Invoice Number Formatting

When generating invoices, SupportAbility creates a unique Invoice Number for Internal [Direct] and External [Plan Managed] Invoices. However, this is something our Customer Success team can configure for your organisation once you inform us how you would like this structured.

Audience: Authorised Representatives, Finance Team


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How the Internal [Direct] Invoice Number is structured

The internal invoice number generated is comprised of three parts:

  • Prefix: an alphanumeric code that comes before the invoice number
  • Number:  a numeric  invoice number, left padded with zeros
  • Suffix: an alphanumeric code that comes after the invoice number

Providers can choose a prefix, invoice number to commence from, a suffix and also choose the number of zeros to pad in front of the invoice number as required. 

For example, the below invoice number displays as 'SA000094', comprising the default settings for the Prefix (SA), Suffix (blank) and the number of padded zeros (6), with the invoice number being '94':

The Invoice Number is included in the Invoice Batch export for your organisation's Finance system. 

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Internal [Direct] Invoice Number formatting options

The next invoice number can be configured so that SupportAbility will start generating invoice numbers following that number.  Please note: for providers who have already begun generating internal invoice batches, the numbers will already have accrued beyond number 1. 

Invoice Number Padding Left Zeros

The number of zeros that you wish entered before the invoice number can be customised here, by default this is set to 6. These can be removed altogether as required. Please note, some finance systems require a set sequence of numbers for invoices. 

Invoice Number Prefix

An invoice number prefix can be customised here.  By default this is set to SA, however, this can be removed altogether if required. 

Invoice Number Suffix

An invoice number suffix can be customised here. By default this has been left blank, however, it can be modified as required.

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External [Plan Managed] Invoice Number formatting options 

N.B. applicable to providers of Plan Management Services only

Invoice Number Padding Left Zeros

The number of zeros that you wish entered before the invoice number can be customised here, by default this is set to 6. These can be removed altogether as required. Please note some finance systems require a set sequence of numbers for invoices. 

Invoice Number Prefix

An invoice number prefix can be customised here, by default this is set to EX. This can be removed altogether if required. 

Invoice Number Suffix

An invoice number suffix can be customised here, by default this is blank. 

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Invoice Number formatting design considerations

Whilst the prefix and suffix can be removed altogether, we recommend retaining at least one of these as an identifier. This will ensure that it is clear in your finance system that this invoice data has been generated using SupportAbility. 

Please also keep in mind the following specification requirements of the various when designing your invoice number formatting:

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How is this updated in SupportAbility?

Please send a support request to if you would like the Invoice Formatting configured for your organisation via your organisation's Authorised Representatives

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