Staff Account - Documents
This article provides detailed information relating to the Documents tab of a Staff Account. It outlines how to create a Document record, upload a file, manage additional security, and set a review date and person to Notify.
It also discusses how to delete a Document file and Document record, and briefly outlines how the Document Search may be utilised to search for and review Staff Documents.
Privilege: Human Resources at the Site/Service level or 'Human Resources For ALL Staff'
Audience: HR Specialists
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- Where are Staff Documents stored and who can access them?
- What information is contained in a Staff Document record?
- How to add a Staff Document
- How to delete a Document File and Document record
- Where is the information entered on the Staff Documents tab utilised?
Where are Staff Documents stored and who can access them?
All Documentation relating to a Staff Member is stored on the Documents tab of their Staff Account.
This tab is only accessible to those with the 'Human Resources' privilege for the Site/Services this individual works in, or with the global 'Human Resources For ALL Staff' privilege.
Assuming Staff have access to a Staff Account but do not have one of the HR privileges, they will see the following notification displayed after selecting the 'Goals' tab:
' Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges to view or edit human resources information for this staff member'
What information is contained in a Staff Document record?
Staff Document records primarily contain the document file such as Training certificates, Qualification records, Police Checks, Immunisation certificates, Employment Contracts, and Staff Reviews, etc.
Once uploaded, the file can either be viewed or downloaded as required, via the relevant icon.
'Document Types' are a useful identifier for grouping documents of a similar type, and make it easier to locate specific Documents when filtering the Document Search by this criteria. Therefore, it is recommended that the Types relevant to your organisation are configured on the Documents tab in System Preferences. Staff can then select the relevant one when adding a Document record.
Additional settings may be applied to a Document record such as setting a 'Due/Review Date' and a person to 'Notify'. This results in a Dashboard reminder populating on the Dashboard of the person set to Notify in advance of the Date.
Additional Security barriers can also be applied to limit access to the Staff Document, either restricting access to 'Managers Only' or a specific Service.
Documents can be set as 'Obsolete' when no longer relevant, which moves them to the bottom section of the Document list.
The 'Status' of the Document record automatically updates relative to the fields completed.
How to add a Staff Document
To add a Staff Document select the '+ Add a new Document' button:
This creates a Document record where the relevant file can be uploaded and additional settings configured as outlined below.
Document Type
Once a Document record has been created the first step is to select the relevant Document Type:
N.B. The available options to select from are configured on the Documents tab in System Preferences.
If the required Document Type is not available in the list of options, selecting 'Other' will populate a second text box in which the relevant 'Document Type' may be entered:
It should be noted that 'Other' may not be helpful when searching for specific Documents in a Document Search. Also, an exact match to that entered in Document records must be entered in the Search filter when searching by 'Other'.
Therefore, we recommend requesting your Authorised Representative or Manager to add frequently used Document Types to the list which can be customised by Staff who have the relevant privileges.
Compulsory Document Types
Document Types may be configured as 'Compulsory' for specific Services and this is completed on the Documents tab in System Preferences.
When configured, if a Staff Member works in a Service that has Compulsory Document Types set, but does not have Document records of those Types uploaded, an 'Incomplete' Staff Member Warming will display at the top of their Staff Account:
Selecting the Warming bar will open the 'Staff Member Warnings' window displaying the details of what is 'Incomplete' in the Staff Account:
Once a Document record of that Type has been created and the relevant Document file uploaded, the Warning will disappear.
SupportAbility places several conditions around the files which can be uploaded to Document records for the purpose of preserving security.
These include the following:
- File size - the maximum size of file which can be uploaded is 2GB
- File name: character length - the maximum number of characters allowable in the file name is 150 characters including spaces
- File name: allowable characters - the allowable characters in a file name include Alphanumeric, Spaces, and Special characters ( ) _ - &
- Allowable file extensions - the long list of allowable file extensions is outlined in the Uploading Documents article linked below for reference.
Uploading a Document File
To upload a file to a Document record select the 'Upload File' button:
Once uploaded the Document file can either be downloaded or previewed by selecting the corresponding icons:
Document Date
The 'Document Date' will automatically populate as the date the file was uploaded.
It is possible to edit the 'Document Date' should you wish to add another date relevant to the Document e.g. signature date or date of immunisation.
