Archive: NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit Updates - 2022/23
When a new Pricing Arrangements and Price Limit Updates document is released by the NDIA (colloquially known as the NDIS Price Guide), there are many changes that go along with this. Updates to the NDIS Price Guide outside of July 1 are also increasing. This article is used to communicate any and all changes in relation to all updates related to the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits to SupportAbility subscribers.
For more information about how NDIS Price Guide updates are managed in SupportAbility, please review the following article:
Audience: Authorised Representatives, Finance Team, Operations Management
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- v7.28.3 update includes the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - effective 5 May 2023 (published Friday 12th of May, 2023)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - May 2023 update to be included in SupportAbility on Thursday the 11th of May, 2023 (published on the 9th of May, 2023)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - May 5th update now available (published on the 8th of May, 2023)
- Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 is now available associated with the Oct 1st Update Price Guide in SupportAbility (published on the 31st of Jan, 2023)
- Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 will be added to the Oct 1st Update Price Guide in SupportAbility (published on the 12th of Dec, 2022)
- Update - Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 is available in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits PDF, but not in the NDIS Support Catalogue (published on the 16th of Nov, 2022)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update now available (published on the 7th of October, 2022)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update analysis summary and expected release date (published on the 4th of October, 2022)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update under review (published on the 3rd of October, 2022)
- Minor changes to the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits included in SupportAbility v7.24.2 being released tonight (published on the 11th of July, 2022)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits added to SupportAbility v7.24 (published on the 30th of June, 2022)
- 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - under review (published on the 23rd of June, 2022)
- Summary of changes in the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and expected release date (published on the 27th of June, 2022)
v7.28.3 update includes the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - effective 5 May 2023 (published Friday 12th of May, 2023)
One of the key changes is that all Transitional Community and Centre Based Group NDIS Support Allocations have an updated blue message regarding the new valid until date, i.e. Valid until December 31st, 2023:
Please take a look at the previous update in this article for a full list of changes.
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - May 2023 update to be included in SupportAbility on Thursday the 11th of May, 2023 (published on the 9th of May, 2023)
The 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - May 2023 update v1.2, effective May 5th, 2023, will be included as an update to the current 2022/23 - October 1st Update Price Guide rather than a completely new Price Guide.
- All Transitional Community and Centre Based Group NDIS Support Allocations will be updated to display a blue message regarding the new valid until date, i.e. Valid until December 31st, 2023.
- 32 Supports have been removed and are now Legacy Supports
N.B. These Support Items will be updated to display 'Valid To' messages in NDIS Support Allocations. However, it is important to note that these Support Items are rarely used based on the analysis completed.
- 1 Support Item has an updated Price and is no longer a Notional Support:
- 1 Support Item has been updated to a Legacy Support:
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - May 5th update now available (published on the 8th of May, 2023)
The May 5th update to the 'NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23' was published on the NDIS website on Friday evening, the 5th of May, 2023.
The team at SupportAbility are currently in the process of reviewing this information internally and will provide more information regarding this and the changes analysed shortly.
Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 is now available associated with the Oct 1st Update Price Guide in SupportAbility (published on the 31st of Jan, 2023)
As per the most recent update to this article, following official guidance having been received from the NDIA, Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 has been re-added to the October 1st Update Price Guide (PG) in SupportAbility in last night's upgrade to SupportAbility v7.27.9:
Following this update, the 'Supports from a Previous Price Guide' will no longer need to be selected in the Client's Price Guide Transition Settings tab of their Funding record in order to utilise this Support Item.
We recommend turning this setting off for any Clients that you had activated this for, as it will no longer be necessary.
Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 will be added to the Oct 1st Update Price Guide in SupportAbility (published on the 12th of Dec, 2022)
Further to the most recent update before this, we have received a response from the NDIA's provider support team, who advised that they have flagged this issue for review with the escalation team.
They also advised that given Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 is currently listed in the new pricing arrangement document, it is valid and can therefore be used.
As we have received this official guidance from the NDIA, Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 will be added to the October 1st Update Price Guide (PG) in SupportAbility in an upcoming release.
We do not have an expected release date for this update yet; however, we will keep you updated via this article.
Update - Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 is available in the latest NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits PDF, but not in the NDIS Support Catalogue (published on the 16th of Nov, 2022)
Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 was removed from the October 1st Update NDIS Support Catalogue and was also not included as a Legacy Support Item, therefore this Support Item is appearing as Invalid in SupportAbility when the latest Price Guide is in use.
In recent conversations with providers, it has come to our attention that whilst this was removed in the October 1st Update NDIS Support Catalogue, this Support Item is still available in the PDF version of the latest NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits document and they have been able to claim and invoice for this Support Item successfully.
