Generating an External [Plan Managed] Invoice Batch

This article outlines the steps for generating an External (Plan Managed) Invoice Batch, the available exports for download, and how to view the External Invoice Batches once downloaded.

Audience: Finance Team and anyone tasked with generating External or Plan Managed Invoice Batches.


  • To generate invoice batches, Staff will need the 'Edit ALL Clients' and 'View Financial Information' Staff Account Privileges and this is completed from the Finance menu
  • General Ledger Codes for Plan Management must also be configured
  • Please review the Entering External Invoices in the Client's NDIS FPM tab article for more information about entering External Invoices received from NDIS Service Providers and performing the required Sign Off

Audience: Authorised Representatives, Finance Team, Support Staff who work in the Plan Management Service


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Generating an External [Plan Managed] Invoice Batch  

An External Invoice Batch is generated from the Plan Management::External Invoices section of the Finance menu: 

Please note the Plan Management section in the Finance menu, will only display for Providers who deliver, or have delivered, NDIS Financial Plan Management Services. 

Use the search criteria to determine the Invoices you wish to include in the batch: 

Once the search has been performed, the Available External Invoices to select from will be listed:

Select the relevant Invoices, then continue on to generate the Invoice Batch. SupportAbility creates a unique Invoice number for each Invoice in this process:

This is unique to the actual Invoice Number and is used as the Claim Reference Number when these Invoices are included in a Plan Management Bulk Payment Request. 

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Accounts Payable

Once the External Invoice batch has been generated, Accounts Payable invoices can then be exported for your organisation's Finance system. The Creditor for these invoices is the NDIS Service Provider that the invoice has been received from. 

Accounts Payable Invoices can be downloaded using one of the options in the Actions menu found in the top right corner of the screen:

There are currently Accounts Payable Invoice exports available for:

  • MYOB AccountRight v19 
  • MYOB AccountRight 2020
  • Xero

Accounts Receivable 

Accounts Receivable invoices can also be exported for your organisation's Finance system. The Debtor for these invoices is the NDIA. 

Accounts Receivable Invoices can be downloaded using one of the options in the Actions menu found in the top right corner of the screen:

There are currently Accounts Receivable Invoice exports available for:

  • MYOB AccountRight v19 
  • MYOB AccountRight 2020
  • Xero
Custom exports

If your organisation requires invoice exports for a different Finance system, custom Invoice exports will need to be created. To build this, the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable invoice format specifications of your organisation's finance package is required in order for our Engineering team to scope the paid development work required. 

Please review the Custom Finance Integration article linked below for more information and have your organisation's Authorised Representative email our Customer Success team at if you wish to proceed. 

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Viewing External [Plan Managed] Invoice Batches

Any Invoice Batches created can be viewed at any time from the Finance menu. 

Staff with access to the batch report may view this by selecting 'List External Invoice Batches':

When Plan Management Bulk Payment Requests (BPRs) have been generated, the associated record is linked within the External Invoice Batch for reference: 

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Remove External Invoice/s

Once External Invoices have been included in an NDIS Bulk Payment Request or an External Invoice Batch, they are locked and cannot be edited or have the Sign Off removed, unless they are removed from the applicable batch first e.g:

If this is required, to remove an External Invoice from the NDIS Bulk Payment Request and/or the External Invoice Batch, navigate to the batch report/s.  Provided you have the 'Delete Records' Staff Account Privilege you can remove the applicable invoices. To do so either remove the selected invoice: 

Or delete the entire batch: 

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Quick reference link to the External Invoice Batch and the Plan Management BPR 

Once External Invoices are included in an External Invoice Batch and/or a Plan Management BPR this information is displayed as a 'quick reference' link in the following places. 

  • Within the External Invoice record: 

  • The Client's FPM tab: 

  • In the NDIS FPM tab on the NDIS Service Provider Contact record: 

    N.B.  The NDIS FPM tab in a Contact record is only visible to Staff who have the ‘Plan Management’ Service listed in their Staff Account.  
    In addition to this, they will need the ‘View Financial Information’ privilege in order to access the related Invoice Batches and BPRs which are linked here.

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