Activity Staff Report

The Activity Staff Report allows providers to search for Staff added to Activity records via a range of search criteria. 

For example, in the case of a group Activity where more than one Staff member or multiple Staff shifts have been added, the results returned in this report will list the same Activity multiple times, with each result reflecting the Staff Members that have been added to the Activity. 

It is a useful report for reviewing which Activities a Staff member has been added to, Staff Shifts set as TO BE FILLED, Staff Shifts that are not yet Signed Off (if your organisation is using this feature), and to assist in rescheduling Staff in Activities where required.

In addition to the primary report export, additional exports are available to assist in analysing shift data in different ways. 

This article steps through how to generate this report, search criteria, list results, and printing or exporting this report. 

Audience: Team Leaders, Support Staff


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

What is a Staff Shift?

When Staff are added to the Staff Section of an Activity record this creates their 'Shift' and informs the Roster: 

By default, the 'Rostered', 'Recorded' and 'Finalised' Date and Times automatically reflect the Activity Date/Times, when the staff member is first added. Noting that only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can add Staff Shifts to Activities and edit these.

The details visible in the Staff section of the Activity record depend on the individual's privileges. For more information, please see the Rostered, Recorded, and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms Overview article linked below.  

If the Staff Roster and/or Shift functionality in SupportAbility is not being used, Staff may be added to an Activity to reflect which staff members were working with which Clients at a given point in time. 

Customising Shifts

The 'Rostered' Shift Date/Times and Kms may be customised as required by staff with the privileges required to manage Activities. For example, if a staff member is required to commence work 1/2 hour earlier than the Activity time to complete setup tasks, the staff member's Roster will display the customised Shift time rather than the Activity time. 

Please see the  Managing Staff Shifts article linked below for more information. 

Recording Actual Times and Kms

The 'Recorded' Date/Times and Kms is where the staff member rostered into the Shift can record their actual hours worked and Kms travelled, either via the Web or Mobile App should this differ from the Rostered Date/Times and Kms.  

Only the staff member associated with the shift can view and edit their 'Recorded' Hours/Kms. Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can view Recorded Hours/Kms but cannot update this. 

When Staff use the SupportAbility Mobile App to Check In/Out of their shifts and/or Record Kms, this automatically updates the 'Recorded' data in the Web App. 

More information on this is outlined in the  How to Check In/Out and Record kms using the Mobile App article linked below for reference.

Shift/Timesheet Data for Payroll

The 'Finalised' Date/Times and Kms is the data used in Timesheet Batches and other reports and exports for payroll. 

The 'Finalised' data populates based on how it has been configured in System Preferences, either to use 'Rostered' or 'Recorded' data. 

The Staff Member associated with the Shift cannot see the 'Finalised' data until after the Activity Sign Off is completed. 

Availability issues and Clashes

When there is an 'Availability Issue' a red notification displays for the relevant staff member/s:

Selecting the 'Availability Issue' notification opens the 'Activity Warnings' window, which displays details of the issue, including a link to the other Activity if there is a clash.

A Staff Clash occurs when a staff member is rostered into another Activity with an overlapping date and time.

An 'Availability Issue' occurs when a staff member has 'Approved' or 'Pending' Leave Exceptions, as configured on the 'Availability' tab in their Staff Account, that correspond to their Shift Date/Times.

The 'Availability Issue' notification and 'Conflicting Activities' icon are displayed to assist staff when rostering. Once the Activity Sign Off has been performed, Availability notifications and icons continue to display to assist when processing payroll.

Staff Sign Off

If your organisation requires this, an optional Sign-off facility is available for Staff to sign off their Shifts, either on the Web or Mobile App. 

However, regardless of whether staff have signed off their shifts, the Activity Sign Off prepares the 'Finalised' data for use in Timesheet Batches. 

Non-NDIS Chargeable Hrs

The 'Non-NDIS Chargeable Hrs' area of the Staff section in an Activity can be disregarded, as the hours displayed here are not related to the Staff members shift in any way.