Given 10_016_0102_5_3 appears to be a valid Support, it must be re-added to the NDIS Support Catalogue in order for this to be available in SupportAbility.
We have contacted the NDIA provider support team regarding this, as well as National Disability Services (NDS) and Disability Services Consulting (DSC). We have only heard back from DSC at this stage, who have advised they have also submitted this issue to the NDIA provider support team.
We wanted to request that any providers needing to utilise this Support Item please also report this to the NDIA provider support team to hopefully get some traction with this. Thank you kindly in advance.
Another update will be posted as soon as we hear anything meaningful back from any of the above parties. We request providers please let us know if you have any luck regarding this.
Potential workaround to utilise Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 currently
There is a potential workaround that may assist organisations that need to utilise this Support Item whilst awaiting this to be re-added to the NDIS Support Catalogue.
Supports from a previous Price Guide
The Client's NDIS Funding record could be configured to be able to utilise 'Supports from a previous Price Guide'.
To do so, navigate to the relevant Client's NDIS Direct Funding record, click on the Price Guide Transition tab, then select 'Edit' next to the 'Supports from previous price guide' setting and set this to yes. This will allow you to add Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 to the Client's Funding record.
It is important to note that configuring this will also allow other removed Support Items to be added to the Client's Funding record, so it is important that any other Staff who may be reviewing or updating this Funding record are aware of this.
A note could be added to the Funding record to explain this has been activated temporarily to allow Employment Support 10_016_0102_5_3 to be added to the Client's Funding record if you believe this will come in handy in future.
Price Guide Transition settings
Each of the NDIS Direct Client Funding records for the Clients who need to utilise this Support Item could be configured to never use the latest October 1st Price Guide Update. This will ensure that SupportAbility will use the '2022/23 - July 1st Price Guide' in the Clients NDIS Support Allocations, and Support Item 10_016_0102_5_3 will be available to use.
Given that the October Update didn't contain a lot of changes or price updates, this may be a feasible option. A complete list of changes can be viewed here for reference. Updating this configuration will ensure that SupportAbility no longer considers 10_016_0102_5_3 as invalid for these Clients.
However, once this issue has been resolved, we recommend going into each of these Funding records and updating the Price Guide Transition to 'As soon as available' again to ensure the latest Price Guide is always in use in the Activities the Clients participate in.
Unfortunately, there is no way to update this holistically and this must be done on a Client Funding by Client Funding basis.
To utilise this workaround, navigate to the relevant Client's NDIS Direct Funding record, click on the Price Guide Transition tab, then select 'Edit' in the '2022/23 - October 1st Update' row:
Select 'Never' in the 'Edit Price Guide Transition' window and then 'Apply' to confirm this:
You will notice that the '2022/23 - October 1st Update' is now set to 'Never':
Remember to save the Client Funding record in order for these changes to be applied. Once saved, the 2022/23 - July 1st Price Guide will be used in NDIS Support Allocations for this Client and 10_016_0102_5_3 will no longer appear as 'Invalid' in SupportAbility and will be available to Allocate and Invoice/Claim:
As mentioned above, once this issue has been resolved, we recommend going into each of these Funding records and updating the Price Guide Transition to 'As soon as available' again to ensure the latest Price Guide is always in use in the Activities the Clients participate in.
An update will be provided in this article when 10_016_0102_5_3 is re-added or further clarification has been provided.
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update now available (published on the 7th of October, 2022)
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update analysis summary and expected release date (published on the 4th of October, 2022)
Our analysis of the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23 - October 1st update has been completed. We are pleased to announce the expected release date of the new Price Guide and an analysis summary.
Expected release date
We expect to add the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update into SupportAbility as a new Price Guide on Thursday evening the 6th of October, 2022.
N.B. This will continue to be called the Price Guide in SupportAbility, e.g. Price Guide: QLD 2022/23 - October 1st
A planned outage of 10 minutes is expected on Thursday evening the 6th of October, 2022 between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm AEDT whilst this is being added to SupportAbility. Communications regarding this planned outage will be sent separately.
This can also be viewed in the SupportAbility Scheduled Maintenance and Outage Register article linked below for reference.
Analysis Summary
- 19 Support Items have been added:
5 Support Items have an updated price:
- 14 Support Items have been removed:
- 2 Support Items are now Notional Supports:
- 12 Support Items have an updated name
- 14 Support Items are no longer apportionable
- 10 Support Items have been updated to Legacy Supports
How to locate a removed Support that is in use, e.g. 10_016_0102_5_3 Employment Support
It is important to note that of the removed Supports, there is one Support Item specifically that is currently in use by a number of providers, i.e. 10_016_0102_5_3 Employment Support.
