Client Consent

One of the obligations for Providers operating under the NDIS Code of Conduct is to respect Client’s privacy.  This is observed in many ways, one of which is to provide choice as to how their personal information is shared both within the organisation and in any public communications.

SupportAbility allows you to record a Client's choices regarding the level of consent they are granting your organisation in their Client record.  It is also possible to configure the list of 'Consent Exclusions' available to select from to ensure they are relevant for your organisation's purposes.

The Client's consent choices can also be used as reporting criteria when performing a Client Search to determine which Clients either have or have not granted consent for a particular purpose. Using these criteria in the Client Search is a great way to assist your organisation in protecting the Client's privacy and ensuring that their details are only shared appropriately. 

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Client Consent Details

The Client's consent is recorded on the Client Details tab. 

There are two fields in which this can be specified: ' Consent' and 'Consent Exclusions':

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Consent field

This field is intended to define the overarching level of consent the Client has granted.

The available options to select from are:

  • None,
  • On Request,
  • Partial, or
  • Full

We recommend selecting the most appropriate option to reflect the level of consent your Client has provided and also taking into consideration the presence of any consent exclusions. 

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Consent Exclusions field

Consent exclusions are designed to further clarify the areas in which a Client has not granted consent.

This is of particular importance when a Client has granted consent on the basis of: 

  • On Request, or 
  • Partial  

A pre-populated list of options is available to select from e.g:

However this list can be customised to include choices appropriate for your organisation, by following the instructions in the  Configuring Lists article.  

A maximum of six Consent Exclusions can be selected e.g:

N.B. When 'Partial' has been selected in the 'Consent' field, at least one 'Consent Exclusion' is required to be entered in order to deem the Client record 'complete':

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Consent Documents

The related documents which have already been uploaded on the Client::Documents tab can be linked here for quick access and easy viewing:

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Performing a Client Search filtering by Consent

To perform a Client Search navigate to the Dashboard and click on 'Clients' in the side menu:  

There are four separate filters relating to Consent which can be utilised in your Client Search, each generating different results as outlined in the relevant sections below:

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Searching by 'Client Consent'

If your search goal is to generate a list of Clients based on the overarching level of Consent granted, then we recommend using the 'Client Consent' criteria to filter your search. You can select one or multiple types of 'Client Consent':

The Client list generated from your search correlates with the option set in Consent field in the Client record e.g: 

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Searching by 'Consent Exclusions'

If your search goal is to generate a list of Clients who have  not granted consent for a particular item e.g. the Website, this can be specified in the 'Consent Exclusions' search filter. One item may be selected at a time:  

Your search will generate a list of any Clients who have the selected exclusion added in the 'Consent Exclusions' field on their Client Details tab e.g: 

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Searching by 'Consent Provided For'

If your search goal is to generate a list of Clients who have given consent for a particular item e.g. Community Newsletter, this can be specified in the 'Consent Provided For' search filter. One item may be selected at a time:  

The search results will return a list of Clients who have either: 

  • 'Full' or 'Partial' selected in the Consent field in their Client Details tab, and 
  • do not have this item listed in the Consent Exclusions field. 

Using our Community newsletters example, results will be returned of any Clients who have given 'Full' consent,  or 'Partial' consent with some exclusions, but 'Community Newsletter' is not selected as an exclusion. 

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Searching by 'Consent Not Provided For'

If your search goal is to generate a list of Clients which captures both specifically itemised Consent Exclusions e.g. Annual Report, and also captures overarching levels where Consent has not been granted e.g. 'None' or 'On Request', then the 'Consent Not Provided for' filter will assist:

The search results will return a list of Clients who have either: 

  • 'None', 'On Request' or '-' (Not Specified) selected in the Consent field in their Client Details tab, or 
  • have this item listed in the Consent Exclusions field. 

Using our Annual report example, results will be returned of any Clients who have 'None', 'On Request',  or '-' (Not Specified) in the Consent field, or have this item listed in the Consent Exclusions field. 

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