How to add Immunisation records for Clients

Due to the importance of recording Client Immunisations, particularly during the COVID pandemic where immunisations are now mandatory, the ability to add Immunisation records has been included in SupportAbility in the upgrade to v7.17 (October, 2021)

Immunisation records for Clients are added in the Immunisations section on the ‘Status’ tab of a Client record. 

Whilst Immunisation records can now be added, Search functionality for the management of this information will be introduced in an upcoming release.

This article outlines detailed information about how to add an Immunisation record to a Client record, where this information is displayed, and how the privileges required to access this information operate.

Audience: Support Staff, Team Leaders


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Changes to recording Immunisation details for a Client

With the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.17 (October 2021), a new ‘Immunisations’ section has been added to the Status tab of a Client record for recording Immunisation details.

Due to this addition, three Immunisation related fields that were previously included in the 'Disabilities Summary & Medical Information' section of the Client Status tab were removed:

These fields include: 

  • Date of Last Tetanus Injection
  • Date of Last Hepatitis Immunisation
  • Date of Last Flu Vaccination

If dates had been added to these fields previously, Immunisation records will now be displayed in place of this:

N.B. In cases where a future date had been added, this is referenced in the Notes field, as only retrospective dates can be added for Immunisations that have already occurred.

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How to add a Client Immunisation record

Immunisation records are added in the Immunisations section of the Client 'Status' tab by selecting the  + Add Immunisation button:

The Immunisation record contains the following fields of information:

  • Date - the calendar icon can be used to record the date the Client received the immunisation if known
  • Immunisation Type - a list of Immunisation Types is available for selection and is based on the configurable 'Immunisation: Type' List in System Preferences
  • Document - Documents that have already been uploaded to the Client's Documents tab and are related to the immunisation can be linked here for reference e.g. vaccination or medical certificates
  • Notes - Notes related to the Immunisation may be recorded here e.g. when the next dose is due

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To add a  Date to the Immunisation record select the calendar icon:

This will open the calendar functionality where the relevant date may be selected.

Immunisation records are designed to reflect immunisations that have already occurred. Therefore only retrospective dates, inclusive of today's date, can be selected. All future dates will be greyed out and unavailable for selection:

Use the arrows at the top of the calendar to navigate to the relevant Month and/or Year and select the relevant date e.g. 09/09/2021:

N.B. The list of 'Year' options available for selection is displayed in 10-year 'blocks'.
If an earlier year is required simply select the earliest available year e.g. 2011:

The list will close. Select the Year field again and the next block of 10 years prior to the selected Year will now display e.g. 2010 to 2001:

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Immunisation Type

The 'Immunisation: Type' List is utilised when adding Immunisation records to both Staff and Client records. A few default options are available for selection in the List including first, second and booster doses of Covid-19 vaccinations.  

To enter an  Immunisation Type in the Immunisation record select the relevant option from the list of options displayed e.g. Covid-19 - First:

N.B.  The 'Immunisation: Type' List includes default options, however, this List can be configured based on your organisation's requirements and preferences on the Lists tab in System Preferences. 

More information is outlined in the  Configuring Lists article linked below for reference.

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The  Document field of the Immunisation record displays a list of all Documents that have been uploaded to the Documents tab of the Client record. 

The information displayed in the Document list of the Immunisation record includes the 'Document Type' and 'Document Date'.

The relevant Document related to the Immunisation may be selected here e.g. Immunisation record - 09/09/2021:

Once selected the Document name is displayed e.g. 'JS COVID - 19 Medical Certificate 1st dose.docx', along with two icons that facilitate either downloading or previewing the Document:

More information is outlined in the  Download and Preview Documents article linked below for reference.

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The Notes section of the Immunisation record is an open text field where notes relating to the Immunisation record may be recorded e.g. when the next dose is due, or the brand of immunisation received i.e. Astra Zeneca:

It is important to be mindful that any information entered in the Notes field of an Immunisation record will also be visible in other areas as outlined below.

We, therefore, recommend any related information of a sensitive nature is entered in a Client Journal instead.

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Saving the Immunisation record

It is important to clarify if Immunisation records are added and not completed, then this information will be saved upon saving the record: 

Therefore, it is important to ensure these records are completed prior to saving. Once the required information (e.g. Date and Immunisation Type) has been added to the Immunisation record, remember to select the 'Save User' button to save all information entered/selected:

If this button is not selected and you navigate away from this tab, a notification message will display asking if you wish to cancel or discard the information entered/selected:

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Where does this information appear?

Client Immunisation records are available to view in the ‘Activity Immunisation Summary’ print report accessible from the Print menu in the Activity record, by Staff with the relevant privileges. 

If an individual does not have access to the Client record, they will not be able to view the Client’s Immunisation records in this report. 

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Activity Immunisation Summary print report

Immunisation records for Clients participating in an Activity are available to view in the ‘Activity Immunisation Summary’ report accessible from the Print menu of the Activity record.

The  Activity Immunisation Summary displays the individual Activity details along with all Immunisation records for rostered Staff and participating Clients.

Staff with access to all Client records of participating Clients will have full visibility of the Immunisation records for  all Clients rostered in the Activity:

Information about restricted access to viewing Client Immunisation records in this report is outlined below.

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Restricted access

Only Staff with access to the Client records of participating Clients will be able to view their Immunisation records in the Activity Immunisation Summary report.

For example, when a non-Service Client (e.g. Jennifer) participates in an Activity for a Site/Service they don't regularly participate in, visibility of that Client's Immunisation records will be restricted to only Staff Members who have access to this Client's record. 

Staff without the required access will see the notification message ' Restricted due to privileges' displayed next to that Client in the report.  

For example, Staff Member Amanda who is rostered for this Activity only works in the Community Participation Service at the Melbourne (HQ) Site and has no access privileges to view Jennifer's information, as Jennifer only participates in Smith Gardening Services. Therefore Jennifer's Immunisation records are not visible to Amanda in this report:

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How to find Immunisation records for Clients

Following the introduction of the ability to add Immunisation records to Client records in the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.17 (October, 2021), future development of a Search tool for managing this information is expected in an upcoming release.

The comprehensive search functionality will allow providers to quickly identify Staff that are either immunised or yet to be immunised for a particular disease. 

Staff Members will be able to use filters such as Immunisation Type, Date Range, and Notes to answer critical service delivery questions. Detailed search results will be available both on-screen and via CSV export.

Further developments on this functionality will be outlined in the  SupportAbility Roadmap article linked below for reference. 

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