View/Edit Direct Invoices
A target icon and/or link to each Invoice included in a Batch is available from a number of places in SupportAbility, such as during the process of generating a Direct Invoice Batch, once a Direct Invoice Batch has been generated and when viewing Direct Invoices from the 'Invoicing' section of the Client Funding tab or from the 'Finance' section of the Activity record.
Historically, when the target icon/link was selected, this would open a PDF print preview of the Invoice data. This has been redesigned with the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.10 (June, 2021) and users are now navigated to a new View/Edit Direct Invoice screen. The mode in which this screen appears depends on where the Invoice is being accessed from and the privileges that the individual has. This is outlined in further detail below.
The View/Edit Direct Invoice screen includes information about the Bill-To Customer (i.e. the Debtor, or FPM), as well as the Sell-To Customer (i.e. the Client), and other important Invoice Details. Each Invoice Item is listed below this, in a similar way to the list of Allocations in a Direct BPR. The list of Invoice Items can be narrowed down as required by using the 'Filter Invoice Items' search bar.
When viewing this information, if any changes are required, these can be made by Staff with Finance Admin privileges from the Activity record. Please see the How to correct NDIS Support Allocations after Activity Sign Off in Finance Edit Mode (edit, delete and/or add) article for more information.
The Direct Invoice can continue to be viewed in the PDF print preview format by selecting the Print icon from the View/Edit Direct Invoice screen.
This article discusses the View/Edit Invoice screen in detail as well as how to Edit Invoice Items as required.
Privileges: In order to view Direct Invoices, the ‘View Financial Information’ Staff Account privilege is required, as well as access to the relevant Client record/s.
In order to view the Invoice preview when a Direct Invoice Batch is in the process of being generated, or to access the Edit Direct Invoice screen, the ‘View Financial Information’ Staff Account privilege is required in combination with either:
- the ‘Edit Client Records Across ALL Services’ privilege, or
- the ‘Team Leader for ALL Services’ privilege.
Audience: Authorised Representatives, Finance Team, Team Leaders, Operations Management
The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- When does the View Direct Invoice screen appear vs. the Edit Direct Invoice screen?
- Invoice Details
- Invoice Items
- Edit Invoice Items
- Print preview
- Delete Invoice
When does the View Direct Invoice screen appear vs. the Edit Direct Invoice screen?
The mode in which this screen appears depends on where the Invoice is being accessed from and the privileges that the individual has.
View Direct Invoice: Pending Generation
If an Invoice is being viewed when an Invoice Batch is in the process of being generated, this will appear as 'View Direct Invoice: Pending Generation' e.g:
This view is designed as a preview that lists each of the Invoice Items that are set to be included in this Invoice. Given the Invoice does not technically exist yet, limited details and functionality are available in this preview mode.
Similarly, when a Direct Invoice is being accessed from the Finance section of the Activity record:
And selected from the Financial Records modal e.g:
Or, if it was being viewed from the Direct Invoices section of the Funding tab:
The way that the Invoice appears when selected depends on the individual's privileges.
View Direct Invoice
A 'View Direct Invoice' screen is displayed for those that have the 'View Financial Records' privilege as well as access to the Client record:
Edit Direct Invoice
An 'Edit Direct Invoice' screen is displayed for those with the 'View Financial Records' privilege, as well as either the ‘Edit Client Records Across ALL Services’ privilege, or the ‘Team Leader for ALL Services’ privilege when accessing Direct Invoices once they have been generated:
Individual Invoice Items can be edited by those with access to the 'Edit Direct Invoice' screen. This is discussed further below.
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Invoice Details
The View/Edit Direct Invoice screen includes information about the Bill-To Customer, as well as the Sell-To Customer, other important Invoice Details and the ability to add Notes has been introduced from the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.17 (October, 2021):
Many enterprise-grade finance systems require both information about the Bill-To Customer (i.e. the Debtor, or FPM) and Sell-To Customer (i.e. the Client) in order for Invoices to be imported successfully.
