Staff Shift Analysis Report Exports
Following the introduction of Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data introduced in SupportAbility v8.6 (May 2024), two report exports have been developed to assist providers in analysing this data.
The Shift Categorisation Audit Report export was introduced in SupportAbility v8.8 (July 2024), and the Historical Shift Analysis Report export was introduced in SupportAbility v8.9 (August 2024).
Activity ID and Shift ID have been included and prioritised in these and other report exports to assist providers by making it easier to link information between exports with Excel or Google Sheets functions such as VLOOKUP.
While each of these exports can be downloaded at any time, they have been designed to assist Team Leaders, Operations, Finance, and Payroll teams at different workflow stages.
This article discusses how each of these report exports can be used to analyse shift data in different ways to help your organisation identify any discrepancies or opportunities relating to this.
We recommend reviewing the Rostered, Recorded, and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms Overview article prior to this, which is linked below for reference.
Audience: Team Leaders, Operations, Finance, Payroll
The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- How to download these report exports
- Shift Categorisation Audit Report export
- Historical Shift Analysis Report export
How to download these report exports
To download these report exports, generate an Activity Staff Report from the Reports menu based on your required parameters.
Navigate to the Actions menu in the Activity Staff Report list results. These report exports are available at the bottom of the list:
It is important to note that when exporting these reports, staff can only view the data that they have access to.
Shift Categorisation Audit Report export
The Shift Categorisation Audit Report export was introduced in SupportAbility v8.8 (July 2024).
While this can be exported at any time, it is intended to assist in reviewing Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data holistically, including Timesheet Categorisation, prior to generating Timesheet Batches to ensure the data is correct and ready for payroll processing.
This report export includes the Recorded/Finalised data according to what is displayed in the Activity record.
For example, if generating this report export and the Activity Sign Off is yet to be completed, and Staff have not updated the Recorded shift information (by either editing their recorded shift date/time, entering kms or Checking In/Out of their shift), the data that appears in the Recorded columns mirrors the Rostered shift information.
In this scenario, the data that appears in Finalised is based on how your organisation has configured System Preferences for the Service, as per how this appears in the Activity record. Please see the How to Configure Staff Shift Settings by Service article for more information, linked below for reference.
Once Recorded Shift information is updated, either by Staff editing their Recorded Shift date/times, entering kms, or completing the Check In/Out, this saved information is reflected in the report export. Similarly, once Finalised is edited or the Activity Sign Off is complete, it is updated to reflect this.
This report export reflects precisely what is on screen at the time it is exported. If the Activity Sign Off were to be performed at that time, this data would become actual and can be reviewed using this report to confirm accuracy prior to payroll processing.
If you would like to review what shift Recorded/Finalised data has actually been edited, the Historical Shift Analysis Report export will assist, as outlined in the relevant section below.
Shift Categorisation Audit Report export uses
The Shift Categorisation Audit Report export provides details of the Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Shift hours and kms.
It also includes a breakdown of the Timesheet Categorisation of each shift (Rostered, Recorded and Finalised).
Previously, this data was only available to review individually in the Activity record, or holistically in the Timesheet Batch.
Example One - compare Rostered vs. Recorded during a payroll period prior to finalisation
During a payroll period, the Rostered vs. Recorded shift data can be viewed holistically and compared to identify any differences that may impact the expected wage expense totals.
Reviewing the shift data using the report export for the Community Access Service for our early August pay cycle, we can see some differences between Rostered and Recorded shifts and kms:
For example, when reviewing Activity #2869 (Row 10), we can see that the Staff Member Checked Into their shift early and checked out a couple of minutes after their shift.
Therefore, we can decide if this is outside our expected tolerance, which, in this case, it is not, and no further action is required.
However, it may be handy to monitor over time to identify any instances of under or over-servicing.
Example Two - monitor Rostered vs. Recorded to ensure additional support provided is being billed
Continuing from the example above, in Activity #2850 (Rows 7 & 8), we can see that the Recorded Shift Duration for two Staff Members was an extra half an hour compared to the Rostered Shift Duration. 6.5 hours each, and 120 Private Kms were recorded.
