Configuring General Ledger Codes
This article steps through configuring General Ledger Codes in System Preferences that automatically populate when Direct Invoice Batches are generated for finance and in Staff Timesheet Batches when generated for payroll.
Audience: Finance Team
Your organisation has:
- Understood how General Ledger Codes can be structured in SupportAbility,
- for more information on this, please review the General Ledger Codes article linked below.
- How revenue should be categorised based on your organisation's Chart of Accounts for the Invoices that will be exported to your Finance system, and
- How wage expenses should be categorised based on your organisation's Chart of Accounts if Staff Timesheets will be exported to your Payroll system.
Anyone tasked with configuring General Ledger (GL) Codes must have the System Preferences Staff Account Privilege to complete this configuration.
This article discusses:
- Which General Ledger Codes need to be configured?
- Entering General Ledger Codes
- Placeholder General Ledger Code
Which General Ledger Codes need to be configured?
When Invoice and/or Timesheet batches are generated using SupportAbility, the associated GL code is automatically allocated to the revenue or expense data based on how this has been configured.
General Ledger (GL) Codes are entered into the 'GL Codes' tab, of your organisation's Site records in System Preferences:
When configuring GL codes in SupportAbility, it is important to ensure these are configured for:
- each of the Client Funding GL Code fields for the Sites/Services and Funding Types your organisation will be generating Invoice Batches for.
- each of the Staff Timesheet GL Code fields for the Sites/Services your organisation will be generating Timesheet Batches for.
Client Funding GL Codes
As explained in the General Ledger Codes article, Client Funding GL Codes can be set up by:
- Site,
- Service or
- Funding Type,
Or any combination of these three entities.
If your organisation's General Ledger is structured in a manner where revenue is categorised by Service only for example, then the relevant code e.g. 'ACC-DAY' would be entered for any Funding Types you are generating Invoices for e.g. NDIS; against this Service, in each Site record:
For example Melbourne (HQ) Site:
And the Bayside Site:
Similarly if revenue is categorised by Site, or Funding Type only, then the relevant code e.g. 'ACC-NDIS' would be entered instead against each Service this Funding Type was in use for against each Site record:
However, if your organisation would like to differentiate the revenue imported into your Finance system by Site and Service for example, then the GL codes can accommodate this e.g. Invoices for NDIS Supports for Activities delivered by the Day Service at the Melbourne HQ Site could be categorised to 'ACC-MELB-DAY' GL code e.g:
Whereas Invoices for NDIS Supports for Activities delivered by the Day Services at the Sydney would be categorised to 'ACC-DAY-SYD':
Staff Timesheet GL Codes
If your organisation is using SupportAbility to generate Timesheet batches for payroll, then it is recommended that the associated expense code for Staff wages at the Site/Service is entered into the Staff Timesheets GL Code also e.g:
Entering General Ledger Codes
- Select the System Preferences Button from the Main Menu on the Dashboard.
- Select the Sites tab.
- Click the target icon for the site you wish to enter General Ledger codes for:
- Select the GL Codes tab:
- Enter the applicable General Ledger codes against each active Service and Funding Type that you'll be generating Invoice Batches for e.g NDIS:
Click the 'Save Site' button. Repeat for each Site record.
When your organisation exports Internal [direct] Invoices to your finance system, SupportAbility will allocate General Ledger codes to each Invoice based on the Site, Service and Payment Method, as configured here e.g: excerpt from the 'MYOB Account Right v19' Invoice Export:
Placeholder General Ledger Code
A Placeholder GL Code can be entered for Direct Invoices in System Preferences::Invoicing:
SupportAbility will use this value for any Internal [Direct] Invoices where the GL Code is 'missing' i.e. no GL Code has been configured for Site/Service and Funding Type.
The Placeholder General Ledger Code acts as a fallback measure to ensure that all Direct Invoices have a GL Code when exported for your organisations finance system.