Simpler entry-level finance systems such as MYOB and Xero, etc. do not have the capacity to include both the Bill-To and Sell-To Customer information. Such systems only support a singular Customer reference which is used to store the Bill-To Customer information. The Sell-To Customer information is, however, included as additional information in these exports for reference purposes only.
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Bill-To Customer (Debtor)
This section lists the party that the Direct Invoice is being issued to which may either be the Client themselves, a Client Personal Contact or a Shared Contact record in SupportAbility:
In this example, the Debtor is 'All Star Provider' who are a provider of Plan Management services for which a Shared Contact record has been configured in SupportAbility, and has been set as the Financial Plan Manager (FPM) in Ted's NDIS Direct Client Funding record.
- For NDIS Invoices, the Bill-To Customer is based on how the 'Financial Plan Manager' has been set in the related NDIS Direct Client Funding record
- For Non-NDIS Invoices, the Bill-To Customer is based on how the 'Invoices For' setting has been configured in the related Non-NDIS Client Funding record
- In the case of 'Billable' Invoices, the Bill-To Customer is based on how the Client's Billing Contact has been configured in the Contacts tab of their record
- For more information, please see the Client Billing Contact article linked below
Change Debtor
When the Debtor for an Invoice has required changing in your organisation's finance system, this can also be changed in SupportAbility to ensure both systems align. It is important to note this is only available for non-NDIA Invoices.
To change the Debtor, select the 'Change' button next to the Debtor:
Select the relevant 'new' Debtor e.g. the Client (Client Personal Contact), if the Client's funds are now Self Managed:
Select 'Change' to confirm this selection:
Once confirmed, the Debtor has been changed in the Invoice record:
It is recommended to change the Financial Plan Manager in the Client's Funding record also if all future Invoices should be generated to this Debtor:
Once this has been changed, it will appear as such:
Customer ID
This section displays identifiers related to the Bill-To Customer:
The SupportAbility auto-generated Customer ID is always listed here and as the name implies, is a unique identifier that is auto-generated by SupportAbility based on the specific type of record this is.
In this example, the 'SupportAbility auto-generated' identifier for 'All Star Provider' is CO_10130. The two letters represent the type of record it is i.e. CO as is a Shared Contact record (this would begin with CL if it was a Client record and CC if it was a Client Personal Contact record), and the numbers represent the SupportAbility record ID.
N.B. The SupportAbility auto-generated Customer ID is generally used by ERP/enterprise systems with custom integrations with specific finance systems such as Nav Dynamics, Microsoft Business Central and SAP B1 and therefore this information is only relevant where an organisation uses such a custom export.
The Manually entered (Debtor ID field) Customer ID is listed here if an identifier has been manually entered into the 'Debtor ID' field of the associated record:
Sell-To Customer (Client)
This section lists the Client that this Invoice is for, as well as the unique 'SupportAbility auto-generated' Customer ID for this Client given this information is relevant for some finance systems as outlined above:
Invoice Details
Important information related to the Invoice is displayed in this section, including a link to the Client Funding record, the Invoice Number, Invoice Date (which can be customised in the Direct Invoice Batch as required), the Invoice Batch ID, the number of Cancelled Items, along with a filter to limit the list of Invoice Items to Cancelled Items specifically, GST $ amount and the Total Invoiced (inc. GST) $ amount:
When viewing an NDIA Invoice, a link to the related Direct BPR is included in this section also.
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Combined NDIA Invoices
When providers are using the 'Combined' Format for NDIA Invoices (as configured in the Funding tab of System Preferences, please see the Format for NDIA Invoices article linked below for more information), given this Invoice is comprised of Invoice Items for multiple Clients, the Invoice Items displayed include a link to the Client record and the related Funding record:
When viewing Combined NDIA Invoices, the Invoice Items displayed are based on the access that the individual viewing the Invoice has. For example, our Staff Member Paul has the 'View Financial Information' privilege, and access to Day Services at the Melbourne (HQ) Site, therefore, the Invoice Items he can see are based on the Clients he has access to:
Invoice Items
The list of Invoice Items included in the Invoice is displayed below the Sell-To and Bill-To Customer information and the Invoice Details:
The list is sorted by Activity Date by default, however, any of the column headers can be selected to change the sort order of the list as required. The Processing Status field is used to display a badge for any Cancelled Invoice Items as outlined below.