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How to generate an Activity Staff Report 

Select 'Reports' from the Dashboard: 

Navigate to the Activity Reports subsection of the Activities section of the Reports menu and select 'Activity Staff Report':

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Search criteria

A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently, or in conjunction, to search across Staff added to Activities in SupportAbility: 

The following search criteria are available in the Activity Report: 

  • Staff Members
  • Clients
  • Sites
  • Services
  • Rostered Shift Date
  • Program
  • Tags
  • Shift Sign Off Status
  • Activity Sign Off Status

N.B. Whilst some filters display all available options e.g. 'Sites' and 'Services' filters, the results returned are based on the level of access the individual has. For example, if an individual runs a search for the Support Coordination Service and does not have access to this Service, no results will be returned.

Other filters, such as the 'Staff Members' and 'Clients' filters, only display the names of staff/clients relative to the individual's level of access. For example, a staff member without the Team Leader privilege will only be able to see their own name displayed in the 'Staff Members' filter, while an individual with the Team Leader privilege will see the names displayed of staff associated with the Site/Service they have the privilege for.

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Multi-select and enter text 

Each of the search criteria with a drop-down list allows you to multi-select options: 

Closing the Filter

Selecting the arrow in the corner of the filter, or anywhere outside the filter closes the filter list. 

Removing Selected Options

To remove the criteria selected, select the cross to the right of the filter: 

Narrowing the List of Displayed Options

For ease of navigating long lists of options and to narrow down the options displayed, a search term may be entered e.g 'Jem'. A list of options that match the information entered will be displayed for selection: 

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Staff Members and Clients

By default, all 'Staff Members' and 'Clients', both 'Active' and 'Inactive' are deselected.

If you wish to search for specific rostered Staff Members or participating Clients in Activities, they may be selected here: 

N.B. These criteria will only display the Staff Members and Clients that you have access to. This filter is not mandatory and only needs to be selected if you wish to search for specific Staff Members or Clients or Active/Inactive, for example. 

Staff Members - TO BE FILLED

Selecting TO BE FILLED is a useful search criterion for rostering staff as it searches for Activities that have Shifts added which are not yet assigned to a staff member: 

Please see the  Managing Staff Shifts article linked below for more information about this. 

Narrowing the Results for Specific Clients

If one or more Clients are selected in the search e.g. Tim Swanston, this will return the results of the Staff shifts associated with the Activities the selected Client is participating in: 

Note that the Art Group Activity is listed in the search results three times. This is due to three different Staff Members being added to this Activity, so each row reflects each Staff Member's Shift associated with the Activity. 

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Sites and Services

All Active Sites and Services are selected by default.  

To narrow the search, select the relevant  Site/s you wish to report on: 

Alternatively, leave all Active Sites selected for a holistic view.

Select the relevant   Services which you wish to report on:

Alternatively, leave all Active Services selected for a holistic view.

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Rostered Shift Date, Program, and Tags

Select a Rostered Shift Date range, for example, the current week, month, or rostering period: 

N.B. 'Rostered' Shift information and KMS are returned in the results up until Activity Sign Off, and then 'Finalised' data is used.

The  Program search criteria can be used to locate Activities by Program, provided the list of Activity::Programs has been configured, and Programs are being added to the Activities your organisation delivers e.g. 'Centre Based': 

If your organisation is using 'Other' when adding Programs to Activities and entering a custom Program, the 'Other' option may be of assistance. Selecting this checkbox in the search criterion opens up a free text field that must be completed in order to yield the required results: 

This information is included in the Programs column of the export. For more information about this, please review the  Activity Programs List article linked below. 

The  Tags search criteria can be used to locate Activities by any Tags which have been saved to the record, provided Activity Tags have been configured in System Preferences and applied to Activity records e.g. 'Client Transport required': 

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Shift Sign Off Status and Activity Sign Off Status

If your organisation requires Staff to Sign Off their Shifts, which can be completed on either the Web or Mobile App: 

The Shift Sign Off Status search criterion is a useful way to search for staff Shifts that are Not Signed Off: 

Locating these Activities will allow you to follow up with the Staff Members who need to complete their Shift Sign Off. Note the 'Activity complete, Shift not yet Signed Off' Status icon is appearing in the Status column of the list results to indicate this: 

A really useful search criterion is the  Activity Sign Off Status, where it is possible to  search for Staff in Activities which are either: 

  • Signed Off, or
  • Not Signed Off

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Generate Report

Once the desired parameters have been set, select 'Generate Report': 

The search criteria will remain displayed, however, this may be minimised by selecting the 'Hide Search Filters' arrow button when necessary.

