Client Funding Search and Bulk Client Funding Statements

The purpose of the Client Funding Search is to give providers the facility to search Client Funding records by a range of search criteria including Client Service Participation, Funding Start and End Dates, Funding Type, as well as the following criteria for NDIS Funding records, Financial Plan Manager, Support Categories, Support Items and Custom Price. 

The Search is useful for identifying Client Funding records that end within a specific period e.g. the current month, to assist with planning for a Client's NDIS Plan review along with managing the various other facets of Client Funding. 

The search results displayed onscreen can be printed, and exported in a CSV file which contains additional columns of information to those displayed onscreen, relative to all of the available search filters. 

Client Funding Statements can also be generated in bulk from the Actions menu of the Client Funding Search and emailed to participants or their Primary or Billing Contact for the required reporting period. 

Prerequisite: Staff must have the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account privilege to run this report. The results listed are based on the Client records the Staff member has access to.

Audience: Authorised Representatives, Finance Team, Operations Management, Team Leaders, and anyone tasked with working with Client Funding records. 


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

How to access the Client Funding Search

To access the  Client Funding Search navigate first to the Dashboard and select Reports: 

Navigate to the 'Funding' subsection of the 'Clients' section in the Reports Menu and select 'Client Funding Search and Bulk Statements':

If the person generating the Search does not have the 'View Financial Information' privilege they will be denied access and an 'Access Denied' message will display:

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Search Criteria

A range of search criteria is available to select from, listed under two key sections, that can be used independently, or in conjunction, to find Client Funding records that meet the reporting requirements:

  • Clients
  • Client Funding

Several defaults are preset, however, these can be modified as required. These include:

  • Service - All Active and Inactive
  • Site - All Active and Inactive
  • Only Clients with current FPM Funding records: No
  • Client Status - Active
  • Funding End Date - Current date
  • Type - All: Direct and Plan Managed
  • Funding Type - All Active Funding Types
  • Financial Plan Manager (FPM) - All FPMs
  • Tags - All Tags

More information on all of the Client Funding Search filters is outlined below.

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The Clients section search criteria relate to attributes of the Client, such as Service Participation, and Active Status. 

Service and Sites

The Site and Service filters relate to the Client Service Participation as configured on the Client Details tab of Client records. 

Selecting Sites and Services here will return Client Funding records for Clients who either currently participate in the selected Sites and/or Services, or who have previously participated as listed in the 'historical client services' section of their Client Service Participation.


The default setting for this filter is to include all Active and Inactive Services in the results, even though none of the options will appear to be selected when viewing the list of options.

To meet your reporting requirements, you can narrow down the Client Funding records returned in the results as follows.

Select 'Active' to include Funding records for Clients participating in all Active Services. This automatically selects all Services in the 'Active' list:

Alternatively, select one or more individual Services you wish to report on e.g. Day Services and Individual: 

To find a specific Service, begin typing the name of the Service you require, e.g. 'ther' for Therapeutic Supports. All options that match the information entered will display and the relevant one can be selected:

Clear Selected Options

To clear the selected options in a filter, simply select the 'X' at the right of the filter:

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Similarly to Services, all Active and Inactive Sites are included by default.  

To narrow down the list of Client Funding records returned in the results, select either 'Active', or one or more individual Sites, or begin typing the name of the specific Site you require:

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Only Clients with current FPM Funding records

This filter's default setting is 'No'. It is relevant for providers of NDIS Financial Plan Management (FPM) only.

If your organisation delivers an FPM Service and you wish to search for Plan Managed Client Funding records, as created on the FPM tab of Client records, select 'Yes' for this setting:

N.B. Only current FPM Funding records are returned in the results.

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Client Status

The default setting for this filter is 'Active':

The available filter options are 'Active' or 'Inactive'.  

The results returned include Client Funding records for 'Active' or 'Inactive' Clients relative to how each of the filters has been configured.

To search for Client Funding records for both 'Active' and 'Inactive' Clients, select the 'X' at the right of this filter to clear the selected option. 

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Client Funding

The Client Funding section search criteria relate specifically to attributes of Client Funding records. 

