How to add a Direct Client Funding record
This article outlines how to add a Direct Client Funding record for NDIS and Non-NDIS Funding Types.
Privileges: The 'View Financial Information' privilege is required, along with access to the relevant Client records, to access the Funding tab in the Client record to add and view Funding records.
Audience: Finance Team, and anyone tasked with creating or updating NDIS Direct Client Funding records
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- Where are Direct Client Funding records created and stored?
- How to add a Direct Client Funding record
- How to delete a Direct Client Funding record
Where are Direct Client Funding records created and stored?
Direct Client Funding records for both NDIS and Non-NDIS Funding Types are created and stored on the Funding tab of a Client record:
Staff require the 'View Financial Information' privilege and access to the relevant Client records to access this tab and create a Direct Client Funding record.
Staff who do not have this privilege will not see this tab displayed.
How to add a Direct Client Funding record
Direct Client Funding records can be created for NDIS or Non-NDIS Funding Types, and the initial process for creating each is similar.
To create a Direct Client Funding record begin by selecting the + Add button:
Once the 'Add' button has been selected the 'Add Direct Client Funding' window will open:
The NDIS Funding Type is selected by default, and this is the only option available if your organisation only delivers NDIS-funded Services.
However, if your organisation has created Non-NDIS Funding Types, these will also be available to select from here. As outlined further in this article, the information fields required when adding a Non-NDIS Funding record are a little different.
NDIS Funding
The following fields of information require completion to add an NDIS Direct Client Funding record:
- Funding Type - NDIS
- State - State or Territory relevant to the Client
- Default Financial Plan Manager - the entity responsible for paying all or most of the NDIS Supports delivered
- Start Date - the commencement date of the Funding period
- End Date - the end date of the Funding period
Each of these options has been outlined further below.
Funding Type
To create an NDIS Direct Client Funding record, the 'Funding Type' can be left as the default displayed i.e. NDIS:
Select the applicable State or Territory relating to the Client:
This option defaults to the State as per the Client's Street Address in the Client Details tab.
Selecting the State or Territory determines the NDIS Pricing for NDIS Support Allocations when using this Funding.
It is important to note that when generating NDIS Bulk Payment Requests (BPRs), the Allocations for this Funding record will only appear if the corresponding State (or National - if configured) is selected.
For more information, please see the Generating an NDIS Direct Bulk Payment Request (BPR) article linked below.
Default Financial Plan Manager
When adding an NDIS Direct Client Funding record, the Default Financial Plan Manager must be selected i.e. the entity responsible for paying all or most of the NDIS Supports delivered.
The options available for selection include:
- Client or their nominated Billing Contact - applicable when the Client is Self-Managing their Funding
- In the example below, we can see that our Client Sofia Pretoria's father Ben has been set as the Billing Contact on the Contacts tab of her Client record, hence this appears as 'Client (Ben Pretoria)'.
Please review the How to update the Client Billing Contact for Clients who need to be Invoiced article linked below for more information.
- In the example below, we can see that our Client Sofia Pretoria's father Ben has been set as the Billing Contact on the Contacts tab of her Client record, hence this appears as 'Client (Ben Pretoria)'.
- Plan Management Contacts (including the NDIA)
- NDIA - applicable for registered providers and Clients with Agency-Managed funding
- Plan Managers - applicable for Clients with Plan-Managed funding
- The options available to select from will depend on the Shared Contact records that have been created by your organisation and configured with 'NDIS Financial Plan Management' selected e.g. All Star Provider
Please review the How to create a Shared Contact record article linked below for more information.
- The options available to select from will depend on the Shared Contact records that have been created by your organisation and configured with 'NDIS Financial Plan Management' selected e.g. All Star Provider
Once the Funding record has been created, if the Financial Plan Manager for any of the Client's NDIS Supports is different to the 'Default Financial Plan Manager' this can be customised accordingly as required.
Please see the Adding an NDIS Direct Client Funding record for more information.
Start and End Date
Enter the 'Start Date' to reflect the commencement date of the Funding period and the 'End Date' to reflect when this is valid to:
Once entered, this essentially becomes the validity period in which the NDIS Funding can be used in the Activities the Client participates in.
N.B. When creating the very first Funding record for a Client in SupportAbility, the point in time that this is being created may be part way through the Funding period, therefore, your organisation may choose to enter the current date as the Start Date, rather than the commencement date of the Funding period.
Add the Funding record
All fields of information in the 'Add Direct Client Funding' window are required to create the Funding record.
If the required information has not been entered in any of these fields and the 'Add' button is selected, a 'Validation Error' message will display advising the incomplete fields that are required, and it will not be possible to create the record until all fields have been completed:
Once all fields of information have been completed, select the 'Add' button to create the Funding record:
Once the NDIS Direct Client Funding record has been created, additional information can be added, most importantly including the NDIS Supports that you have an arrangement in place to deliver to the Client and their associated Budget value to track Utilisation:
Detailed information regarding this and each of these areas of the NDIS Direct Client Funding record is outlined in the Adding an NDIS Direct Client Funding record article linked below for reference.
