Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms Overview

SupportAbility Web App version 8.6 and Mobile App version 1.5 (May/June 2024) include foundational changes to enhance the rostering and time and attendance functionality in SupportAbility. 

This is achieved by separating Rostered, Recorded, and Finalised Staff Shift Hours and Kms in Activities for greater transparency and auditability between the hours and/or kms rostered, the actual hours worked and/or kms travelled, and the finalised data for payroll. New Staff Shift Settings, configurable by Service, accompany these changes. 

This release also steps toward aligning the related workflows in the Web App and Mobile App, including making Shift Sign Off available in the Mobile App and simplifying how Check In/Out data and Recorded Kms are displayed in the Web App.

Following the Price Guide update, further updates related to staff shifts are expected, including Check In/Out on the Web App and new Staff Shift Analysis exports. Please keep an eye on the SupportAbility Roadmap article for more information. 

Details about the changes relating to staff shifts in these upgrades are outlined in more detail below. 

Audience: All


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Staff Shift Settings configurable by Service

New Staff Shift Settings configurable by Service are available, allowing providers to:

  • Turn off or on features related to Staff Shifts, e.g. Shift Sign Off or the ability to Capture Kms. Turning these off removes data entry points that are irrelevant to particular Services.
    • Shift Sign Off and Capture Kms are on for all Services by default, as is the current functionality.
  • Configure inline Warning messages for Recorded Shift Hours and/or Kms based on customised thresholds.
    • Warnings are off by default but can be configured based on your organisation’s chosen thresholds.
  • Set your organisation’s preference for the default data to populate in Finalised, designed to minimise the clicks required for those completing the Activity Sign Off.
    • The default settings for existing and new Services added for Finalised are to populate Rostered data for Hours, and Recorded data for Kms. 

A Bulk Actions menu is also now available to allow for Staff Shift Settings to be applied to multiple Services at a time: 

A new article providing an overview of each Staff Shift Setting,  How to configure Staff Shift Settings by Service, will be available soon linked below. 

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Rostered, Recorded, and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms

The single ‘Working From-To Time’ column has been updated and split into three columns: ‘Rostered’, ‘Recorded’, and ‘Finalised’.

  • Rostered - is the scheduled Shift Date/Time and/or Company and Private Kms
    • Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can edit Rostered Shift Dates/Times and Kms.
  • Recorded - is where the Staff Member rostered into the shift can record their actual hours worked and kms travelled (where relevant) can be recorded by the Staff Member, either: 
    • directly in the Activity in the Web App, or 
    • via Check In/Out and Record Kms in the Mobile App.
    • Only the Staff Member associated with the shift can view and edit their Recorded Hours/Kms. Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view Recorded Hours/Kms but cannot update this. 
  • Finalised - (Hours/Kms) is the shift data used in Timesheet Batches and other reports and exports for payroll. 
    • While the Finalised data populates based on how it has been configured (Rostered or Recorded), only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view or edit Finalised data on a shift-by-shift basis. 
    • The Staff Member associated with the shift cannot see the Finalised data until after the Activity Sign Off is completed. 

Important - Activity replication settings only use Rostered Staff Shift information and do not reference Recorded and/or Finalised. 

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Rostered shift dates and times:

Align with the Activity date and time by default:

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Edit Rostered Dates/Time

Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can edit Rostered Shifts or Rostered Private and/or Company Kms: 

Rostered data can be edited regardless of whether: 

  • Recorded data exists (via either Check In/Out from the Mobile App or being updated directly in the Web App), or
  • the Shift Sign Off having been completed. 

In such a case, a message will display for the user stating ‘Recorded data exists’:

Rostered data can be edited by Staff with the required privileges, up until the Activity Sign Off has been completed. 

The revert button in Rostered (once edit is selected) reverts the shift time to the Activity From/To Date and Time.

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To Be Filled

When the shift is ‘To Be Filled', this button allows you to choose the required Staff Member directly: 

Please see the below section 'Contextual Actions Menu' for more information about how to Change Staff (rostered in the shift), update Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours and Delete Shifts. 

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Recorded - Hours

Staff can record the actual time they worked, should this differ from their rostered time, by either:

  • Updating the Date and/or Time in the Recorded column related to their Shift in the Web App, or
  • Checking In/Out using the Mobile App 

Staff can record their shift hours any time up to the Activity Sign Off. However, in a future release, this will be limited to ensure that it cannot be updated until the day of the shift moving forward. 

Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view Recorded Hours, but they cannot update this. 

Only the Staff Member associated with the shift can view and edit their Recorded Hours, and the Finalised data related to their shift is hidden until after the Activity Sign Off is completed.

