Capturing Staff Kilometres - Private or Company
This article provides detailed information about recording private and/or company Staff Kilometres in Activities to track them and/or process these for billing or reimbursement.
Audience: All
The following list summarises the content of this article:
- Considerations for managing Staff Kilometres in SupportAbility
- What is the difference between Private and Company Kilometres?
- Where are Staff Kilometres recorded?
- How is Private and Company Kilometres added to NDIS Supports?
- Apportioning the cost for Group Activities
- How does SupportAbility know what to charge for non-NDIS Private and/or Company Kilometres?
- How are Private kilometres reimbursed?
Considerations for managing Staff Kilometres in SupportAbility
If Staff Kilometres are being recorded in SupportAbility for the purpose of tracking them, billing Clients and/or reimbursing Staff for them, there are a few important points to consider, as follows:
- Do the kilometres relate to the use of a private or company vehicle?
- Do the kilometres need only to be tracked OR billed and/or reimbursed?
- If being billed, how will the Client be paying for these kilometres?
- Does the Staff member facilitating the Activity need to be reimbursed for any private kilometres entered?
What is the difference between Private and Company Kilometres?
Private Kilometres are recorded when Staff have used their own vehicle to assist or attend an Activity and require reimbursement.
Company Kilometres are recorded and tracked when a company owned vehicle has been used and may require invoicing to the Client.
Where are Staff Kilometres recorded?
Staff Kilometres are recorded in the Staff section of an Activity for the relevant Staff Member, and there is the ability to enter the km for either Private and/or Company:
The cumulative total Kilometers for all Staff is displayed at the bottom of the Staff section.
Recording Private Kilometres
To record Private Kilometres, navigate to the Staff section of the Activity, and under the Kilometers column enter the relevant number of kilometres into the 'Private' field for the relevant Staff Member:
Recording Company Kilometres
To record Company Kilometres, navigate to the Staff section of the Activity, and under the Kilometers column enter the relevant number of kilometres into the Company field for the relevant Staff Member: :
How is Private and Company Kilometres added to NDIS Supports?
Travel and Transport Supports are referred to as 'Notional Unit Price Support Items' in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit Updates - 2021/22 NDIS Price Guide and have a Unit Price of $1 in the NDIS Support Catalogue 2021-22. The Default Price for these Supports may be configured in the System Preferences Funding tab when required.
More information about this is outlined in the Configuring the Default Price for Travel & Transport Supports article, linked below for reference.
Once the relevant Category Budget or individual Support Item has been added to a Client's Funding record, the Travel and Transport Supports can be allocated in Activities, and the relevant Company and Private kilometres applied.
When a Transport, Activity Based Transport or Provider Travel Non-Labour Cost Support is allocated, an 'All kms' button is available under the Quantity field. This is available to import all Staff kilometres entered in the Private and Company Kms fields of the Staff section of an Activity:
Once selected, the total quantity of Private and Company Kilometres entered will display here:
Alternatively, in situations where only some of the Private or Company kilometres entered in the Staff section of the Activity is applicable, e.g. 3 km, the required amount may be manually entered in the Quantity field:
Detailed information about completing the remainder of these Support Allocations is outlined in the Participant Transport and Provider Travel article, linked below for reference.
Apportioning the Cost for Group Activities
When allocating Activity-Based Transport Supports (e.g. 04_591_0136_6_1) in an Activity, there is the requirement to select the relevant 'Portion'; thereby, these costs can be shared across the relevant number of participants in a group Activity, where required.
Follow the steps outlined above for adding the Support to an Activity, then select the relevant Portion from the drop-down list of options:
How does SupportAbility know what to charge for non-NDIS Private and/or Company Kilometres?
The current functionality available to manage Billable and/or non-NDIS funding is rather limited and does not suit many Providers needs. Non-NDIS Private or Company Kilometres that require billing are calculated based on the rate specified in the corresponding Service's Rate Card.
It is important to note that Rate Cards are used for Non-NDIS billing purposes only and are subject to Cost Amortisation. Due to these limitations, this functionality has been scheduled to be decommissioned. Please refer to the Decommissioned Feature Notices section of the SupportAbility Roadmap article for more information regarding this.
How are Private kilometres reimbursed?
Any Private
N.B. This information will appear differently based on the export that your organisation is using.
It is also important to note that Company Kilometres will only appear on the Summary and Detailed Time Sheets exports.