SupportAbility Roadmap

To provide greater transparency regarding planned enhancements and new features, details of the current SupportAbility Roadmap are updated here to benefit our subscriber base.  

The roadmap lists the key changes we plan to make to SupportAbility over the next 12 months. It is not designed to be a complete or final list. Instead, it is focused on providing information regarding upcoming changes that will affect the way our subscribers use the product for the purpose of forward planning.

We have recently introduced a product function to our team, and this team uses the feedback gathered in Product Discovery to inform the ongoing development of SupportAbility. This process enables us to ask the right people the right questions about upcoming features to ensure we truly grasp the issue and, therefore, architect the best solutions. 

Our aim is to create efficiencies and enable you to simplify the administrative side of your business. We know there is much uncertainty about what the future looks like in and around the disability sector and the NDIS, however, SupportAbility is committed to this sector and will adapt to best meet the evolving needs in this space. 

We would love to discuss our product goals with you at any time and welcome your feedback on this.

We recommend your organisation opts in to participate in Continuous Product Discovery to help ensure the functionality we develop helps meet your business needs and adds value to your SupportAbility subscription.

Audience: All


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:


6 Month Roadmap

Rostering and Time & Attendance Enhancements

Our current major development project is enhancing the Rostering and Time & Attendance functionality in SupportAbility. 

Discovery sessions have been completed to get valuable provider feedback regarding the most important features related to this.

The first of these features to be prioritised has been outlined below.

If providers have any feedback about this or the rostering and attendance functionality that is important to your organisation, please email this to us at

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Addition of Shift Sign-Off in the Mobile App

Addition of the ability for Staff to complete their Shift Sign-Off using the Mobile App. 

Once complete, this updates the Staff Timesheet Sign-Off in the Web App almost instantly. 

By default, the Shift Sign-Off using Time and Location will be available in both the Web App and the Mobile App. However, it will be possible to configure this otherwise by Service in System Preferences.

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Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Hours and kilometres

This update introduces 'Rostered', 'Recorded' and 'Finalised' Hours and kilometres as three separate columns in the Staff section of the Activity record in the Web App.

Non-editable Rostered hours and kms 

Only Staff Members with the privileges required to edit and manage Activities will be able to add or edit rostered shift times and kms. 

Record actual hours worked and kms manually or via Check In/Out

In the 'Recorded' column, only the Staff Member rostered can record their actual hours worked and kms travelled. This can be done manually or via Check In/Out in either the Mobile App or the Web App.

Finalised hours and kms for payroll

Staff Members with the privileges required to edit and manage Activities can edit hours and kms for payroll in the 'Finalised' column.

Please note that we are adding configurable options that make it possible to manage this more efficiently for those responsible for Signing Off the Activity. 


For example, Abel is rostered into a shift from 8 am - 4 pm with 20 Private kms expected.

He checks into his shift using the Mobile App at 8:05 am, checks out at 4:30 pm and records 30 Private kms. 

The data populated by default in the Finalised column is based on the configured settings for that Service, for example, Rostered for Hours and Recorded for Kms, e.g. 8 am - 4:30 pm and 30 kms. However, regardless of the data populated by default, Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can edit the Finalised data for payroll on a case-by-case as required.

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Client Funding Statement efficiencies

This update will introduce the ability to generate Client Funding expenditure statements for the required period for as many Clients as required in a single operation. 

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12 Month Roadmap

Find Support Worker for Activity

Updates will be made to the existing screens when selecting or changing a Staff Member or filling a 'TO BE FILLED' shift in a new or existing Activity to provide better information to find the right Staff Member.
These updates may include additional information, such as:
  • Hours worked in the period
  • Visibility of un-approved leave
  • New fields for “Works well With” and “Doesn’t work with”
  • “Sort by” controls
  • “Worked with before”

These updates will likely span multiple releases and are the first step toward developing a more comprehensive rostering solution. 

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Traceability of Changes in Activities

This longer-term development project will introduce an audit trail, allowing managers to review changes to NDIS Support Allocations, Clients or Staff in Activities as needed to identify who and when changes were made. 

Traceability of changes in Activities is our intended starting point for this functionality, with a view to extending this to other areas of the system, such as Funding, Budgets, Clients etc. as needed. 

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