Filter Invoice Items
The list of Invoice Items can also be narrowed down as required using the 'Filter Invoice Items' search bar:
For example, if we wish to limit the list of Invoice Items to those for 'Centre Capital Costs' we can do so by entering this in the search bar e.g. Centre Capital:
To clear the search, simply select the cross icon to the right-hand side of the search bar.
Notional Unit Price Support conversion
In the case where Notional Unit Price Support Allocations have a Price of $1 or over, this is converted to a $1 Unit Price calculation automatically, at the point where a Direct Invoice Batch is generated for NDIS Invoices for Plan Managers, given this is how these Supports must be claimed. The Allocated values will appear next to this conversion for reference.
For example, whilst 10 x $2.40 and 1 x $5 were Allocated for Tim, this has been converted to the $1 Unit Price calculation automatically i.e. 24 x $1 = $24 and 5 x $1 = $5:
Whilst the Allocated values are displayed for reference, the converted values are what is included for these Supports in the Direct Invoice Batch export for your organisation's finance system.
N.B. This conversion is only applied in the case of NDIA Invoices, or Invoices for Plan Managers, as this calculation is only required based on changes to how these Supports must be claimed.
Edit Invoice Items
Staff with the required privileges that can see the Edit Direct Invoice screen can select the relevant Invoice Items and make any necessary changes from the Bulk Actions menu, such as Adding Notes, Cancelling Invoice Items or Removing Invoice Items.
Notes can be added to each Invoice Item individually by selecting the Notes field and typing in whatever is required:
The pencil icon can also be selected to open the Notes field. Any Notes can be cleared by selecting the cross icon. It is important to clarify that Notes for NDIA Invoices cannot be added from this screen and reflect what has been added in the associated BPR.
Notes can also be added to multiple Invoice Items by selecting these then 'Add Notes' from the Bulk Actions menu:
Any notes entered here:
Are added to the Notes field and appended to any existing Notes once confirmed
These can be removed individually by selecting the cross icon, or by selecting 'Remove Notes' from the Bulk Actions menu:
Once confirmed:
The Notes are removed:
Cancel Invoice Items
When an Invoice Item is Cancelled, it has essentially been written off in SupportAbility so that it is no longer included in the Total Invoiced value and a number of other places.
To Cancel an Invoice Item, navigate to the Bulk Actions menu and select 'Cancel Invoice Item':
A confirmation window opens allowing Append Notes to be added, which may come in handy to explain the reason for the Invoice Item being Cancelled:
Once Confirm is selected, the Invoice Item is then 'Cancelled':
This process has been outlined in greater detail in the dedicated article How to Cancel Invoice Items in a Direct Invoice linked below for reference.
Remove Invoice Items
To Remove Invoice Items, first select the Invoice Items that you wish to remove e.g. Invoice Items from the 4th of June, 2021 for Ted:
Next, select the 'Bulk Actions' menu and choose 'Remove from Invoice'
A modal appears asking for confirmation of this action by selecting 'Remove':
Once 'Remove' is selected, the Invoice Items will be removed and will be ready to include in the next Direct Invoice Batch or to be corrected in the associated Activity. Please see the How to correct NDIS Support Allocations after Activity Sign Off in Finance Edit Mode (edit, delete and/or add) article linked below for more information regarding this.
Print preview
Select the print icon at the top of the page for an Invoice Print preview:
This opens a PDF print preview of the Invoice for reference:
It is important to note that this is designed as a data preview and is not a legal tax invoice. Invoice Batches are designed to be generated in SupportAbility then imported into your organisation's finance system to manage the accounts receivable process.
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Delete Invoice
The Invoice can be deleted from the Actions menu for those with access to the Edit Direct Invoice screen:
Once selected, a modal appears asking for confirmation of this action by selecting 'Delete':
Once 'Delete' is selected, the Invoice is deleted and will be ready to include in the next Direct Invoice Batch.
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