only be recorded for the Mobile App when the device settings are set to allow the location to be recorded.

'Shift Sign Off' will be visible in the Staff section of the Activity in the Webb App and Mobile App as shown above.

Once 'Shift Sign Off' has been performed in the Webb App, selecting the information button will open the 'Staff Shift Sign Off Details' window which notes that the Location is 'Not Applicable':

When the 'Shift Sign Off' is performed in the Mobile App, if the device settings are not set to allow the recording of location, the following message will display:

When mobile device settings are set to allow recording of Location, and the 'Shift Sign Off' is performed in the Mobile App, this data populates in the Staff section of the Activity. Selecting the information button in the Web App:

Opens the 'Staff Shift Sign Off Details' window displaying the Date/Time and Location address along with a map:

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Default Setting and Historic Activities

The default setting for 'Shift Sign Off' for newly created Services is 'On - Time and Location'.

With the introduction of 'Staff Shift Settings' in v8.6, existing Services will have 'Shift Sign Off' set to 'On - Time and Location', as that is the current functionality.

However, this can be updated or turned off as required if it is not needed for specific Services. When turned off, Shift Sign Off will be hidden and unavailable in the Web App and the Mobile App.

When the 'Shift Sign Off' is configured as 'Off' for a Service, the 'Shift Sign Off' column and button for historic Activities for that Service will continue to be displayed. However, if the 'Shift Sign Off' is removed, these will disappear.

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Shift Hours Settings

With the v8.6 update the single ‘Working From-To Time’ column of the Staff section of an Activity in the Web App was split into three columns: ‘Rostered’, ‘Recorded’, and ‘Finalised’:

  • Rostered - is the scheduled Shift Date/Time and/or Company and Private Kms
    • Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can edit Rostered Shift Dates/Times and Kms.
  • Recorded - is where the Staff Member rostered into the shift can record their actual hours worked and km travelled (where relevant) either: 
    • directly in the Activity in the Web App, or 
    • via Check In/Out and Record Kms in the Mobile App.
    • Only the Staff Member associated with the shift can view and edit their Recorded Hours/Kms. Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view Recorded Hours/Kms but cannot update this. 
  • Finalised - (Hours/Kms) is the shift data used in Timesheet Batches and other reports and exports for payroll. 
    • While the Finalised data populates based on how it has been configured (Rostered or Recorded), only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view or edit Finalised data on a shift-by-shift basis. 
    • The Staff Member associated with the shift cannot see the Finalised data until after the Activity Sign Off is completed. 

The 'Shift Hours Settings' in System Preferences enables your organisation to determine which Shift Hours are used in the 'Finalised' column of the Staff section of the Activity, either Rostered or Recorded, which will thereby be used for TimeSheet data.

Warnings and a Warning Threshold can also be set here when the Recorded Shift Hours deviate from the Rostered Shift Hours.

To configure this setting, select the corresponding 'Change' button:

This opens the 'Shift Hours Settings' window:

Information on each of the available settings is outlined below.

Finalised Shift Hours Default

This setting determines the Shift Hours data which populates in the Finalised column of the Activity and is therefore used for TimeSheets. 

The options are:

  • As Rostered - When this setting is selected, the Rostered Shift hours entered in the Web App by a staff member with the privilege to manage Activities are used in the Finalised column.

    Any 'Active Night Hrs' recorded will be used in Finalised by default, as these are not Rostered.
  • As Recorded - When this setting is selected, the Recorded Shift hours entered by the rostered Staff Member either in the Activity in the Webb App or via Check In/Out in the Mobile App are used in the Finalised column.

    If no Hours are Recorded by the Staff Member, the Rostered data will populate in the Finalised column.

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Recorded Hours Warnings Settings

Warnings can be set to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded Shift Hours differ from the Rostered Shift Hours.

The options are:

  • No Warning - When this setting is selected, no Warnings will display relating to deviations between the Rostered and Recorded Shift Hours.
  • When deviating from Rostered - When this setting is selected, an inline Warning message will display when the Recorded Shift Hours deviate from the Rostered Shift Hours, up or down, based on the number of minutes set for the threshold.

When the 'When deviating from Rostered' setting is selected the 'Recorded Hours Warning threshold' field displays where the number of minutes of deviation may be entered to set the threshold:

When Warnings have been configured, and the Warning Threshold is exceeded, a blue inline message will be displayed under Recorded Hours in the Web App.

For example, staff member Emmitt checked in via the Mobile App at 12.08 pm for an Activity starting at 11.45 am. Given the Warning Threshold was set for 15 minutes an inline Warning Message has populated in the Recorded column of his Shift i.e.  Exceeds warning threshold of 15 minutes:

This Warning message is visible to both the rostered staff member it applies to and staff with higher privileges to manage Activities.

The Recorded times and any inline Warning messages are not visible to other rostered staff members e.g. Abel cannot see these for Emmitt:

N.B. The Recorded Shift times are automatically entered as per the Rostered Shift times. However, if your organisation requires staff to Check In/Out via the Mobile App then those times will override the rostered times in the Recorded column of the Activity in the Web App.

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Default Setting and Historic Activities

The default setting for newly created Services is to use Rostered Shift Hours for Finalised. This default setting is based on provider feedback that it is preferred that the Rostered Shift Hours rather than Recorded Shift Hours populate in Finalised. 