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Edit Recorded Dates/Time

If the actual hours worked differ from the Rostered shift details, selecting the pencil icon allows you to edit your Recorded Date/Times:

If a change is made to your recorded hours, for example, you worked half an hour extra, e.g. 1:30pm, remember to save the Activity record to save this change: 

The revert button in Recorded (once edit is selected) reverts the shift time to the Rostered From/To Date and Time.

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Check In/Out - Mobile App

Important - For the Check In/Out functionality to be available on the Mobile App, this must first be configured for the relevant Services in System Preferences. Please see the Configuring Mobile App Check In/Out by Service article linked below for reference. 

Checking In/Out using the Mobile App is available in the Roster one hour prior to the Shift start time: 

Please see the  How to Check In/Out and Record Kms article for more information. 

Checking In/Out using the Mobile App updates the Recorded column in the Web App instantaneously and is visible immediately:

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Check In/Out - Web App

Coming soon!

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Viewing Check In/Out data

To view Check In/Out data, select the pin icon next to the Recorded - Hours: 

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Check In/Out Locations

When Check In/Out has been configured to record Time and Location data, an additional Check In/Out Locations section will appear when viewing the 'Check In/Out and Recorded Kilometres' window: 

Each of the pins indicates approximately where the Staff Member was when they Checked In or Out of their shift. The blue circle around the pin indicates the accuracy of the location data. 

Clicking on each pin will show more information, including the address (when known) and the location accuracy within n. metres e.g:

Geolocation is only displayed in relation to Check In/Out as above in the SupportAbility Web App and is not visible in the SupportAbility Mobile App. 

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Address lookup in progress

SupportAbility sends the location information access from the device to Google Maps to look up and display address and map data and location accuracy in the SupportAbility Web App. 

Most of the time, this lookup occurs within seconds, however, it may take a few minutes to process. In such a case, 'Address lookup in progress. Please wait' will be displayed:

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No address found

If Google Maps cannot determine an address from the data provided, 'No address found' will be displayed: 

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No location data

There may be instances when SupportAbility cannot access any location data related to this, even though Check In/Out has been configured to record Time and Location data:

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Hours Warning example

When warnings have been configured, and the warning threshold is exceeded, the following inline messages are displayed:

  • Exceeds warning threshold of [nn] minutes, e.g. Exceeds warning threshold of 15 minutes:

Staff can still enter a higher value; however, they will be alerted that the recorded data deviates from the warning threshold. 

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Recorded - Kms

Provided the ability to Capture Kms has been configured for the relevant Services (on by default for all), Staff can record the Private and/or Company Kms they travelled by either:

  • Updating the Private and/or Company Kms travelled in the Recorded column related to their Shift in the Web App, or 
  • Recording Private and/or Company Kms travelled related to their Shift using the Mobile App. 

Staff can record the Private/Company Kms at any time up to the Activity Sign Off. However, in a future release, this will be limited to ensure that it cannot be updated until the day of the shift moving forward. 

Only the Staff Member associated with the shift can view and edit their Recorded kms, and the Finalised data related to their shift is hidden until after the Activity Sign Off is completed.

Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view Recorded kms, but cannot update this. 

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Record Kms - Mobile App

Recording Private and/or Company kms using the Mobile App becomes available  one hour prior to the start of your shift. 

To Record kms, navigate to the Staff section of the Activity, once this has been selected from your Roster: 

Please see the  How to Check In/Out and Record Kms article for more information. 

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Record Kms - Web App

To Record Private and/or Company Kms, navigate to the Staff section of the Activity, and enter the kilometres travelled in the respective field:

Staff can edit the recorded Private/Company Kms at any time up to Activity Sign Off.

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Kms Warning example

When warnings have been configured and the warning threshold is exceeded, the following blue inline messages are displayed:

  • Exceeds warning threshold of [nn] kms, e.g. Exceeds warning threshold of 10 kms:

Staff can still enter a value higher than this; however, they will be alerted that the recorded data exceeds the recommended threshold, either over or deviating from the Rostered Kms. 

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Finalised data is used in all Timesheet Batches and associated exports.

The Finalised data displayed by default for Staff Shifts (Hours) is Rostered, e.g. 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, and for Kms (Company and Private), it is Recorded e.g. 60 Private kms: 

However, the default data your organisation would like to appear in Finalised can be updated in System Preferences by Service as required.

N.B. While default data is populated in Finalised by default, this can be updated on a case-by-case basis by Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities for payroll as needed.

To edit the Finalised data for payroll, select the edit icon next to the pencil icon for Hours or Kms: 

Be sure to save the Activity if any changes are made to Finalised to ensure this flows through to the relevant reports. 