The Search primarily focuses on Direct Client Funding records as added to the 'Funding' tab of Client records. 

The exception to this is when the 'Only Clients with current FPM Funding records' filter is configured to 'Yes'. In this instance, the Search results include only current FPM Client Funding records as added to the 'FPM' tab of Client records, when the Client is participating in a Plan Management Service.

Funding Start Date 

By default, the 'Funding Start Date' From and To filters are left blank.

To search for any Client Funding Records that commenced within a date range, enter a date in the From and/or To filters. 

For example, if you need to search for Client Funding records that commenced in the month of June and July, the following could be entered: 

This will generate a list of Client Funding records that commenced (have a Start Date) within the specified date range.

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Funding End Date 

By default, the 'Funding End Date::From' filter automatically populates the current date so only current Funding records are included in the results:  

Removing the date in this filter means the search results may include Funding records that have a Funding End Date that has passed. 

To search for any Client Funding Records that have ended or are due to end within a specific date range, enter a date in the From and/or To filters. Entering a date range will generate a list of Client Funding records that finish (have an End Date) within the selected dates. 

To facilitate proactive planning for a Client's NDIS Plan review, it may be useful to generate a search with future Funding End Dates, for example, to determine which Client Funding records will end in the month ahead:

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By default, both 'Direct' and 'Plan Managed' Client Funding records (if an organisation is delivering Plan Management Services) will be included in the results list. 

The results can be narrowed down as required, by selecting the relevant Type e.g. Direct:

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Funding Type

By default, Client Funding records for 'All Active Funding Types' will be included in the results list: 

The results can be narrowed down as required, by selecting the relevant Funding Type.

N.B. 'Funding Types' are configured on the 'Funding' tab in System Preferences and set for a Client Funding record when first creating it. Once the Funding record has been created the Funding Type cannot be edited.

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Financial Plan Manager

The 'Financial Plan Manager (FPM)' filter relates to the 'Financial Plan Manager' set in Client Funding records, either as the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' or as the FPM for an individual Category Budget or individual Support Item within the Client Funding record.

By default, the results include all Client Funding records regardless of which FPM has been set, however, the search can be filtered by one or more FPMs if required:

The FPMs, Clients, and Client Personal Contacts available for selection in this filter are those entities who have been set as either the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' or an FPM for an individual Category/Support in a Client Funding record.  The list does  not include any entities that have not been set as an FPM in a Client Funding record.

The options available to select from in the 'Financial Plan Manager (FPM)' search filter have been divided into three sections:

  • FPM
    • This includes all Financial Plan Managers (i.e. Shared Contact records with the 'NDIS Financial Plan Management' checkbox selected) that are in use in Client Funding records (i.e. either set as the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' or as the FPM for an individual Category/Support Item)
    • This also includes the NDIA by default (for Clients with Agency Managed Funding)
  • Clients
    • This includes only those Clients who are set as the 'Billing Contact' in the 'Contacts' tab of their Client record who are either: 
      • Self Managing their NDIS Funding and are configured as the Financial Plan Manager in their NDIS Funding record (i.e. either set as the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' or as the FPM for an individual Category/Support Item)
      • Or configured as the Debtor for Invoices in their Non-NDIS Funding record

  • Client Personal Contacts 
    • This includes only those Clients' Personal Contacts who are set as the 'Billing Contact' in the 'Contacts' tab of a Client's record where: 
      • the Client is Self Managing their NDIS Funding and has been configured as the Financial Plan Manager in their NDIS Funding record (i.e. either set as the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' or as the FPM for an individual Category/Support Item).  In this instance, the Personal Contact who has been set as the Billing Contact e.g. Brendon Broadshaw and the Client e.g. Andrea Broadshaw will display
      • Or where the entity has been configured as the Debtor for Invoices in the Client's Non-NDIS Funding record

Searching for Client Funding records with specific Financial Plan Managers

When searching for Client Funding records with specific Financial Plan Managers, one or more Financial Plan Managers (FPM) may be selected from the list as required. 