Creating subsequent NDIS Direct Client Funding records using the Plan Review feature
Once the initial NDIS Direct Client Funding record has been created, subsequent NDIS Direct Client Funding records can be created by using the Plan Review feature which is accessed via the Actions menu:
N.B. This feature can only be used if the current Funding period is still active.
Benefits to creating the next Client's next NDIS Direct Client Funding record using the ‘Plan Review’ feature include:
- Creation of the new NDIS Direct Client Funding record based on the date range specified.
- All NDIS Supports, settings and details are copied from the original NDIS Direct Client Funding record to the new one, including NDIS Support Budgets.
- This can then be adjusted in the new Client Funding record as required, and a link is included that shows which Funding record this was reviewed from for reference.
- The Funding Source is automatically updated to the new Funding record in all Activities that align with the dates of the new Funding record, regardless of the Activity Sign Off status.
- Ensuring that all Utilisation and Expenditure is associated with the correct Funding record.
- The End Date of the original NDIS Direct Client Funding is updated automatically to the day before the Start Date of the new funding record.
This is also often used in combination with the 'On Billing Hold' feature in cases where an error has occurred and the dates of the new Funding period are not known yet, but you are continuing to deliver services to the Client.
Detailed information regarding these features is outlined in the following articles linked below for reference:
- NDIS Direct Client Funding - Plan Review
- How to place a Client Funding record ‘On Billing Hold’ and remove this when ready to generate billing assets
Non-NDIS Funding
The following fields of information require completion to create a Non-NDIS Direct Client Funding record:
- Funding Type - choose the relevant Non-NDIS Funding Type
- Debtor for Invoices - the entity responsible for paying for the services delivered
- Start Date - the commencement date of the Funding period
- End Date - the end date of the Funding period
Funding Type
To create a Non-NDIS Direct Client Funding record, select the relevant Non-NDIS 'Funding Type' from the list of available options e.g. Clinicial:
N.B. The options available to select from are based on the Non-NDIS Funding Types as configured on the Funding tab in System Preferences.
Please see the Non-NDIS Client Funding article linked below for more information.
Debtor for Invoices
The 'Debtor for Invoices' is the entity responsible for paying for the services your organisation delivers when this Funding record is used as the Funding Source in the Activities the Client participates in.
The options available for selection include:
- Client or their nominated Billing Contact - applicable when the Client needs to be Invoiced directly
- In the example below, we can see that our Client Tommy Misso's family member Marilyn has been set as the Billing Contact on the Contacts tab of his Client record, hence this appears as 'Client (Marilyn Misso)'.
Please review the How to update the Client Billing Contact for Clients who need to be Invoiced article linked below for more information.
- In the example below, we can see that our Client Tommy Misso's family member Marilyn has been set as the Billing Contact on the Contacts tab of his Client record, hence this appears as 'Client (Marilyn Misso)'.
- Debtor Contacts
- The options available to select from will depend on the Shared Contact records that your organisation has created and configured with 'Debtor for Non-NDIS Invoices' (previously 'Financial Plan Manager') e.g. Local Financial Intermediary Services
Please review the Non-NDIS Client Funding article linked below for more information.
- The options available to select from will depend on the Shared Contact records that your organisation has created and configured with 'Debtor for Non-NDIS Invoices' (previously 'Financial Plan Manager') e.g. Local Financial Intermediary Services
Start and End Date
Using the calendar icons, enter the 'Start Date' to reflect the commencement date of the Funding period and the 'End Date' to reflect the end date of the Funding period:
Once entered, this essentially becomes the validity period in which this Funding can be used.
Add the Funding record
All fields of information in the 'Add Direct Client Funding' window are required to create the Funding record.
If the required information has not been entered in any of these fields and the 'Add' button is selected, a 'Validation Error' message will display advising the incomplete fields that are required, and it will not be possible to create the record until all fields have been completed:
Once all fields of information have been completed, select the 'Add' button to create the Funding record:
Once the Non-NDIS Direct Client Funding record has been added, additional information can be added, including the Total Budget that you have an arrangement in place to deliver to the Client and their associated Budget value to track Utilisation.
In cases where a Total Budget value is not applicable, this can be left empty, and Expenditure will continue to be tracked against this Funding record, viewable in the Utilisation tab and Client Funding Statement (available from the Print menu).
Please see the Non-NDIS Client Funding and How to Generate a Client Funding Statement articles linked below for more information.
How to delete a Direct Client Funding record
In addition to the 'View Financial Information' privilege and access to a Direct Client Funding record, Staff require the 'Delete Records' privilege in order to be able to delete the record.
Staff with this privilege can delete the Direct Client Funding record, by selecting 'Delete Client Funding' from the Actions menu:
Once selected a notification will display asking; ' Are you sure you want to delete this Direct Client Funding? This change cannot be undone':
Staff who do not have the 'Delete Records' privilege
The 'Delete Client Funding' option is visible to all Staff with access to the Direct Client Funding record, however, if selected by a Staff Member who does not have the 'Delete Records' privilege a notification will display advising; ' Unable to select Direct Client Funding. The Delete Records privilege is required to perform this action':