How to link or unlink Staff Members a Client Prefers or Does Not Prefer to Work With

From the upgrade to SupportAbility Web App 8.10 (September 2024), Staff with the Team Leader privilege can link the Staff Members that a Client prefers to work with and/or any Staff Members that the Client does not prefer to work with, in the Status tab of the Client record. 

This article reviews how to record and report on this information. 

Audience: Team Leaders, Managers

Privileges: Team Leader, noting that you can only link/unlink Staff Member records to which you have access.


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:


Linking the Staff Members that a Client prefers to work with and/or any Staff Members that the Client does not prefer to work with this information is a foundational step toward the first roster-matching functionality in SupportAbility. 

It is important to note that SupportAbility does not validate this information when adding Staff Members to shifts in Activities with the Client. This is for informational purposes only so that a record of this may be kept, with the primary goal of assisting in determining the most suitable Staff Member to support the Client in the Activity.

In a future release, this information will be displayed in the 'Change Staff Member' modal when editing Staff Shifts, for example, when a Staff Member is sick, and will eventually be utilised in the roster planning tool. It is therefore recommended to enter this information in readiness for these future updates. 

This functionality could also be used to reflect the Staff Members that have the required skills to support the Client as preferred, and those that don't could be listed as not preferred. 

While the Staff Members a Client prefers to work with or prefers not to work with is not currently displayed elsewhere, this information can be reviewed and monitored holistically by Staff with Team Leader privileges using the Client Search List export and the Activity Client Report export. 

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How to link Staff Members a Client Prefers To Work With or Prefers Not To Work With

To link the Staff Members a Client prefers to work with or does not prefer to work with, navigate to the Status tab on the Web App, noting the two new sections at the top of the page: 

N.B. These new sections will only appear for Staff with the Team Leader privilege and it is only possible to link or unlink Staff Members records that you have access to. 

Select the 'Link' button for the relevant option to link the Staff Members the Client prefers to work with, where relevant: 

Select the relevant Staff Members the Client prefers to work with, e.g. Abel, and Felix: 

As well as the Staff Members the Client prefers not to work with, where relevant: 

Once complete, the Staff Members the Client prefers to work with and prefers not to work with will be listed here:

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How to report on Staff Members a Client Prefers To Work With or Prefers Not To Work With

While the Staff Members a Client prefers to work with or prefers not to work with is not currently displayed elsewhere, this information can be reviewed and monitored holistically by Staff with Team Leader privileges using the Client Search List export and the Activity Client Report export. 

To view this from the Client Search List, select 'Download Client List' from the Actions menu: 

Two columns are available at the end of the export, 'Prefers to Work With' and 'Prefers Not to Work With' to review this information: 

To view this from the Activity Clients Report, select 'Activity Clients Report' from the Actions menu: 

Two columns are available at the end of the export, 'Prefers to Work With' and 'Prefers Not to Work With' to review this information: 

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How to unlink Staff Members Client Prefers To Work With or Prefers Not To Work With

To unlink a Staff Member, select the unlink icon: 

Once selected, the 'Unlink Preferred or Not Preferred Staff Member' window is displayed to complete this action: 

Once 'Unlink' is selected, the record will no longer be linked: 

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