How to Check In/Out, edit your Recorded Shift Time, Record Kms and complete the Shift Sign Off using the Web App

When using the SupportAbility Web App, you can Check In and Out of your shifts, edit your actual recorded Shift time, record Private and Company Kilometres and complete the Shift Sign Off as required. 

Check In/Out is off by default in all SupportAbility installations and must be configured by a Staff Member with access to System Preferences for each of the Services that this is required for. 

Record Kms and Shift Sign Off can also be configured by Service. 

Please see the  How to Configure Staff Shift Settings by Service article linked below for more information. 

This article discusses Checking In and Out, Editing the Recorded Time, and Recording Kms using the SupportAbility Web App. 

Audience: All


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

When is Check In/Out, the ability to edit my Recorded Shift time, Record Kms and Shift Sign Off available?

For the Check In/Out, Record Kms and Shift Sign Off functionality to be available, these settings must first be configured for the relevant Services in System Preferences in the Web App. 

If you do not see these options available when using the Web App, they may not have been configured yet or may not be required. Please check with your Team Leader or Manager if you have any questions about this. 

Once configured, each of these options will be available. The 'Edit Recorded Time' functionality is available by default for Shifts for all Services.

When this functionality becomes available and can be utilised, is dependent on the Shift start and end times, as outlined below.

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When is Check In available?

The 'Check In' button becomes available  one hour prior to the start of a Shift. 

Once the 'Check In' button becomes available, it displays as shown below:

The Check In button remains available up to  one hour after the end of a shift.

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When is Check Out available?

The ability to Check Out of your shift becomes available after you have Checked In and remains available until the Activity Sign Off has been completed in the Web App:

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When can I edit my recorded Shift time?

The 'Edit Recorded Time' button becomes available  one hour prior to the start of a Shift:

When a Shift is viewed more than one hour before its start time, the 'Edit Recorded Time' button is not available: 

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When is Record Kms available?

It is possible to record Private and/or Company Kms in the Recorded column of the Activity up until the Activity Sign Off has been completed:

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When is Shift Sign Off available?

The Shift Sign Off cannot be completed until the Rostered Shift has commenced: 

Once the Shift has commenced, this button appears in grey until the Shift has concluded: 

Following which it appears in green: 

This is because the Shift Sign Off is recommended to be completed at the end of the Shift when all of the associated required actions have been completed. 

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How to Check In using the Web App

Once the ability to Check In and Out has been configured, Check In becomes available  one hour prior to the start of the shift.

To Check In, select the 'Check In' button:

The time that you checked in is displayed in the 'Recorded' column:

Selecting the 'Check In' button only ever stamps the current time that this is.

Should the actual time you worked or the Check In/Out differ from your Rostered Shift time, selecting 'Edit Recorded Time' allows you to enter the shift times you actually worked. More information regarding this is outlined further in this article. 

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How to Check Out using the Web App

The 'Check Out' button becomes available once you have checked into your shift and remains available until the Activity Sign Off has been completed in the Web App:

To check out, select the 'Check Out' button. The time you checked out will then be displayed in the 'Recorded' Shift time: 

As mentioned above, selecting the 'Check Out' button only ever stamps the current time that this is. Should you wish to clear this, follow the steps below. 

To view the Check In/Out information, select the pin icon. 

Should the actual time you worked or the Check In/Out differ from your Rostered Shift time, selecting 'Edit Recorded Time' allows you to enter the shift times you actually worked. More information regarding this is outlined further in this article.

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How to view Check In/Out information on the Web App

To view Check In/Out information on the Web App, select the pin icon: 

An icon reflects which platform was used to Check In/Out. A laptop appears when this was completed using the Web App and a mobile icon appears when this was completed using the Mobile App. 

The information displayed here depends on how this has been configured for your organisation. 

For example, if 'Time Only' has been configured, only the time the individual Checked In/Out will be displayed here: 

However, when 'Time and Location' has been configured and provided location settings have been enabled, the time and location details will be displayed: 

Selecting the pin icon provides more data:

There may be some instances where this is not available. Please see the 'Check In/Out Locations' section of the  Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms Overview article linked below for more information. 

Check In/Out Data is also available to view in the 'Historical Shift Analysis Report' export available from the Actions menu in the Activity Staff Report. Please see the Staff Shift Analysis Report Exports article linked below for more information. 

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How to Clear Check In/Out using the Web App

If you wish to clear your Check In/Out on the Web App, you will first need to 'Clear Check Out Data' by selecting the Actions menu:

Once 'Clear' Check Out is confirmed:

You will be able to 'Clear Check In Data': 

Once 'Clear' Check In is confirmed:

To clear your Recorded Shift Dates/Times, select the pencil icon, then the revert icon: 

This reverts your shift to your Rostered shift Date/Time: 

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How to edit your Recorded Shift time using the Web App

The 'Recorded' date/time of your Shift can be updated as required from one hour prior to commencing the Shift. This is independent of Check/Out and can be updated either on the Web or the Mobile App up until the Activity Sign Off has been completed in the Web App.

For example, if you were rostered into an 8am - 12:30 pm shift and you worked until 1:00 pm as the Client needed extra assistance, you can enter this additional 30 minutes by editing your recorded time. 

To do so, select the pencil icon under the Recorded shift details: 

Enter the relevant ShiftTo time, in this case, 1:00 pm: 

Along with any required Non-Replicating Staff notes to explain this: 

Remember to select Save Activity to save these changes. 

Once Check In/Out has been completed the 'Recorded' From/To Date/Times are updated to reflect this:   

Once Check In/Out has been completed, this cannot be edited. However, to record your actual Shift time, if this differs from your Rostered Shift time or Check In/Out time, you can update this by selecting the pencil icon. 

If you worked the same time as your rostered time, select the 'revert' icon, and your Recorded Shift time will revert to the rostered time: 

However, if the time you worked differs from this, click on the Date/Time to edit this accordingly.

Remember to select 'Save Activity' to save these changes. 

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How to Record kms using the Web App

Recording Private and/or Company kms using the Web App can be updated at any time. 

To do so, enter the number of kms travelled in the Private and/or Company km field: 

Remember to select 'Save Activity' to save these changes. 

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How to complete the Shift Sign Off using the Web App

The Shift Sign Off  becomes available  one hour prior to the start of your shift: 

While it can be completed from this time, it appears in grey until the end of the Shift, upon which is changes to green as it is only recommended to complete this once the shift has concluded and all required tasks have been complete: 

This is because the Shift Sign Off is recommended to be completed at the end of the Shift when all of the associated required actions have been completed. 

Once completed, it will appear like this, with the ability to Remove Sign Off as required: 

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