How to Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements

From the upgrade to SupportAbility v8.7 (July 2024), Client Funding Statements can be generated in bulk from the Actions menu of the Client Funding Search and emailed to participants or their Primary or Billing Contact for the required reporting period. 

This has been designed to assist providers who issue monthly statements to participants so they can be generated based on the required parameters and used with a mail merge for bulk emailing to participants. 

This article discusses how to generate Client Funding Statements in bulk, the information included in the CSV export for use with mail merge, and important information on how to open the Client Funding Statement URL. 

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Audience: Team Leaders, Finance Teams


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How to generate Client Funding Statements in bulk

To generate a bulk Client Funding Statement export to be used with Mailmerge, navigate to the Client Funding and Bulk Statement Search in the Reports section of SupportAbility: 

Choose the required Funding records you wish to create Client Funding Statements for. 

If you want to create statements for all Clients with an active Funding record, leave the search filters blank with the exception of the 'Funding End Date', which by default has today's date listed, and generate the search: 

If you want to create Funding Statements for Clients who have active Plan Managed Funding records only, select the Clients filter 'Only Clients with current FPM Funding records':

Once you have the required Client Funding records in the list, navigate to the Actions menu and select 'Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements':

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Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements window - report dates

Once this export is selected from the Actions menu, the Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements window will appear, including additional information about this feature and the ability to select the relevant reporting period: 

The statement start date in the CSV will be set to the Funding Start Date if the 'Report Start Date' is left empty.

The 'Report End Date' defaults to the day before the current date and cannot be changed to a date beyond this. This is required and limited to a date in the past to decrease the risk of changes being made to the Client's expenditure for the reporting period following this being generated. 

Select the relevant reporting period, e.g. the month of May and select 'Confirm' to continue: 

The export will be downloaded and available from your downloads folder or the folder you have configured downloads to be saved:

The file name of this CSV is  ClientFundingStatementBulkExport_FromDDMMYYYYToDDMMYYYY to ensure each bulk Client Funding Statement export name includes the reporting period this is for. 

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Bulk Client Funding Statement CSV for use with Mailmerge

The data included in the Bulk Client Funding Statement CSV for use with Mailmerge is as follows: 

  • Client Name
  • NDIS Number
  • SupportAbility Client ID
  • Primary Contact Name - as configured in the Client's Contacts tab
  • Primary Contact Email - as configured in the Client's Contacts tab
  • Billing Contact Name - as configured in the Client's Contacts tab
  • Billing Contact Email - as configured in the Client's Contacts tab
  • Statement Start Date - as per the reporting period selected
  • Statement End Date - as per the reporting period selected
  • Funding Type - NDIS - Direct, or NDIS - Plan Managed (Plan Managed is only applicable to providers who deliver Plan Management Services), or the relevant Non-NDIS Funding Type e.g. Clinical
  • NDIS Funding Utilised in Reporting Period - Yes/No, indicates whether or not expenditure related to NDIS Funding was accrued in the reporting period

  • Unique Client Funding Statement URL - unique URL to access the Client Funding Statement to be used in the Mailmerge 
  • Suggested Link Name - suggested name to use as the display text for the unique URL in the Mailmerge

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Sending the unique URL link to access the Client Funding Statement

The Bulk Client Funding Statement file is configured to be compatible with and used by your chosen mail merge program.

This file does not contain the individual Client Funding Statements; rather, it contains a unique URL link to access the Client Funding Statement in SupportAbility securely. 

It is important to note that this link provides no other access than to a PDF version of the Client Funding Statement.

These links can be sent in bulk via a mail merge program or manually sent individually to the relevant Client/s.

SupportAbility interprets the reporting parameters set within the link. Once the client enters their individual password, the Client Funding Statement is generated based on these reporting parameters accordingly.

N.B. SupportAbility does not provide support with creating and generating a mail merge campaign as this functionality resides outside of SupportAbility, and there are many variables with the different mail merge programs.

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Opening the URL to download the Client Funding Statement

To access the statement, the individual must open the unique URL and enter the statement password to download the Client Funding Statement:

When the Client Funding Statement is downloaded from the unique URL, it is dynamically generated. 

This means that when the Client Funding Statement is downloaded, it will display the expenditure and utilisation for the reporting period correct as of that time. 

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Statement Password

The Statement Password is the Client's Date Of Birth as configured in the Client Details tab on the Client record. 

This must be entered as DDMMYYYY, e.g. 19111998. 

Once the Statement Password has been entered successfully, the Client Funding Statement will download. If this did not download automatically, the individual can select 'Download PDF Statement' to do so:

It is important to note that authentication expires after 5 minutes, and after such time, the individual will be required to enter the Statement Password again. 

If the incorrect password is entered, the following message is displayed: 

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Downloading the Client Funding Statement

The filename for the Client Funding Statement is: 

[Funding Type] Statement for [Client name] for [reportperiodstartdate]-[reportperiodenddate].pdf

E.g. FPM Statement for Andrea Broadshaw for 20240501-20240531.pdf 

An example of this is as follows: 

For more information about the data included in the Client Funding Statement, please see the article  What information is included in the Client Funding Statement? linked below for reference. 

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How long can the Client Funding Statement be downloaded from the unique URL?

The URLs are valid for 12 months after the generation of the CSV file.

When a Client is made inactive in SupportAbility, they will no longer have access to any Client Funding Statements previously sent. 

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