Immunisation Report

The Immunisation Report, available from the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.19 (December 2021), allows providers to report on the  latest Immunisation records by Immunisation Type for both Clients or Staff. 

It is also useful for identifying Immunisations that have been 'Recorded' or 'Not Recorded' for specific Immunisation Types. The results returned are based on the records the individual has access to and can be exported in a CSV file from the Actions menu as required.

This article steps through the different purposes for which this report may be utilised, explains Immunisation Record status, as well as how to generate the report, the available search criteria, viewing the list results and exporting the report.


  • Clients - the results returned are based on the access to Client records, the Staff Member generating the Report has.
  • Staff - all Staff Members can see their own record, however, the following privileges are required to see Immunisation records for other Staff Members:
    • 'Team Leader' at the relevant Site/Service level or global 'Team Leader for ALL Services'
    • 'Human Resources' at the relevant Site/Service level or global 'Human Resources For ALL Staff'

Audience: Team Leaders, Support Staff


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Report Purpose

The Immunisation Report has been developed to give providers visibility over all Client and Staff Immunisation records holistically.  A range of search criteria is available to select from, allowing the data to be queried from many angles based on the various business requirements associated with managing Immunisation records. 

Some example purposes have been outlined below for reference to assist with understanding the various ways in which this Report may be utilised. 

Immunisation record status

The Immunisation Report results display three different record statuses in the 'Immunisation Recorded' column: 

  • None Recorded
  • Not Recorded
  • Recorded

The Immunisation record status is used to reflect whether or not Immunisation records have been added as outlined below. 

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None Recorded

This status badge is coloured grey and displays in a general search only i.e. when no individual Immunisation Types have been selected in the search criteria. 

This status indicates that no Immunisation records for any Immunisation Type have been created for that Client or Staff Member e.g. Clients Amelia and Amy:

To make it easier to identify all Clients or Staff Members who do not have any Immunisation records, the List results can be sorted using the 'Immunisation Recorded' header name or arrows so that those with the status 'None Recorded' are grouped together at the top of the results List:

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Not Recorded

This status badge is coloured amber. It does not display in a general search and only appears when individual Immunisation Types have been selected in the search criteria

This status indicates that no Immunisation record exists for the selected Immunisation Type/s e.g. no Flu Immunisations have been record for Clients Amelia, Amy, Bilbo, and Breer:

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This status badge is coloured green. It displays in both a general search and searches where individual Immunisation Types have been selected in the search criteria

It indicates that an Immunisation record has been created for the Client or Staff Member relative to the search criteria selected e.g. Clients Adam, Andrea, and Bradley:

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Reporting on the latest Immunisation records

The Immunisation Report is designed to report on the  latest Immunisation record for each Immunisation Type. The purpose of this is to simplify the Report results ensuring they only include the most up-to-date information. 

Leaving all search criteria open provides a holistic overview of the latest Immunisation records for all Immunisation Types: 

The 'Immunisation Recorded' column displays the record status per individual per Immunisation Type i.e. 

  • 'Recorded' displays for existing Immunisation records e.g. Adam, or 
  • 'None Recorded' displays when no Immunisation records for any Immunisation Type have been created for the individual e.g. Amelia.

To report on the latest Immunisation records for specific individual Clients/Staff, Sites, Services or Immunisation Types, the relevant filters may be utilised to refine the search accordingly.

The results returned are based on the records the individual generating the Report has access to.

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No Immunisation Date Recorded

In instances where only one Immunisation record has been created for an Immunisation Type and no date has been entered in the record, this will display as No Date Recorded in the 'Latest Immunisation Date' column in the Immunisation Report results:

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Is it possible to report on a Client or Staff Member's immunisation history?

The Immunisation Report only includes the latest Immunisation record for each Immunisation Type.  Therefore the immunisation history for each Immunisation Type must be reviewed in the individual Client record or Staff Account.

