Entering External Invoices in the Client's FPM tab

This article provides detailed information relating to entering external invoices in Clients' FPM tabs. 

Once an invoice has been received from an NDIS Service Provider for a Client your organisation provides NDIS Financial Plan Management for, once it has been processed by Accounts Receivable and entered into your organisation's finance package, this needs to be added to the Client's NDIS FPM tab. 

Audience: Finance Team


It is important that your organisation has completed Steps 1 - 7 of the steps outlined in the Steps to set up and use the NDIS Financial Plan Management (FPM) functionality article, linked below for reference. 

Staff entering External Invoices will need access to the Plan Management Service the relevant Clients participate in and the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account Privileges.


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

FPM tab

Once an invoice has been received from an NDIS Service Provider for a Client your organisation provides NDIS Financial Plan Management for, this can be entered into the Client's FPM tab. 

To enter external invoices received, select the 'FPM' tab in the Client's record. 

NDIS Service Provider

Firstly, the NDIS Service Provider the invoice has been received from needs to be added. Click on the '+' to add a new service provider: 

Select the NDIS Service Provider you are adding invoices for:

The 'Service Provider' Contact will be used in this example. Please note, if the NDIS Service Provider is not available to select from here, the Contact record has not been created and/or set as an 'NDIS Service Provider', please see the NDIS Service Provider Contact record article linked below for reference. 

Once the NDIS Service Provider has been selected, it will appear under the Provider heading as follows: 

There is an option to enter Start and End dates, which may be useful if you wish to align these with the Client's Service Agreement with the Provider. Any notes regarding the Service Provider may also be recorded here as required. N.B. Each of these are optional features. 

Select the '+' icon to 'Add a new invoice':

Each invoice entered opens into its own record. All of the invoice details can be entered here such as Provider Invoice Number (mandatory), Provider Invoice Date (mandatory), an optional Description/Title for identification purposes, along with any relevant Notes: 

Invoice Items

Once these details have been entered, select the '+' icon to 'Add a new invoice item' under the Invoice Items section. This is where the Support items for the Services delivered are entered. 

The Service Start and End Dates must be added first, once entered, the Client's NDIS Funding Plan will be attached. The Reference Number field is where the Support items being claimed are added. This is a lookup field. Simply start typing the name of the Support Item or it's code and results will generate e.g:

Select the relevant Support Item. Once this has been added, the details will display. 

Claim Type

A 'Claim Type' is now required of either: 

  • Standard Service,
  • Travel
  • Report Writing, or
  • Cancelled

N.B.  Standard Service is the default.

When 'Cancelled' is selected, a 'Cancellation Reason' is required of either: 

  • Health reason,
  • Family issues,
  • Unavailability of transportor
  • Other:

N.B. The applicable code will populate in the 'new' NDIS Bulk Payment Request 2018/19 file export e.g. NSDH, TRAN etc., based on the Cancellation Reason entered.

When the Claim Type of ' Cancelled' is selected, SupportAbility provides information regarding the Default Price (if the Support has a Price Control) and the recommended Cancellation Price which equates to 90% of the Supports Price Control maximum e.g:  

N.B. These warnings are for guidance purposes only and does not inhibit a value higher than the Cancellation Price calculation being saved. 

The Quantity of the Support must be entered: 

Along with the Price

N.B. These warnings are for guidance purposes only and will not inhibit a value higher than the Price Control maximum being saved where applicable. 

Once an Invoice Item has been added it will appear in the Invoice record as follows:

If more than one Support item is being claimed, additional Invoice Items can be added for this purpose. Once all Supports have been allocated via Invoice Items, select 'Save NDIS Service Provider Invoice': 

Return to Summary

Sign Off External Invoices

External Invoices must have the Sign Off performed, prior to be available for inclusion in an External Invoice Batch. This is designed to indicate the invoice is ready to be batched and subsequently imported into your organisation's Finance system, then converted & included in an NDIS Bulk Payment Request file. 

There are no specific permissions set to who can Sign Off an external invoice, if you have access to enter it, you can also perform the Sign Off. 

At least one Invoice Item is required to be entered in order for the Sign Off button to become available e.g:

Select the Sign Off button and the External Invoice Sign Off window will appear to confirm the selection e.g:

Once the External Invoice has been Signed Off, it will appear as follows:  

Once Signed Off, the record is locked and cannot be edited. The Sign Off can be removed if an error needs to be addressed for example, only up until the invoice has been included in an External Invoice Batch e.g:

Return to Summary

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