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List results

Once the report has been generated, the results will be displayed onscreen along with a summary at the top noting the number of search results e.g. Showing Activity Staff 1 to 23 of 23:

N.B. 'Rostered' Shift information and KMS is returned in the results up until Activity Sign Off, then 'Finalised' data is used.

The following columns of information are listed in the Activity Staff Report onscreen results: 

  • Activity - target icon and Activity Name with link to navigate to that Activity record
  • Staff Member - the First Name and Surname of the Staff Member in the Activity 
    N.B. The Results list each Shift separately per Activity.
  • From Time - the From Date and Time of the Staff Shift
  • To Time - the To Time of the Staff Shift
    • N.B. The day of the week and Date will only be displayed in this column if this differs from the 'From Time'
  • Staff Hours - the total Staff Shift duration in hours
    • N.B. The total value displayed at the bottom of this list is the sum of the search results across all pages:
  • Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs - the total number of all Client NDIS Support Allocations with an 'Hours' Unit of Measure
    • N.B. The total value displayed at the bottom of this list is the sum of the search results across all pages
  • Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
  • Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated by or managed by
  • Program - the Program added to this Activity where applicable
  • Location - the Location this Activity is occurring at as configured
  • Clients - all Clients participating in this Activity as configured
  • Staff - all Staff facilitating this Activity as configured
  • Status - Activity Icons specific to the holistic Activity records (refer to the section below)

Many of these columns may be sorted by ascending or descending order by selecting the up/down arrows, based on how you wish to view the results. 

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Status icons

The Status column displays various Activity icons and can also be handy to review at a glance as they provide information about the Activity: 

To view what the Status icon represents, hover over the icon for a few seconds and text will display e.g. Conflicting activities: 

The Status icons which may appear in this report based on the status of the Activity, and as shown above, are as follows: 

  • Tick = 'Shift Signed Off'
  • Clock = 'Activity Complete, Shift not yet Signed Off'
  • Ticked list = 'Activity has been Signed Off'
  • Intersecting curved arrows = 'Conflicting activities'

This information is also included in the CSV export available from the Actions menu. Please see below for more information.

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Opening the List Results

To navigate to any of the Activities in the list of results, select the target icon and link to the Activity:  

To return to the Activity List results from within a selected Activity, open the Actions menu and select 'Return to Activity List': 

An alternative way to view individual Activities from the Results List is to right-click on the Activity link, then select the option to 'Open Link In New Tab': 

This will open up the Activity in a new tab making it easy to refer back to the Results List on the original tab. 

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Printing and exporting this report

Print Activity Staff Report

Once the report has been generated, there is the option to Print this report by selecting the print icon on the top right-hand side of the window: 

The selected Search Criteria are displayed at the top of the report, and the list results displayed below: 

N.B. Due to limited space, the list results in the print report are a condensed version.  

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Download Activity Staff Report

Once the report has been generated, there is the option to download a CSV export of this report by selecting the Actions menu on the top right-hand side of the window:

This is a data-rich file. Once opened in a program like Microsoft Excel, Pivot tables and filters can be used to sort and filter this information as required for your organisation's reporting requirements. 

Export Content

The following columns of information are included in the Activity Report export, sorted in order by the Activity From Date: 

  • Activity ID - the SupportAbility Activity record ID
  • Shift ID - the SupportAbility Staff Shift record ID 
    • It is important to note that the Shift ID is not viewable in the Activity record. This has been added to assist providers using multiple exports together and to determine when different shifts belong to a single Activity. 
  • Staff Member Name - the First Name of the Staff Member in the Activity 
  • Staff Member Surname - the Surname of the Staff Member in the Activity 
  • SupportAbility Staff ID - the SupportAbility Staff record ID
  • From - the 'Activity From' Date and Time 
  • To - the 'Activity To' Date Time 
  • Duration - the total Staff Shift duration in hours
  • Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs - the total number of all Client NDIS Support Allocations with an 'Hours' Unit of Measure
  • Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
  • Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated by or managed by

  • Activity - the name of the Activity
  • Activity Sign Off Date & Time - the date and time the 'Activity Sign Off' was performed, if the Activity Sign Off has been performed
  • Activity Sign Off Completed By - the name of the Staff Member who completed the 'Activity Sign Off', if the Activity Sign Off has been performed
  • Program - the Program added to this Activity where applicable
  • Location - the Location this Activity is occurring at as configured
  • Clients - the Clients participating in this Activity as configured, comma-separated
  • Staff - the Staff facilitating this Activity as configured, comma-separated