Recording an individual's immunisation history per Immunisation Type can be managed in a couple of ways, and an organisation is best placed to determine which option meets their requirements.  These are briefly discussed below for reference. 

One option for managing the recording of the immunisation history per Immunisation Type is to create separate Immunisation records for each immunisation occurrence per Type e.g. Client Bradley has three separate Immunisation records created on the Status tab of his Client record to show each Flu vaccination he has received:

Alternatively, a single Immunisation record could be created per Immunisation Type e.g. for the Flu shot. The 'Date' and linked Proof of Immunisation 'Document' could then be updated when relevant to reflect the latest occurrence for that immunisation. 

With this method, the Notes field can be utilised to record the history of immunisations for that Immunisation Type e.g. Adam's Flu Immunisation record:

As mentioned above, regardless of which method is used for recording the history of immunisations, the Immunisation Report will only include the latest Immunisation record for each Immunisation Type in the Report results e.g. Bradley's latest Flu Immunisation 23/06/2021, regardless of the fact he has three Flu Immunisation records:

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Searching for existing Immunisation records for specific Immunisation Type/s

The Immunisation Report provides the ability to search for existing Immunisation records by specific Immunisation Type/s for Clients or Staff, and returns information on the latest dated Immunisation record.

Once an Immunisation Type is selected, an additional option appears to allow you to search for Immunisations that have been 'Recorded' or 'Not Recorded': 

To review this, the Report may be filtered in a number of ways:

  1. Leave the Immunisation Recorded search criterion empty as is the default so that it searches for both 'Recorded' and 'Not Recorded' results, allowing you to review the record status for specific Immunisation Type/s holistically
  2. Search for 'Recorded' Immunisation Type/s to identify Clients/Staff who have had Immunisation records created
  3. Select 'Not Recorded' Immunisation Type/s to identify Clients/Staff who have not had Immunisation records created

For example, an organisation may wish to holistically review the COVID immunisation status for all Staff Members.

The Report would be filtered by first selecting Staff in 'Immunisation records for', then selecting the relevant options relating to COVID in the 'Immunisation Types' search criterion:

N.B. The options available for selection in the 'Immunisation Types' search criterion are configured in the 'Immunisation: Type' List on the Lists tab in System Preferences. Please see the Configuring Lists article for more information regarding this. 

Once an Immunisation Type has been selected, an additional option automatically populates where the search can be further refined to identify Immunisation records that have either been 'Recorded' or 'Not Recorded' for the selected Immunisation Type/s:

Leaving the default setting to include both 'Recorded' and 'Not Recorded' would return results that provide a holistic overview of the 'Immunisation Recorded' status for the selected Immunisation Types.

The Results List is sorted alphabetically first by Staff Member name, then by each of the selected Immunisation Types. The 'Immunisation Recorded' column displays the relevant status for each Immunisation Type:

We can see from these results that Abel has only had his first dose of the COVID Immunisation recorded, whereas, Amanda has had both the first and second dose recorded. In addition to this, Angela has had the first, second and booster dose recorded, and Anita has a medical exemption for this Immunisation.

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Searching for Immunisation records that do not have a linked 'proof of immunisation' Document

It is possible to link Documents e.g. proof of immunisation, that have already been uploaded to the Documents tab of a Client record or Staff Account and added to an Immunisation record.

The Immunisation Report provides the ability to search for the latest Immunisation records which do not have a linked Document. 

To search for these records select 'No Documents linked' in the 'Document' search criterion: 

Additional filters may be utilised to further refine the search, such as 'Sites' and 'Services' or 'Immunisation Types' as required.

The List results will display the latest Immunisation records for each Immunisation Type that match the search criteria and do not have a linked Document as indicated with a '-':

This may be handy to review if your organisation has a requirement to store proof of immunisation for specific Immunisation Types. 

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Searching by Age range in relation to Immunisation Types

Some services such as Early Childhood Intervention Services, where the Clients they work with have specific immunisation requirements at specific ages, may find filtering the Immunisation Report by Age range useful.