The Activity record can be viewed for more information and to ensure that any additional support provided is being charged for where required.
Alternatively, the Allocations Report could be utilised to help determine this. For example, when generating the Allocations Report using the same parameters, i.e. searching for Allocations for the Community Access Service for our early August pay cycle, the export results can be filtered to Activity #2850 (Column AW) that was identified above:
By reviewing the Quantity (Column S) in relation to the Price Portion (Column W), we can see that 6 hours have been allocated per person (2 x 1:2, 1 x 1:1), and 100 kms have been allocated per person (3 x 1:3).
From here, we can decide if the Clients need to be charged for the additional half-hour support provided, and 20 kms travelled. Should this be required, the Client's NDIS Support Allocations can be updated in the Activity record, e.g. #2850:
Example Three - review Timesheet Categorisation prior to payroll processing
This export can also be used to review the Timesheet Categorisation breakdown of Staff Shifts prior to generating a Timesheet Batch.
Previously, the Timesheet Categorisation information was only available to view individually in the Activity record or holistically once Timesheet Batches were generated.
The Timesheet Categorisation breakdown of each shift is included in this export and can be viewed to compare this between Rostered (highlighted in blue), Recorded (highlighted in pink) and Finalised (highlighted in green) as required:
N.B. Active Night Shift Hours are only included in Recorded and Finalised as these cannot be Rostered.
If any issues are identified, they can be addressed by either adjusting the Staff Shift in the Activity (if appropriate) or manually updating the categorisation in the Timesheet Batch export prior to payroll processing.
Shift Categorisation Audit Report export data mapping
The following columns of data are included in this export:
- Activity ID - the SupportAbility Activity record ID
- Shift ID - the SupportAbility Staff Shift record ID
- It is important to note that the Shift ID is not viewable in the Activity record. This has been added to assist providers using multiple exports together and to determine when different shifts belong to a single Activity.
- Staff Member Name - the First Name of the Staff Member in the Activity
- Staff Member Surname - the Surname of the Staff Member in the Activity
- SupportAbility Staff ID - the SupportAbility Staff record ID
- Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
- Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated or managed by
- Activity - the name of the Activity
- Activity Sign Off - Yes/No
- Shift Sign Off - Yes/No
- ‘No’ appears if this has not been completed or Shift Sign Off is not configured.
- Check In - Yes/No
- ‘No’ appears if this has not been completed or Check In/Out is not configured.
- Check Out - Yes/No
- ‘No’ appears if this has not been completed or Check In/Out is not configured.
- Includes Break -
- 'Yes' - indicates 'Includes Break' was selected for this Staff Member's shift
- 'No' - indicates 'Includes Break' was not selected for this Staff Member's shift
- Not Paid -
- 'Yes' - indicates 'Not Paid' was selected for this Staff Member's shift
- 'No' - indicates 'Not Paid' was not selected for this Staff Member's shift
- Timesheet Batch ID - If the Staff Shift has been included in a Timesheet Batch, the associated ID is listed here.
- Rostered Staff Duration - Rostered Staff Shift Duration in hours
- Recorded From - Recorded From Date and Time
- Recorded To - Recorded From Date and Time
- Recorded Staff Duration - Recorded Staff Shift Duration in hours
- Finalised From - Finalised From Date and Time
- Finalised To - Finalised From Date and Time
- Finalised Staff Duration - Finalised Staff Shift Duration in hours
- Rostered Private Kms
- Rostered Company Kms
- Recorded Private Kms - It is important to note that when there is no recorded data, this field will be empty. However, when kms had been recorded, and then removed, this will appear as 0.
