Client Warning Report

This article provides detailed information relating to the 'Client Warning Report' which allows Staff to search for Client Warnings, Medical Conditions and Behaviours as entered in the Status tab of a Client record.  

This report is filterable by a range of search criteria including Warning Type (Warning, Medical Condition, Behaviours), Risk Level (Green, Amber, Red), Client, Site/Service, and Document Type, relative to Documents that have been linked to these Warnings. 

This Report is also available for printing and downloading as a CSV file.

Audience: Operations Management, Team Leaders, Support Staff


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:


It is recommended that Staff first have a thorough understanding of the functionality of Client Warnings, Medical Conditions and Behaviours in order to get the most out of using this report.

The related  Clients Warnings, Medical Conditions and Behaviours article has been linked below for your reference. 

What is a Client Warning?

Warnings are entered on the Status tab of a Client record and contain important information which Staff need to be aware of when working with Clients.  

There are three types of Warnings, general 'Warnings', 'Medical Conditions' and 'Behaviours', each of which can be assigned a Risk Level of Green, Amber or Red.

For example, there is an Intervention order on Tim's Uncle which has been added as a Warning and assigned a Risk Level of 'Red'. This Warning has also been set to 'Managers Only' access:

N.B. The Description field is a free-text field and this information can be searched for using the Warnings / Conditions / Behaviours search criteria in the Report and entering a keyword e.g. Intervention.

Medical Conditions

For example, Tim has an allergy to peanuts and this has been added as a Medical Condition Warning and assigned a Risk Level of 'Red':

N.B. The Condition field displays a selected option from the list of Medical Conditions which have been configured in System Preferences, and this information can be searched for by selecting this option in the Warnings / Conditions / Behaviours search criteria of the Report.


For example, Jamie displays anti-social aggressive behaviour when in certain environments and this has been added as a Behaviour Warning and assigned a Risk Level of 'Amber': 

N.B. The Behaviour field displays a selected option from the list of Behaviours that have been configured in System Preferences, and this information can be searched for by selecting that option in the Warnings / Conditions / Behaviours search criteria of the Report.


If a specific option for Medical Conditions or Behaviours is not included in the list of selectable options when creating these Warnings, Staff may select 'Other' which populates a free-text field where the information can be entered e.g. Behaviour: Other: repetitive hand/arm movements:


Free-text information can be entered in multiple fields for each of the Warning Types and searched for by entering a keyword in the Notes search criteria.

  • Warnings - information can be entered in the 'Notes' field:

  • Medical Conditions - information can be entered in three fields - 'The medication', 'How is it administered' and 'Notes' fields:

  • Behaviours - information can be entered in four fields - 'Behaviour Details', 'Precursor to Behaviour', 'Management Strategies', and 'Strategies to Prevent and Maintain Positive Behaviour' fields:

The Client Warnings Report is filterable by a range of search criteria including 'Warning Type' e.g. Medical Condition and 'Risk Level' e.g. Red, and facilitates Staff being able to search for Warnings with specific attributes, as outlined in detail below.

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How to access this report

To access this report, navigate to the Reports menu via the Dashboard:  

Then navigate to the Client Records subsection of the Clients section of the Reports menu and select 'Client Warning Report':

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Search criteria 

A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently, or in conjunction, to search for Client Warnings, Medical Conditions, or Behaviours: 

These search criteria include:

  • Client Status - Active, Inactive
  • Active Clients - this filter contains a list of all active Clients. The default is all active Clients and options for selection include 'Select All' or one or more individual active Clients may be selected.
  • Warning Types - Warnings, Medical Conditions, Behaviours
  • Sites - Select All, Active, Inactive, or one or more individual Sites may be selected.
  • Services - Select All, Active, Inactive, or one or more individual Services may be selected.
  • Warnings/Conditions/Behaviours - Warning Description (free-text), Medical Conditions and Behaviours as configured in System Preferences
  • Risk Levels - Red, Amber, Green
  • Document Types - as configured in System Preferences::Documents
  • Managers Only - Yes, No
  • Notes - a free-text field where keywords or phrases may be entered to search for Warnings, Medical Conditions, and/or Behaviours that contain these in their free-text fields.

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Multi-select and enter text

Each of the search criteria e.g. Services, contains a multi-select drop-down list of options: 

Once the required options have been selected, click the triangle icon at the top of the list to minimise it:

Or, click anywhere outside of this to return to the search criteria. 