For example, an organisation may wish to review the Immunisation status for Clients within a certain Age range e.g. 1 - 10 years who have a specific Immunisation Type record e.g. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).

To filter the Report accordingly add the Age From and To values in years, then select the relevant Immunisation Type:

When the relevant Immunisation Type/s have been selected, leaving the additional option of Recorded/Not Recorded open will return a List of Clients whose age falls within the specified Age range and displays a full list for the selected Immunisation Type i.e. 'Recorded' or 'Not Recorded': 

To make it easier to identify all Clients who do not have the required Immunisation records, the List results can be sorted using the 'Immunisation Recorded' header name or arrows so that those with the status 'Not Recorded' are grouped together at the top of the results List:

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How to access the Immunisation Report

To access this report, navigate to the Reports menu via the Dashboard:  

Then navigate to the 'Other' section of the Reports menu and select 'Immunisation Report':

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Search criteria 

A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently, or in conjunction, to search for the latest Immunisation records or missing Immunisation records, or linked Documents per Immunisation Type: 

These search criteria include:

  • Immunisation records for - the options available for selection include 'Clients' and 'Staff'.
    • Clients are selected by default, however, selecting the relevant radio button for Staff will report on Staff Immunisation records if required.
  • Status - the options available for selection include 'Active' and 'Inactive'. 
    • Active is selected by default, however, Inactive may be selected if a Report on Inactive Clients or Staff respectively, is required.
  • Active Clients - The name of this filter changes to match the option selected in the 'Immunisation records for' filter. For example, if 'Staff' has been selected, this filter will display the title 'Active Staff Members'.
    • This filter contains a list of all Active Clients or Staff respectively. One or more individuals may be selected or there is the option to 'Select All'.
  • Sites - the options available for selection include 'Select All', 'Active', 'Inactive' or one or more individual Sites may be selected. 
    • The default is set to all Sites, both Active and Inactive.
  • Services - the options available for selection include 'Select All', 'Active', 'Inactive' or one or more individual Services may be selected. 
    • The default is set to all Services, both Active and Inactive.
  • Age From/To - an Age range in 'Years' may be set using the 'From' and 'To' calendar icons to search for immunisation records where the Client's age falls within a specified age range. 
  • Immunisation Types - the options available for selection include the Immunisation Types as configured in the corresponding 'Immunisation: Type' List in the Lists tab in System Preferences. 
    • This List applies to both Clients and Staff.
  • Latest Immunisation Date - a Date range may be set using the 'From' and 'To' calendar icons to search for Immunisation records where the latest date falls within a specified period. 
  • Document - the options available for selection include 'Document Linked' and 'No Document Linked', allowing Immunisation records to be identified by whether or not a Document has been linked. 
  • Notes - a free-text field where keywords or phrases may be entered to search for Immunisation records that may contain the same or similar in their 'Notes' field.

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Immunisation Records for

The Immunisation Records for search criterion determines for which entity either 'Clients' or 'Staff', their Immunisation records are being reported on.  'Clients' is set as the default option:

To report on Staff Immunisation records, simply select the 'Staff' radio button.   


The Status search criterion relates to the entity previously selected in 'Immunisation Records for'. 

The default option here is 'Active' whereby the results are reporting on Immunisation records for 'Active' Clients for example:

To search for Immunisation records for inactive Clients, simply select the Inactive option here. 

The same applies when reporting on Staff Immunisation records.

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Active Clients / Staff Members

The name of this search criterion changes automatically to match the entity selected in 'Immunisation Records for', i.e 'Active Clients' or 'Active Staff Members' respectively:

A list of 'Active' only individual Clients or Staff Members relative to the entity previously selected, is contained here from which one or more individuals can be selected.  There is also the option to 'Select All' which is the default setting when this search criterion is left blank:

N.B.  Currently, the only way in which to search for 'Inactive' Clients and Staff Members is as a group by selecting 'Inactive' in the Status search criterion. It is not possible to search for individual inactive Clients or Staff Members. We are exploring alternative ways to better manage this and to ensure individual inactive Clients and Staff Members can be filtered as required in this and other Searches and Reports in SupportAbility. More will be announced in coming releases once this has been finalised. 