With the introduction of 'Staff Shift Settings' in v8.6, existing Services are configured to use Rostered Shift Hours by default in Finalised. 

Warnings are off by default, however, your organisation can enable these and set a Warning Threshold as required.

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Capture Kms

This setting turns 'On' or 'Off' the ability to roster and record private and company kilometres. 

This setting applies to the Rostered and Recorded columns of the Activity Staff section in the Web App and the Shift Sign Off functionality in the Mobile App.

To configure this setting, select the corresponding 'Change' button:

This opens the 'Capture Kms' window:

The available options are:

  • Off - When configured as 'Off', the ability to Roster and/or Record Private and/or Company Kms is hidden and not available for Activities created for that Service,

    This applies to the Web App:

    And to the Mobile App when Signing Off the Shift:

  • On - When configured as 'On', the ability to Roster and/or Record Private and/or Company Kms is available for Activities created for that Service,

    This applies to the Web App:

    And to the Mobile App when Signing Off the Shift:

When changing this setting from 'On' to 'Off', where it was previously set as 'On', a Warning message will display advising the following, and you will be asked to confirm you wish to proceed:

Confirmation Required
Before proceeding, it is important to understand that turning off the ability to Capture Kms for this Service will remove Kms data from the following places:
  • any existing shifts for this Service where the Activity Sign Off has not been complete or the Shifts have not been included in a Timesheet Batch
  • any shifts that currently have Kms and Shift Sign Off if the Shift Sign Off is removed and the shift has not been included in a Timesheet Batch

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Default Setting and Historic Activities

The default setting for newly created Services is to have 'Capture Kms' set to 'On'.

With the introduction of 'Staff Shift Settings' in v8.6, existing Services are configured with 'Capture Kms' set to 'On', as this is the current functionality.

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Shift Kms Settings

The 'Shift Kms Settings' in System Preferences enables your organisation to determine which kilometres are used in the 'Finalised' column of the Staff section of the Activity, either Rostered or Recorded for each Service. 

From the upgrade to SupportAbility v8.8 (July 2024), this also encompasses the 'All Kms' button in NDIS Support Allocations. For example, when Finalised Kms is set to use ‘Recorded' (as is the default), the '+ All Kms' button in NDIS Support Allocations will draw the Kms from 'Finalised' instead of 'Rostered’.

This applies to both private and company kilometres, and a different setting cannot be configured for each.

Warnings and a Warning Threshold can also be set when the Recorded Kms deviate from the Rostered Kms.

To configure this setting, select the corresponding 'Change' button:

This opens the 'Kms Settings' window:

Information on each of the available settings is outlined below.

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Finalised Kms Data Default

This setting determines the Kms data that populates in the Finalised column of the Activity. 

The options are:

  • As Recorded - When this setting is selected, the Recorded Kms entered by the rostered Staff Member either in the Activity section of the Webb App or in the Mobile App are used in the Finalised column.

    If no Kms are Recorded by the Staff Member, the  Rostered Kms data will populate and be used in the Finalised column.
  • As Rostered - When this setting is selected, the Rostered Kms entered in the Web App by a staff member with the privileges to manage Activities are used in the Finalised column.

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Recorded Kms Warnings Settings

Warnings can be set to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded Kms differ from the Rostered Kms.

The options are:

  • No Warning - When this setting is selected, no Warnings will display relating to deviations between the Rostered and Recorded Kms.
  • When higher than Rostered - When this setting is selected, an inline Warning message will display when the Recorded Kms value is higher than the Rostered Kms value, based on the number of kilometres set for the threshold.
  • When deviating from Rostered - When this setting is selected, an inline Warning message will display when the Recorded Kms deviate from the Rostered Kms, up or down, based on the number of kilometres set for the threshold.

When either of the last two options is selected the 'Recorded Kms Warning threshold' field displays where the number of kilometres of deviation may be entered to set the threshold e.g. 10.00 km:

When Warnings have been configured and a Warning Threshold set, when the Recorded Kms either exceed or deviate from the threshold relative to the configured settings, a blue inline message will be displayed below the Recorded Kms in the Web App; e.g. Exceeds warning threshold of 10kms:

This Warning message is visible to both the rostered staff member it applies to and staff with higher privileges to manage Activities.

The Recorded times and any inline Warning messages are  not visible to other rostered staff members, e.g. Emmitt cannot see these for Abel:

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Default Setting and Historic Activities

The default setting for newly created Services is to use Recorded Kms in the Finalised column of the Staff section of the Activity.  This setting is based on provider feedback that the preferred default is having the Recorded Staff Kms populate in Finalised. 

With the introduction of 'Staff Shift Settings' in v8.6, existing Services are configured to use Recorded Kms in Finalised.

Warnings are off by default, however, your organisation can enable these and set a Warning Threshold as required.

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Bulk Actions Menu

The Bulk Actions menu allows for one of the Staff Shift Settings to be applied to multiple Services at a time.

Select the checkboxes of the relevant Services, then the setting to be applied to all e.g. Shift Sign Off:

The applicable option may then be selected e.g. 'On - Time and Location':

Once 'Save' is selected the Staff Shift Settings will be updated for the selected services:

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