Alternatively, a specific FPM can be located in the list by typing all or part of the FPM's name in the 'Select FPMs' field.  The available options that match the information entered will be displayed for selection.

For example, entering the name of a Client who is self-managing their funding, e.g. Malcolm:  

This displays an available option that matches the information entered in the 'Client Personal Contacts' section of the list e.g. 'Marieka MacKenzie (Malcolm MacKenzie)' indicating that Marieka has been set as the Billing Contact for Client Malcolm on the Contacts tab of his Client record.

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Tags are an optional but useful feature to assist with identifying Client Funding records with specific attributes.  When an organisation is using this functionality and adding Tags to Client Funding records the Client Funding Search can be filtered by Tags to generate a list of Funding records that have the selected Tag added.

By default, all Funding records, regardless of whether they have none, one or more of the Tags added, will be included in the results list.  

To refine the search the relevant option/s can be selected in this filter:

You can locate a specific Tag in the list by typing all or part of its name in the 'Select Tags' field e.g. 'book'. The available options that match the information entered will be displayed for selection:

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Support Categories

Using the 'Support Categories' filter it is possible to search for Client Funding records that contain Support Items from one or more Support Categories.

By default, all Funding records, regardless of which Support Category the individually listed Supports or Category Budgets relate to, are included in the results list.

To refine the search the relevant option/s can be selected in this filter:   

You can locate a specific 'Support Category' in the list by typing all or part of its name in the 'Select Support Categories' field e.g. 'assist'. The available options that match the information entered will be displayed for selection:

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Support Items

Using the 'Support Items' filter it is possible to search for Client Funding records that contain specific Support Items. A range of options, either grouped or individual Supports, are available for selection as follows:

  • Select All - this is the default setting
  • Select All - 'Notional Unit Price Support' Items
  • Select All 'Transitional Approach Group Supports' Items
  • Select All 'New Approach Group Supports' Items
  • Select one or more individual Support Items

The full list of individual Support Items available to select from are those from NDIS Price Guides for the two last calendar years.

It is also possible to start typing part of the Support Item number or name e.g. coordination, in the 'Select Support Items' search bar to locate the Support you are looking for. This will display the available options that match the entered information: 

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Custom Price

Selecting the option 'One or more' in the 'Custom Price' filter will return a list of Client Funding records that contain one or more Support Items with a Custom Price:

Detailed information regarding customising NDIS Support Item Prices is outlined in the Customising NDIS Support Items article linked below.

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TTP is no longer applicable for services delivered from the 1st of July, 2024.

Providers who were delivering Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) applicable supports configured this setting as 'Activated' in System Preferences and the relevant NDIS Direct Client Funding records.

During the transition away from using TTP applicable supports, prior to deactivating TTP in System Preferences, it may be helpful to generate a Client Funding Search filtering by 'Activated' to identify individual Client Funding records that have TTP Activated:

Please see the Important information about TTP - this must be deactivated manually in System Preferences section of the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit Updates - 2024/25 article for more information, linked below for reference. 

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Client Funding On Billing Hold 

When a Client Funding record is placed 'On Billing Hold', the Funding record can continue to be utilised in Activities, however, all NDIS Support Allocations or other related Activity Charges utilising this are blocked from inclusion when generating BPRs and/or Invoice Batches.

The Client Funding Search can be used to find or omit Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold: 

Please see the  How to place a Client Funding record ‘On Billing Hold’ and remove this when ready to generate billing assets article for more information, linked below for reference.

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Search results

Once the Search has been generated, the results will be listed along with a summary of the number of search results e.g. 10:

The onscreen  Client Funding Search results list is comprised of the following columns: 

  • Funding Name - including a target and link to the record
    • N.B. When the Client Funding record has been placed On Billing Hold a badge is displayed next to the Funding record for reference: 
  • Client - including a link to the Client record
  • Funding Type - relative to the Funding Type set when creating the Client Funding record
  • Type - 'Direct' or 'Plan Managed'. 
    • N.B. 'Plan Managed' is only relevant for providers of Financial Plan Management Services.
  • Start Date - Funding Start date
  • End Date - Funding End date
  • Total Budget - total value of the Client's NDIS Support Budget
  • Total Fees - total value of the Client's Plan Managed Fees (where applicable)
    • N.B. This is only relevant for providers of Financial Plan Management Services

The default sort order is by Client Funding Start Date, however, the results can be sorted by any of the columns of information by selecting the up/down arrow next to the heading name.