- Recorded Company Kms - as above
- Finalised Private Kms
- Finalised Company Kms
The remaining columns in the report export provide a breakdown of the Timesheet Categorisation of the shift by Rostered, Recorded and Finalised:
- Rostered Standard Hours
- Rostered Evening Hours
- Rostered Inactive Night Shift Hours
- Rostered Time and a Half Hours
- Rostered Double Time Hours
- Recorded Standard Hours
- Recorded Evening Hours
- Recorded Active Night Shift Hours
- Recorded Inactive Night Shift Hours
- Recorded Time and a Half Hours
- Recorded Double Time Hours
- Finalised Standard Hours
- Finalised Evening Hours
- Finalised Inactive Night Shift Hours
- Finalised Time and a Half Hours
- Finalised Double Time Hours
Historical Shift Analysis Report export
The Historical Shift Analysis Audit Report export was introduced in SupportAbility v8.9 (August, 2024):
While this can be exported at any time, it is intended to assist in reviewing Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Staff Shift data, including warnings, differences and Check In/Out details, after Timesheet Batches have been generated and payroll has been processed.
This export can be used to compare the expected hours and kms, i.e. Rostered, vs. the actual hours worked and kms travelled, i.e. Recorded, vs. the hours and kms paid, i.e. Finalised, for a specific period to identify any discrepancies or opportunities related to this.
It is important to note that when exporting this report, staff can only see the data that they have access to.
Historical Shift Analysis Report export uses
The Historical Shift Analysis Report export also provides information about the Rostered, Recorded and Finalised Shift hours and kms.
However, this export provides an indication if warnings have been triggered (provided these have been configured), highlights any differences between Recorded and Rostered or Recorded and Finalised, and provides detailed information relating to Check In/Out, including location and accuracy.
For example, the Check In/Out details can be used to verify that the person delivered services from the expected location, provided this has first been configured in System Preferences as such and location settings have been enabled by the individual on their device.
Unlike the Shift Categorisation Audit Report export, the Historical Shift Analysis Report export will only display data in the Recorded fields when Staff have edited their recorded shift date/time, Checked In/Out of their shift or recorded Kms, or the Shift Sign Off, or Activity Sign Off has been completed.
Similarly, Finalised data will only be displayed if this has either been edited and saved or after the Shift Sign Off, or Activity Sign Off has been completed.
Example One - view shifts with edited Recorded or Finalised data prior to Activity Sign Off
If you would like to view which Staff are updating their Recorded shift times or Kms, this can be viewed using this report export prior to Activity Sign Off:
The above results show that the Recorded shift times have been edited for three shifts, either by the staff member editing their recorded time in the Mobile or Web App or by Checking In/Out of their Shift.
To clarify if this occurred via Check In/Out, navigate further along in the report to view details of this:
To view details of whether or not the individual edited their Recorded Shift times/kms after Activity Sign Off, you could filter the export by the relevant 'Differences' columns to determine any differences between Rostered and Recorded, or Recorded and Finalised, for example.
Example Two - compare Rostered, Recorded and Finalised differences retrospectively
The Historical Shift Analysis Report export provides an indication of whether or not Warnings in relation to Shift hours (Recorded From Warning, Recorded To Warning) or Recorded Private or Company Kms were triggered based on the time or value the Staff Member edited their Recorded time/kms to.
Important - this will only appear if these warnings have bee been configured by your organisation. Please see the How to Configure Staff Shift Settings by Service article for more information, linked below for reference.
It also includes the difference between Rostered and Recorded From or To Times and Kms, or the Recorded and Finalised From or To Times, as well as the Kms:
In the above example, we can see that the 'Recorded To Warning' was triggered for four shifts. This indicates that the Recorded To time exceeded the configured threshold for these shifts.
We can also see that there is a difference of between 30 minutes and 1 hour from the 'Rostered - Recorded To Time' (AD) for each of these shifts. This means the Recorded To time (shift end time) is greater than the Rostered To time, meaning the person recorded that they worked later than they were rostered to work.
However, the 'Rostered - Finalised To' (AF) is not displaying any difference. This indicates that we may have underpaid these Staff for these shifts and potentially not billed Clients for the additional support they received.
This report helps to highlight these discrepancies and the Activities that will need to be reviewed to better understand what occurred.