This Support Item has not been updated to a Legacy Support; therefore, once the new Price Guide is added to SupportAbility, this will become 'Invalid' in Activities awaiting Sign Off and will be removed upon Activity Sign Off.
If your organisation uses this Support Item, we recommend using the Allocations Report to locate any future Activities that this NDIS Support Allocation is used in and review the associated Client Funding records as a different Support Item will need to be utilised in its place.
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - October 1st update under review (published on the 3rd of October, 2022)
The October 1st update to the 'NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23' was published on the NDIS website on Friday evening the 30th of September, 2022.
The team at SupportAbility are currently in the process of reviewing this information internally and will provide more information regarding this and the changes analysed shortly.
Minor changes to the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits included in SupportAbility v7.24.2 being released tonight (published on the 11th of July, 2022)
Some minor changes have been made by the NDIA to the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits as summarised below:
- 23 Support Items have been added
- 1 New Support - 06_434_0131_2_2 - Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) - Monthly Amount
- 22 Legacy Supports re-introduced (these were initially removed as part of the July 01 2022/23 PG)
- 01_500_0104_1_1_T
- 01_501_0104_1_1_T
- 01_502_0104_1_1_T
- 01_503_0104_1_1_T
- 01_504_0104_1_1_T
- 01_505_0104_1_1_T
- 04_500_0104_1_1_T
- 04_501_0104_1_1
- 04_501_0104_1_1_T
- 04_502_0104_1_1
- 04_502_0104_1_1_T
- 04_503_0104_1_1
- 04_503_0104_1_1_T
- 04_504_0104_1_1
- 04_504_0104_1_1_T
- 05_061826171_0135_1_2
- 05_122718150_0105_1_2
- 05_181009121_0105_1_2
- 05_221830247_0122_1_2
- 05_222109254_0124_1_2
- 05_222403225_0122_1_2
- 05_222704266_0122_1_21
- 1 Support Item has had a name change - 06_431_0131_2_2 from: Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), to: Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) - Quotable Amount
These minor updates to the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits effective July 1st, 2022, will be included in the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.24.2 tonight on Monday the 11th of July.
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits added to SupportAbility v7.24 (published on the 30th of June, 2022)

Summary of changes in the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and expected release date (published on the 27th of June, 2022)
Our analysis of the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23 has been completed, and we are pleased to announce the expected release date of the new Price Guide, as well as a summary of changes.
Expected release date
We are expecting to add the 2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits into SupportAbility on Thursday evening the 30th of June, 2022.
N.B. This will continue to be called the Price Guide in SupportAbility e.g. Price Guide: QLD 2022/23 - July 1st
A planned outage of 10 minutes is expected on Thursday evening the 30th of June, 2022 between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm whilst this is being added to SupportAbility. Communications regarding this planned outage will be sent separately. This can also be viewed in the SupportAbility Scheduled Maintenance and Outage Register article linked below for reference.
What has changed in the latest Price Guide?
Whilst a number of changes have been made to rules regarding how some Supports are delivered e.g. Short Notice Cancellations now 7 days, changes to provider travel rules and restructured Support Items; these changes have not resulted in any additional development being required in SupportAbility, other than the addition of the new Price Guide.
Most Support Items have an increased price and many have had a name change. 17 Support Items have been added, 48 Support Items have been removed (only some of which are now Legacy Supports) and 4 Support Items have updated Claim Types. Further details are available in the Analysis Summary section below.
If providers of Plan Management Services who utilise Plan Managed Funding records in SupportAbility need to claim for 01_134_0117_8_1 Capacity Building and Training in Self-Management and Plan Management, it is important to clarify that this Support Item cannot be added to the Plan Management Funding record and an NDIS Direct Funding record will need to be created for this, so that this Support can be Allocated in the relevant Activities the Client participates in and claimed.
We are also aware of the new Bereavement Addendum, however, given the nature of these Support Items, they have not been added to SupportAbility. These Support Items need to be claimed manually from the myplace provider portal following the required guidance as outlined in the Addendum.
Analysis Summary
- 418 Support Items have an increased price
- 301 Support Items have name changes
- 17 Support Items have been added:
48 Support Items have been removed, only some of which are available as Legacy Support Items:
36 Support Items are now Legacy Support Items:
- 4 Support Items have updated Claim Types and can now be claimed in the event of a Short Notice Cancellation:
- 2 Support Items are now Notional Supports:
2022/23 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits - under review (published on the 23rd of June, 2022)
The 'NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23' was published on the NDIS website yesterday, as well as a new NDIS Bereavement Addendum, COVID Addendum and Support Catalogue all effective July 1st, 2022.
The team at SupportAbility are currently in the process of reviewing this information internally and will provide more information regarding this and the changes analysed shortly.