A new search can be applied by selecting Start New Search at the bottom of the list results:

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Print or Export

The Search results can be both printed and exported in a CSV file as outlined below.

Print Client Funding Search Report

The search results can be printed by selecting 'Client Funding Search Report' from the Print menu located at the top of the search results:

Once selected the print report will display onscreen:

This can then be printed by selecting the print icon, assuming a printer is connected to your computer and configured accordingly.

Selecting the red cross top right closes the Print view and returns to the Client Funding Search results list.

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Download Client Funding List

The search results can be exported in a CSV file by selecting 'Download Client Funding List' from the Actions menu located at the top of the search results: 

The CSV file export contains all of the columns of information displayed in the onscreen results as well as additional columns of information relative to the filters available in the search criteria.

The columns of information in the export include the following:

  • Funding Name - e.g. NDIS - Direct: 02/08/2022 - 02/08/2024 (#106)
  • Default FPM - as configured in the Client Funding Settings of a Client Funding record e.g NDIA
  • Configured FPMs - as configured for individual Category Budgets or Support Items, applicable for NDIS Direct Funding only. This could be one or more FPMS.
  • Name - Client Name (first and surname)
  • Funding Type
  • Type - Direct or Plan Managed (Plan Managed is only applicable to providers who deliver Plan Management Services)
  • Funding Start Date
  • Funding End date
  • Total Budget - total value of the Client's NDIS Support Budget
  • Total Fees - total value of the Client's Plan Managed Fees (only applicable to providers who deliver Plan Management Services)
  • Includes Custom Price - the Client Funding record contains one or more Support Items with a Custom Price (Yes/No)
  • TTP - indicates if TTP is Activated or Deactivated in the Client Funding record
  • Client Funding On Billing Hold - Yes/No, when No, the next fields are empty as they are not applicable
  • Client Funding On Billing Hold Since - Date of last change of On Billing Hold to Yes
  • Client Funding On Billing Hold By - Staff Member Name who changed On Billing Hold to Yes
  • Total Value On Billing Hold - Displays the total value of all Activity expenditure that is currently on hold
  • Funding Record Creation Date - is the date the Funding record was created which may fall within or outside the Funding period
  • PACE - If the Client's Funding record was created as a PACE record (Yes/No), thereby ensuring the new Support Categories can be added as needed and Support Items are mapped to the correct Support Category accordingly.
  • Client Funding Notes - Notes as entered in the Client Funding Details Notes

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Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements

To create statements for all Clients with an active Funding record, leave the search filters set to their default including the 'Funding End Date', which by default has today's date listed, and generate the search:

Once the results have been generated, navigate to the 'Actions' menu and select 'Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements':

This opens the 'Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements' window which includes additional information about this feature and the ability to select the relevant reporting period: 

The 'Report End Date' defaults to the day before the current date and cannot be changed to a date beyond this. This is required and limited to a date in the past to decrease the risk of changes being made to the Client's expenditure for the reporting period following this being generated. 

Select the relevant reporting period, e.g. the month of June and select 'Confirm' to continue.

The export will be downloaded and available from your downloads folder or the folder you have configured downloads to be saved.

The Bulk Client Funding Statement file is configured to be compatible with and used by your chosen mail merge program.

This file does not contain the individual Client Funding Statements; rather, it contains a unique URL link to access the Client Funding Statement in SupportAbility securely. 

It is important to note that this link provides no other access than to a PDF version of the Client Funding Statement.

To access the statement, the individual must open the unique URL and enter the statement password to download the Client Funding Statement.

The Statement Password is the Client's Date Of Birth as configured in the Client Details tab on the Client record, and must be entered as DDMMYYYY.

Detailed information about this functionality is outlined in the  How to Generate Bulk Client Funding Statements article linked below.

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