The revert button in Finalised (once edit is selected) reverts the shift time and/or kms based on default settings, i.e. to either Rostered or Recorded. 

Active Night Hours

Where Active Night Hours have been recorded, these are displayed in Finalised by default as they cannot be rostered: 

The Staff Member associated with the shift cannot see the Finalised data related to their shift until after the Activity Sign Off is completed. 

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Shift Sign Off

Timesheet ‘Sign Off’ has been updated to ‘Shift Sign Off’ and is now available in the Mobile App as well as the Web App. 

Staff can complete the Shift Sign Off at any time up to the Activity Sign Off. However, in a future release, this will be limited to ensure that it cannot be updated until the day of the shift moving forward. 

The Activity Sign Off no longer autocompletes the Staff Shift Sign Off. This provides a more accurate record of whether the Staff Shift Sign Off was completed or not.

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Shift Sign Off - Mobile App

To complete the Shift Sign Off on the Mobile App, navigate to the relevant shift from your Roster: 

Completing the Shift Sign Off using the Mobile App updates the Shift Sign Off in the Web App instantaneously and is visible immediately:

Important - The alignment of the Shift Sign Off data will be fixed prior to this upgrade being released. 

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Shift Sign Off - Web App

To complete the Shift Sign Off on the Mobile App, navigate to the relevant shift and select 'Shift Sign Off': 

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View Shift Sign Off data

To view the complete Shift Sign Off, select the information icon under the Shift Sign Off in the Web App:

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Shift Sign Off Locations

When Shift Sign Off has been configured to record Time and Location data, an additional Shift Sign Off Locations section will appear when viewing the 'Shift Sign Off' window: 

Geolocation is only displayed in relation to Shift Sign Off as above in the SupportAbility Web App and is not visible in the SupportAbility Mobile App. 

The same rules apply for Staff Shift Sign Off location data in regards to: 

  • Address lookup in progress
  • No address found, and 
  • No location data

As outlined above under 'Check In/Out Locations', please see these screenshots for reference. 

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Contextual Actions Menu

A contextual ‘Actions' menu has been added to the far right of the Activity Staff section (replacing the Delete trashcan icon):

This is where you can now ‘Change Staff’, update ‘Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours’ or ‘Delete [the] Shift’.

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Change Staff

To change the Staff Member rostered into the shift, select 'Change Staff' from the Actions menu: 

Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities are able to do so. 

If the person rostered into a shift has entered recorded data and they are replaced with another Staff Member, the recorded information is wiped - an amber warning displayed in the Change Activity Staff modal:

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Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours

To update the Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours, select 'Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours' from the Actions menu: 

This is only required if your organisation is using the Rate Card for Non-NDIS Billing. 

Please see the  Setting up and using the Rate Card for Non-NDIS Billing article for more information. 

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Delete Shift

To delete the shift, select 'Delete Shift' from the Actions menu: 

Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities are able to delete shifts. 

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Updates to the Dashboard, Icons, Reports and Exports

Changes have been made to the Activity Schedule Dashboard Portal, the Activity Staff Report, the Staff Hours Report and Timesheet Batch data to align with the above. 

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Activity Schedule Dashboard Portal

The first section of this Dashboard portal is being updated to ‘Shifts without Sign Off’. 

The 'Shift Sign Off' column will be empty if Shift Sign Off has been turned off for the related Service.

The bottom section of this Dashboard portal has been renamed to ‘Shifts with Shift/Activity Sign Off complete’.

Status icons have been updated to assist in determining if the 'Shift Sign Off' is required or has been completed, and the Activity Sign Off has been completed, as outlined below.

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Activity Icons

The clock icon has been updated to mean 'Shift Sign Off Expected'. This now only displays when Shift Sign Off is configured for the related Services:

The tick icon has been updated to mean the 'Shift has been Signed Off' solely:

 A new checklist icon has been added to reflect when the 'Activity has been Signed Off':

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Activity Staff Report

The Activity Staff Report returns results of 'Rostered' Staff Shifts, up to the Activity Sign Off is complete, then it returns results of 'Finalised' Staff Shifts, after Activity Sign Off. 

This is also true of the associated exports.

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Staff Hours Report 

The Staff Hours Report returns results of 'Rostered' Staff Shifts, up to the Activity Sign Off is complete, then it returns results of 'Finalised' Staff Shifts, after Activity Sign Off. 

This is also true of the associated export.

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Timesheet Batches

Timesheets included for shifts that have the Activity Sign Off complete (shift sign off no longer explicitly required)

All Timesheet Batch exports now use Finalised data.

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