Setting up the Rate Card (Non-NDIS funding ONLY)

Rate Cards were provided in SupportAbility to assist providers with calculating how much a Client is to be charged for any non-NDIS funding i.e. Fee for Service (Billable). 

As Rate Cards are used for Non-NDIS billing purposes only and are subject to Cost Amortisation, due to these limitations, this functionality has been scheduled to be decommissioned. Please refer to the Decommissioned Feature Notices section of the SupportAbility Roadmap article for more information regarding this. 

A blue banner informational message has been added to the Rate Cards tab in System Preferences, to alert providers that this functionality is due to be decommissioned i.e.  IMPORTANT - Rate Cards are used for Non-NDIS billing purposes only and are subject to Cost Amortisation. Due to these limitations, this functionality has been scheduled to be decommissioned. We recommend using Activity Costs for Non-NDIS billing instead

Information about managing Non-NDIS billing using  Activity Costs in lieu of Rate Cards is outlined in the linked article for reference.

This article outlines what a Rate Card is, provides examples of using the Rate Card for regular and higher rate supports, and explains how only one Rate Card is valid at a time regardless of whether organisations have created multiple Rate Cards. It also outlines how to update the rate card when an increase in rates for a given service/s occurs.

Audience: Finance Team, Operations Management


An understanding of the available options to manage Non-NDIS Funding is required, along with the associated limitations. Please review the linked article for more information. 


The following list summarises the content of this article:

What is the Rate Card?

The rate card is one option providers have to set up specific rates for each service they deliver, to calculate how much a client is  to be charged for any non-NDIS funding [i.e. Fee for Service (Billable)]. This can be set up in System Preferences. 

If utilised, this allows SupportAbility to calculate how much the client is being billed, or how much expenditure has been accrued for the hours of support provided in the activities they participate in. Please note that SupportAbility calculates this  based on a  cost amortisation model for group servicing, therefore please consider if this model will suit your organisation. 

Each service can have it's own set of rates added. For example, the following rates have been set for the 'Individual' service - the Base Hours rate of $38.05, Public Holiday rate of $95.13 and rate per kilometre of $1.07: 

When a client participates in an activity with the Individual service, they are charged according to these rates. The hours and kilometres can be added, or edited where required, in the Staff section of the corresponding activity. 

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Example One 

Our staff member Abel has delivered one hour of support to a client on a regular weekday and used the company vehicle to for this purpose that is billable to the client. Therefore he has entered 1 hour against the Base hours, and 10 Company kilometres within the activity: 

In this case the client will be charged a total of $48.75 [$38.05 for one hour of support at the Base Hours rate + 10 x $1.07 for the Company kilometres incurred]. 

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Example Two

Similarly Abel has delivered an hour of support to a client, however in this case it is on a public holiday where a higher rate is charged. He has also used his private vehicle for this purpose and therefore he needs to be reimbursed for the kilometres. With this in mind, he has entered 1 hour against the Public Holiday hours and 10 kilometres against Private Kms: 

In this case the client will be charged a total of $105.83 [$95.13 for one hour of support at the Public Holiday Hours rate + 10 x $1.07 for the Private kilometres incurred]. Not only will the client be charged for the kilometres, as Private kilometres require reimbursement, the 10 kms incurred will populate in Abel's timesheet data for payroll. 

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Valid Rate Card

An organisation may have multiple rate cards, however only one rate card can be valid at a given time e.g. the current rate card in this case is valid from 1st of January 2013 to the 30th of June 2017 and is highlighted in green. The historic rate card is listed below: 

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Updating the Rate Card when rates increase

In the case where there is an increase in rates for a given service/s, the current rate card should first be duplicated, then the relevant dates for the new rate card entered along with the increased rates. 

To duplicate the rate card, navigate to the far right hand side of the services listed and you will see the Duplicate button: 

Once selected, the system will prompt you to make sure you want to duplicate the current rate card, this can be done as the current rate card will stay in place until the time frame specified e.g. 30th of June 2017 

Enter the date that the new rates apply from and to e.g. the next financial year: 

And enter in the adjusted rates.

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When setting up the Rate Card is not required

Setting up the Rate Card is  not required if your organisation is solely using SupportAbility for NDIS invoices as the NDIS Price Lists are built into SupportAbility. 

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