To change the Date simply select the calendar icon then the relevant year, month and day:
The different Status options are Current, Scheduled, Incomplete and Obsolete and 'Status' is a useful filter option when conducting a Document Search.
The 'Status' of the Document is automatically determined by the data contained in several of the other Document fields.
Current indicates a Document record has been created, with a file attached. The remaining fields, including Document Type which is recommended, are not required to trigger the Status of 'Current':
Obsolete - when a Document is no longer relevant/current e.g. Performance Review, the 'Obsolete' checkbox can be selected along with the 'Save User' button which moves the Document record to the bottom of the page and the Document record is now greyed out:
Information regarding each of the different Status is outlined in more detail in the Uploading Documents article linked below for reference.
Selecting a 'Due/Review Date' and a Staff Member to 'Notify' will trigger a reminder Notification to appear on that Staff Member's Dashboard as this date approaches, assuming the Dashboard portal settings have been customised accordingly.
To set a date for review select the calendar icon and enter a date. To set a Staff Member to Notify select a Staff Member from the drop-down list:
N.B. The Notify List contains all Active Staff Members.
There are two settings to assist with managing the Security of Staff Documents and restricting access to them - Managers Only and Service.
Managers Only
When this checkbox is selected only Staff with the 'User is a Manager' privilege will be able to access and view this Document, as long as they have access to the Staff Member's Documents tab.
Check this box if you wish to restrict visibility to 'Managers Only':
This level of Security can be removed by unchecking the 'Managers Only' checkbox. Remember to select 'Save User' to save your changes.
The 'Service' Security setting is set to 'All' by default, meaning any person with access to this Staff Member's Documents tab, regardless of which Service they work in, will be able to access this Document:
To restrict access to a specific Service, select the double arrow icon which will open the 'Change Service' window then select the relevant Service e.g. Day Services:
The Security will now be set to that specific Service and only Staff with access to that Service, in addition to access to this Staff Member's Documents tab, will be able to see the Document displayed and access it:
This level of Security can be removed by selecting the double arrow icon and then selecting 'Remove Service':
Then confirm your intention to 'Remove this service':
Remember to select 'Save User' to save your changes.
Information on Document Security settings is outlined in the Uploading Documents article linked below for reference.
How to delete a Document File and Document record
Deleting the Document File and Document record are managed differently as outlined below.
How to delete the Document file
While all Staff have visibility of the 'Delete File' icon, only Staff with the 'Delete Records' privilege can delete a Document File.
Those who do not have this privilege will see a notification advising ' Sorry you have insufficient privileges to delete this document':
For those Staff with the 'Delete Records' privilege, to delete the Document file select the rubbish bin icon below the File name:
Then confirm your intention to delete this document by selecting the 'Delete Document' button:
This will delete the file but not the Document record.
If a Document record has been linked to another record it will not be possible to delete the Document file, even if the Staff Member has the 'Delete Records' privilege. A notification message will display advising ' Unable to delete file as this is associated with another record':
How to delete the Document record
Only Staff with the 'Delete Records' privilege will see the 'Delete' column and corresponding checkboxes displayed at the far right of the Document records.
To delete the entire Document record, simply check the Delete box for the Document record you wish to delete, and select 'Save User':
If a Document record has been linked to another record it will not be possible to delete the Document record, even if the Staff Member has the 'Delete Records' privilege. A red banner message will display at the top of the Staff Account advising ' Unable to delete some documents as they are linked to either clients, journals or staff members records':
Where is the information entered on the Staff Documents tab utilised?
While all Staff Documents are stored on the Documents tab of a Staff Account, they can be linked to from other tabs in the Staff Account. This is to provide quick easy access to relevant and up-to-date documentation when required e.g. the latest Immunisation Certificate may be linked on the Medical tab.
The Document Search, accessed via the Reports menu, can be utilised for a variety of purposes including identifying Staff records that do not have Document records for Document Types set as 'Compulsory' for a specific Service e.g. Proof of Immunisation, or for identifying Documents that are 'Due for Review' within a specified period such as the upcoming month:
The results List of a Document Search can be downloaded in a CSV file for further review by selecting 'Download Document List' from the Actions menu. This file contains additional columns of information to the onscreen results such as the File Name, and any Security Settings which have been applied i.e. 'Manager's Only' or restricted by 'Service'.
Detailed information about this feature is outlined in the Document Search article linked below for reference.