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Sites and Services

The Sites and Services search criteria each contains a list of both active and inactive Sites and Services respectively, however, the default is set to All Active:

Leaving the default option for these filters will provide a holistic view of all Active Sites or all Active Services. 

Alternatively, the option 'Select All' can be applied which will generate a list of Immunisation records for all Active  and Inactive Sites or Services relevant to the filter utilised e.g. Sites:

N.B. Once the 'Select All' checkbox has been selected, it will display as 'Deselect All'. Unchecking this will automatically deselect all checkboxes in this filter.

To refine a search by specific Sites or Services the relevant options can be selected in each of these search criteria. This may be all 'Active', all 'Inactive' or one or more individual active/inactive Sites or Services. 

Selecting the Active checkbox e.g. for Sites automatically selects all of the Active options and will provide a list of Immunisation records for all Active Sites only:

To select one or more individual Sites or Services, simply select the relevant checkboxes e.g. Sites: Melbourne (HQ): 

Similarly, for Services, leaving the default option for this filter will provide a holistic view of all Active Services. Alternatively, the option 'Select All' can be applied which will generate a list of Immunisation records for all Active  and Inactive Services, or 'Inactive' can be selected to provide a list of Immunisation records for all Inactive Services only.

N.B. Whilst all Sites/Services are available to select from, the results returned are based on the level of access the individual has. For example, if a Staff Member runs a search for 'Support Coordination' and does not have access to this Service, no results will be returned.

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Age From / To

This search criterion may be more applicable for providers working in Early Childhood Intervention Services for example, for reporting on Client Immunisation records relative to the specified immunisations required at particular ages throughout childhood. 

An Age range in 'Years' may be set by entering the relevant values in the Age: From and To fields:

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Immunisation Types

The list of Immunisation Types available to select from in this search criterion is configured in the corresponding 'Immunisation: Type' List on the Lists tab in System Preferences.

The default option for this search criterion is set to 'All Immunisation Types'. 

To search by specific individual Immunisation Types select one or more relevant options e.g. Flu:

Recorded/Not Recorded

Once an Immunisation Type has been selected an additional field populates containing two options 'Recorded' and 'Not Recorded'.  The default is set to report on both 'Recorded' and 'Not Recorded'.

This search criterion allows you to search for the latest Immunisation records that have been 'Recorded' for the Immunisation Type/s selected, or search for Clients or Staff who do not have an Immunisation record for the Immunisation Type/s selected i.e. by selecting 'Not Recorded':

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Latest Immunisation Date From/To

The Immunisation Report is designed to report on the latest Immunisation records for any Immunisation Type. This is relevant where multiple Immunisation records for the one Immunisation Type may have been created.

The  Latest Immunisation Date search criterion allows you to set a date range to search for Immunisation records where the latest date for all or any Immunisation Type/s falls within the specified date range. 

For instance, a provider may have a two-month Flu vaccination campaign each year and wish to review the uptake over that period. The dates for that period can be entered in combination with the Immunisation Type - Flu:

Keep in mind that these dates only report on the Latest Immunisation Date, so if no date had been added, or an individual has had an Immunisation of this Type added after this period also, they will not appear in the search results for this date range. 

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The Document filter allows Staff to search for Immunisation records that have a 'Document Linked' e.g. Vaccination Certificate or have 'No Document Linked':

The default setting for this filter includes both options, 'Document Linked' and 'No Document Linked'.  Leaving the default setting as is, will search holistically to show the Document status for the latest Immunisation records by Immunisation Type.