Additional information is contained in the export file as follows:

  • Status icon information - specific to each Activity record, listed as Yes/No based on the status of the Activity: 
    • Staff positions TO BE FILLED
    • Staff availability issues
    • Activity complete, Timesheets not yet Signed Off
    • Shift Signed Off - 
      - Yes: the individual has signed off their Shift, either completed in the Web or Mobile App and as displayed in the Web App
      - No: the individual has not signed off their Shift
  • Shift Sign Off Date & Time - the date and time the 'Staff Time Sheet Sign Off' was performed.
    N.B. The Activity displays the Shift Sign Off details either when a Staff Member signs off their shift specifically, or when the Shift is automatically signed off by the 'Activity Sign Off' being performed.  The export, however, only displays information when a Staff Member has signed off the Shift specifically, otherwise, the field will be blank.
  • Shift Sign Off Completed By - the name of the Staff Member who completed the 'Staff Time Sheet Sign Off'.  Similarly to the above field, the export only displays information when a Staff Member has signed off the Shift specifically, otherwise, the field will be blank.
  • Exported in Timesheet Batch - Status icon information specific to each Activity record listed as Yes/No based on the status of the Activity
  • Tags - any Activity Tags which have been saved in the Activity record
  • Private kms - the number of Private kilometres recorded, if any, for this Staff Member's shifts
  • Company kms - the number of Company kilometres recorded, if any, for this Staff Member's shifts
  • Staff Clashes -
    • 'Yes' - indicates one or more Clashes exist with this Activity for this Staff Member
    • 'No' - indicates there are no Clashes with this Activity for this Staff Member
  • Includes Break
    • 'Yes' - indicates 'Includes Break' was selected for this Staff Member's shift
    • 'No' - indicates 'Includes Break' was not selected for this Staff Member's shift
  • Not Paid
    • 'Yes' - indicates 'Not Paid' was selected for this Staff Member's shift
    • 'No' - indicates 'Not Paid' was not selected for this Staff Member's shift 
  • Non-Replicating Staff Notes - if any 'Non-Replicating Staff Notes' have been recorded in an individual Activity
  • Replicating Staff Notes - if any 'Replicating Staff Notes' have been recorded in the Activity set 
  • Replicating Client Notes - if any if any 'Replicating Client Notes' have been recorded in the Activity set 

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Download 1:1 Service Staff Billing Report

This report is only intended for individual services, hence 1:1 in the title and was designed for providers using Clinical Funding. Please see the Managing Clinical Non-NDIS Funding article linked below.  This report exports the total billable amount and allocates this to each Staff member delivering the Service. 

Download Non-NDIS Staff Billing Report

Provides data regarding what each Staff member has invoiced for each shift in the Activities included in the report, based on the number of hours and kilometres recorded, multiplied by the Rate Card for the Activity Service. 

N.B. This report assumes all Clients are paying using a non-NDIS funding type, therefore is only useful for Activities wholly comprised of non-NDIS funding types. 

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Shift Categorisation Audit Report export

A Shift Categorisation Audit Report export was introduced in the upgrade to SupportAbility v8.8 (July 2024).

While this can be exported at any time, this report is intended to assist Team Leaders, Finance, and Payroll teams in reviewing Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data, including Timesheet Categorisation, prior to generating Timesheet Batches, to ensure the data is correct and ready for payroll processing. 

Please see the  Staff Shift Analysis Report Exports article linked below for further details. 

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Historical Shift Analysis Report export

The Historical Shift Analysis Report export was introduced in the upgrade to SupportAbility v8.9 (August 2024).

While this can be exported at any time, it is intended to assist in reviewing Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data, including warnings, differences and Check In/Out details, after Timesheet Batches have been generated and payroll has been processed. 

This export can be used to compare the expected hours and kms, i.e. Rostered, vs. the actual hours worked and kms travelled, i.e. Recorded, vs. the hours and kms paid, i.e. Finalised, for a specific period to identify any discrepancies or opportunities related to this. 

Please see the  Staff Shift Analysis Report Exports article linked below for further details. 

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