Alternatively, the options to select from may be narrowed down by selecting the relevant search criterion, then typing in the search term you are looking for e.g. 'Day Services': 

To remove individual search criteria, click in the relevant search field to open it, then deselect the checkbox for the relevant option/s e.g. In Home Support: 

To remove all of the selections for specific criteria, click on the cross to the right-hand side of the selection: 

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Client Status

Updates to the Client Warning Report were introduced with the v7.18 upgrade to address time-out errors when a large number of Client records exist. This included the addition of a new ‘Client Status’ (Active/Inactive) search criteria, with 'Active' set by default.  In relation to this, the ‘Clients’ filter was also updated to list 'Active Clients' only:

This means inactive Clients can only be searched for as a group by selecting 'Inactive' in the Client Status filter. It is not currently possible to search for individual inactive Clients.  We are exploring alternative ways to better manage this and to ensure individual inactive Clients can be filtered as required in this and other Searches and Reports in SupportAbility. More will be announced in coming releases once this has been finalised.

Active Clients

With the Client Status filter set to 'Active' and leaving the 'Active Clients' filter blank i.e. set to the default will return a list of all active Clients who meet the other search criteria selected.

To search for one or more specific individual active Client/s, they may be selected in the 'Active Clients' filter:  

N.B. This filter only displays the Clients that the Staff Member generating the Report has access to, relative to the Site/Services listed in their Staff Account or via high-level global privileges. 

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Warning Types

If a Staff Member wishes to search holistically for one of the Warning Types e.g. all 'Medical Conditions' this search filter can be used:  

Leaving individual options unselected will automatically search for all Warning Types by default.

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Sites and Services

All Active Sites and Services are selected by default:

N.B. If there are no inactive Sites or Services the default will read as 'All Sites' or 'All Services' respectively.

Leaving the default option for these filters will provide a holistic view of all Active Sites and Services. 

Alternatively, the option 'Select All' can be applied which will generate a list of Warnings for all Active  and Inactive Sites or Services relevant to the filter utilised:

N.B. Once the 'Select All' checkbox has been selected, it will display as 'Deselect All'. Unchecking this will automatically deselect all other checkboxes in this filter.

To refine a search by specific Sites or Services the relevant options can be selected in each of these search criteria. This may be all 'Active', all 'Inactive' or one or more individual active/inactive Sites or Services. 

Selecting the Active checkbox e.g. for Sites automatically selects all of the Active options and will provide a list of Warnings for all Active Sites only:

To select one or more individual  Sites or Services, simply select the relevant checkboxes e.g. Sites: Melbourne (HQ): 

Similarly with Services, leaving the default option for this filter will provide a holistic view of all Active Services. Alternatively, the option 'Select All' can be applied which will generate a list of Warnings for all Active  and Inactive Services, or 'Inactive' can be selected to provide a list of Warnings for all Inactive Services only.

N.B. Whilst all Sites/Services are available to select from, the results returned are based on the level of access the individual has. For example, if a Staff Member runs a search for 'Support Coordination' and does not have access to this Service, no results will be returned.

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Warnings / Conditions / Behaviours

To search for specific Warnings, Medical Conditions or Behaviours, the Warnings/Conditions/Behaviours search criteria can be used to narrow the search results.


Given that the Warning Description is a free-text field as per our earlier example 'Intervention order on Tim's Uncle', there is no pre-determined list of options to search by for this Warning Type.  

Therefore when searching for Warnings select the 'Warnings Description or Other' option: 

Once selected a second search field will populate, allowing Staff to enter specific keywords which may have been entered in the Warning Description.

 Enter one or more keywords e.g 'intervention':

Medical Conditions / Behaviours - Other

When searching for Medical Conditions or Behaviours which have 'Other' selected, as per our earlier example of the 'Other' Behaviour, 'repetitive hand/arm movements', select 'Warning Description or Other', then enter one or more keywords in the field below e.g. repetitive:

Medical Conditions and Behaviours

The Lists of Medical Conditions and Behaviours selectable in the 'Warnings/Conditions/Behaviours' filter are configured in the corresponding Lists in System Preferences on the Lists tab.

Select the relevant option you wish to search for e.g. the Medical Condition, 'Allergy':

Similarly, specific Behaviours can be searched for by scrolling down to the Behaviour section and selecting the relevant option/s e.g. 'Aggressive Behaviour' and 'Anger Issues':

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Risk Levels

There are three Risk Levels that can be assigned to each of the Warning Types:

  • Green
  • Amber
  • Red

The 'Client Warnings Report' can be searched by these Risk Levels, individually, or in combination. 

Select the relevant option in the 'Risk Levels' search filter e.g. 'Red':

If you wish to search for Warnings that have not been assigned a Risk Level, select '-' option in the search criteria:

Leaving the filter unselected will automatically search for all 'Risk Levels' by default, or alternatively, you can select 'Select All'.