For example, the results list below displays the three latest Immunisation records for Client Jamie, one of which has a 'Document Linked' i.e. COVID-19 - First, but 'No Document Linked' for the Tetanus and Flu Immunisation records:

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The Notes search criterion is useful for searching for Immunisation records that have certain keywords or phrases entered in the 'Notes' field of Immunisation records.

Simply enter the relevant keyword or phrase in the free-text field of this search criterion e.g. next vaccination:

N.B. While Notes are not displayed in the onscreen results, you can be assured the results have been filtered by the data entered in this search criterion.  The Immunisation Report export file contains additional columns of information including Notes where this information is displayed:

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Generate Report

Once the relevant option in 'Immunisation records for' i.e. Clients or Staff has been selected as required, and the desired parameters have been set, or all other search criteria left unselected for a more holistic report, select 'Search' to generate the Report:

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List Results

Once the Report has been generated, the search criteria will remain visible to the left, with the search results displayed onscreen, and the number of results will be noted above these:

N.B. The Search Criteria panel can be minimised or expanded by selecting the arrow between the search criteria and results:

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How are the list results sorted?

The results list is sorted first by ‘Client Name’ alphabetically i.e. First Name, then ‘Immunisation Type’ alphabetically:

All columns, other than Document, have the functionality to sort the List Results by that criteria in an ascending or descending order by either selecting the column name or using the up/down arrows, based on how you wish to view the results: 

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Why is the same Client/Staff appearing multiple times?

Considering each result indicates a Client or Staff Immunisation record of a different Immunisation Type, the same Client or Staff Member may appear multiple times when they have different Immunisation Types recorded. 

For example, our Client Bradley Hitchcock has multiple Immunisation records each of a different Immunisation Type added to his Status tab e.g. COVID-19 - First, COVID-19 - Second, Flu, and Hepatitis B:

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Document access

While Staff may have access to a Client or Staff Member's Immunisation record in the onscreen results, their ability to access any linked Documents is dependent on their level of access to Documents generally. 

Documents have functionality for limiting access to 'Managers Only' or restricting access to a specific Service.  When these security settings are in place, a Staff Member requires the relevant access to view the linked Document in the Immunisation Report results.

'Managers Only'

As Documents can be set to 'Managers Only', only Staff with the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege will be able to view these Documents in the Immunisation Report onscreen results.

For example, Athena has been granted the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege and therefore has full access to view linked Documents that have the 'Managers Only' privacy setting:

Corina, however, does not have the 'User is a Manager' Security privilege.  She will see the Immunisation records she has access to, but will not see the linked Documents set to 'Managers Only'. These will display as [Restricted Document] and not be accessible:

Documents restricted by Service

The same rules as outlined for Documents set to 'Managers Only' also apply to Documents restricted by Service.

If a linked Document has been restricted by Service, these will only be visible in the List results to Staff who have access to that Service.

For example, Staff Member Abel has access to Client Jamie's Immunisation records as Jamie participates in the Day Services where Abel works.  Abel does not work in the In-Home Service in which Jamie also participates.

Therefore, when a Document with the Service restricted to the In-Home Service is linked to Jamie's Immunisation record, Abel will not see this Document displayed in the Immunisation Report results as he does not have access to this service: 

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Download Report

Once the list of results has been generated for the Immunisation Report these can be downloaded in a CSV file by selecting 'Download Immunisation Report' from the Actions menu:

The CSV file contains all of the onscreen data, along with some additional columns of information. These have been asterisked below for reference:

  • Client/Staff Member Name - First and surname
  • **Client/Staff ID
  • **NDIS Number - applicable to and included only in the Immunisation export for Clients
  • **Payroll System Identifier - applicable to and included only in the Immunisation export for Staff
  • Immunisation Type
  • Immunisation Recorded - None Recorded, Recorded
  • Latest Immunisation Date
  • Document Type
  • Document Name
  • **Age
  • **Notes

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