We can also see the 'Recorded Private Kms Warning' was triggered. There is a 'Rostered - Recorded Private Kms Diff' (AO) of 50 kms. However, there are also 50 kms displayed in 'Rostered - Finalised Private Kms Diff' (AQ), which indicates the Staff Member has been reimbursed for these additional kms as finalised data is utilised in timesheets.
Example Three - review Check In/Out details, and compare this to the Edited Recorded Time
This export includes an indication of whether or not the Check In Date & Time is different from Recorded From (AW) or the Check Out Date & Time is different from Recorded To (AX):
The results can then be sorted using these fields as required, should you wish to review these differences in more detail by comparing the Recorded From and To to the Check In/Out Date & Time.
The Check In/Out Location is also captured here and may be useful to verify service delivery occurred in proximity of the expected location, provided this is configured and location settings have been enabled by the individual.
Historical Shift Analysis Report export data mapping
The following columns of data are included in this export:
- Activity ID - the SupportAbility Activity record ID
- Shift ID - the SupportAbility Staff Shift record ID
- It is important to note that the Shift ID is not viewable in the Activity record. This has been added to assist providers using multiple exports together and to determine when different shifts belong to a single Activity.
- Staff Member Name - the First Name of the Staff Member in the Activity
- Staff Member Surname - the Surname of the Staff Member in the Activity
- SupportAbility Staff ID - the SupportAbility Staff record ID
- Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
- Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated or managed by
- Activity - the name of the Activity
- Activity Sign Off - Yes/No
- Shift Sign Off - Yes/No
- Includes Break
- Not Paid
- Timesheet Batch ID - If the Staff Shift has been included in a Timesheet Batch, the associated ID is listed here.
- Rostered From
- Rostered To
- Rostered Shift Duration - Stated as hours, with up to two decimals
- Recorded From
- Recorded To
- Recorded Shift Duration - Stated as hours, with up to two decimals
- Recorded Active Night Duration - Stated as hours, with up to two decimals
- Finalised From
- Finalised To
- Finalised Shift Duration - Stated as hours, with up to two decimals
- Finalised Active Night Duration - Stated as hours, with up to two decimals
- Recorded From Warning - Yes if applicable, otherwise empty.
- Recorded To Warning - Yes if applicable, otherwise empty.
- Rostered - Recorded From Diff - Difference in hours. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Recorded occurred before Rostered
- Rostered - Recorded To Diff - Difference in hours. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Recorded occurred before Rostered
- Rostered - Finalised From Diff - Difference in hours. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Finalised occurred before Rostered
- Rostered - Finalised To Diff - Difference in hours. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Finalised occurred before Rostered
- Rostered Private Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Rostered Company Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Recorded Private Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Recorded Company Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Finalised Private Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Finalised Company Kms - Rounded to 2 decimals
- Recorded Private Kms Warning - Yes if applicable, otherwise empty.
- Recorded Company Kms Warning - Yes if applicable, otherwise empty.
- Rostered - Recorded Private Kms Diff - Difference in decimals. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Recorded Private Kms lower than Rostered
- Rostered - Recorded Company Kms Diff - Difference in decimals. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Recorded Company Kms are lower than Rostered
- Rostered - Finalised Private Kms Diff - Difference in decimals. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Finalised Kms are lower than Rostered
- Rostered - Finalised Company Kms Diff - Difference in decimals. Rounded to 2 decimals. Negative values are displayed when Recorded Kms lower than Rostered
- Check In Date & Time
- Check In Source
- Check Out Date & Time
- Check Out Source
- Check In Different from Recorded - Yes or No
Yes: Check In was complete, but the time stamp differs to the Recorded From
No: Is used if not edited, If Check In was not complete or Check In/Out is not configured for the Service. - Check Out Different from Recorded - Yes or No
Yes: Check Out was complete, but the time stamp differs to the Recorded From
No: Is used if not edited, If Check Out was not complete or Check In/Out is not configured for the Service. - Check In/Out Shift Duration - Stated as hours with up to two decimals
- Check-In Location - As described by the map service
- Check In Location Accuracy - As described by the map service
- Check Out Location - As described by the map service
- Check Out Location Accuracy - As described by the map service