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Document Types

If you wish to search for Clients who have specific Document Types e.g. Behaviour Support Plan, linked to a Warning, they may be selected here:  

N.B. The list of options to select from in this search filter corresponds to the list of Document Types configured in System Preferences.

Staff access to Warnings with linked Documents is dependent on the level of access a Staff Member has to the Warning and to the related Document.  Using the document type filter can have an impact on the results returned on the list. This is due to the fact that documents can be restricted. This is outlined in more detail in the List Results section below.

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Managers Only

Warnings and Medical Conditions which contain information of a sensitive nature can be set to 'Managers Only' to restrict visibility so that only those Staff Members who have access to the Client record and have the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege can access these.

The 'Managers Only' privacy setting is not currently available for Behaviours.

To search for Warnings or Medical Conditions which have the Managers Only setting applied, select 'Yes' here:

N.B. As Behaviours do not have the 'Managers Only' setting as yet, they are automatically excluded from the results when filtering by 'Managers Only'.

To refine the search further the 'Warning Type' search criteria can be used in combination with the 'Managers Only' search criteria, thereby generating a list of results for example which only contain Warnings that have been set to 'Managers Only':

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Free-text information can be entered in multiple fields for each of the Warning Types (as outlined in the What is a Client Warning section above), and searched for by entering a keyword in the Notes search criteria.

Enter one or more keywords e.g. 'anaphylaxis' here:

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Generate Report

Once the desired parameters have been set, or if a more holistic report is required, leave all search criteria unselected, then select 'Generate Report': 

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List Results

Once the Report has been generated, the search criteria will be visible, along with the search results, and a summary of the number of results:

N.B. A notification message is always displayed at the top of the Client Warnings Report to remind Staff that 'Report results contain only the records that you have the required permissions to view'.

The following columns are included:

  • Client - target icon and Client Name link to navigate to the Client record
  • Warning Type - the applicable Warning Type
  • Description - the Warning Description entered, Medical Condition or Behaviour selected
  • Risk Level - the Risk Level assigned
  • Document Type - the Document Type (if linked) including access to download or preview the Document
  • Notes - the free-text information which has been entered in each of the Notes fields related to that Warning Type

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How are the List Results sorted?

The List Results are sorted first by Client, then Warning Type. If a Client has multiple Warnings these will be sorted first by Warnings, then Medical Conditions, then Behaviours.

All columns, other than Notes, have the functionality to sort the List Results by that criteria in an ascending or descending order, based on how you wish to view the results: 

Why is the same Client appearing multiple times?

Considering each result indicates a Client Warning record, the same Client may appear multiple times. For example, our Client Tim Swanston has multiple Warning records added to his Status tab.  The Warnings displayed in the List Results follow the default ordering of Client Warning, Client Medical Condition, Client Behaviour: 

Risk Levels

The list of results displays the associated Risk Levels in the relevant colours making them easy to identify at a glance, and the List Results can be sorted by Risk Level using the ascending/descending sort functionality:

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Document access

Staff access to Warnings with linked Documents is dependent on the level of access a Staff Member has in relation to the Warning and to the related Document.

'Managers Only'

Based on the privacy settings related to the Warning and/or the linked Document, and dependent on the search criteria selected, the List Results will vary as outlined below.

Scenario 1

Athena has been granted the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege and therefore has full access to view Warnings and linked Documents with the 'Managers Only' privacy setting in this Report. For example, the Document linked to the Client Warning for Tim i.e. 'Intervention on Tim's Uncle' has been set to Managers Only and is visible to Athena:

Scenario 2

Abel, however, does not have the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege.  Therefore, when he generates the Client Warnings Report, the List Results will not include any Warnings set to 'Managers Only'.  

If Abel has access to a Warning but the linked Document has been set to 'Managers Only' the Document will display as [Restricted Document] and not be accessible:

Documents restricted by Service

The same rules as outlined for Documents set to 'Managers Only' also apply to Documents restricted by Service.

If a linked Document has been restricted by Service, these will only be visible in the List Results to Staff who have access to that Service.

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Print Report

Once the list of results has been generated these can be printed by selecting 'Client Warnings Report' from the Print menu:

The printed version of the Report displays the selected Search Criteria at the top, followed by the Results:

Selecting the red cross at the top of the Print Report will close it returning you to the Client Warnings Report list of results:

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Download Report

The Client Warnings Report results can also be downloaded in a CSV file by selecting 'Download Client Warnings Report' from the Actions menu:

The CSV file contains the following columns of information:

  • Client Name
  • Warning Type
  • Description
  • Risk Level
  • Document Type
  • Managers Only
  • Notes

N.B. Each free-text fields, relative to the applicable Warning Type are displayed in separate columns in the CSV file under the relevant header name, even though these are listed in the one column 'Notes' on screen.

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