Configuring the Client Support Log feature

There are several areas of SupportAbility that require configuration prior to the Client Support Log being available:

  • Your organisation will need to decide how each Service should have the 'Support Log Evidence Required' Activity setting configured.
  • An organisation wide 'Client Mode PIN' must be created in System Preferences.
    • This PIN will be used to exit out of the locked Client Mode when performing the Client Support Log via 'Digital Signature'.
  • The System Administrator details in System Preferences must be accurate.
    • This important contact information will be displayed if staff members have forgotten the Client Mode PIN.
  • Review the 'Support Log Introductory text' in System Preferences.
    • This text is displayed when a client, or their nominee, is completing a Support Log via Digital Signature andThis can be amended as required.

This information is outlined further in this article and is also available to watch in the Configuring the Client Support Log video. 

Audience: Authorised Representatives, Operations Management


Prior to configuring this feature, it is important that your organisation has decided how the Client Support Log feature will be used, how staff will be informed & trained in its use and to ensure that all activation requirements have been met. 


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

'Support Log Evidence Required' Activity setting

A new setting in System Preferences::Services is available, for your organisation to indicate whether or not Support Log Evidence is required for the Activities delivered within each Service.

The NDIA advise that evidence by way of Support Log is a requirement for specific support types. For more information, please review module 7.2 of the NDIS Provider Toolkit, the Provider Payment Assurance Program.


Support Log Evidence Required is set to Never for all existing and new Service records. Activating this feature requires strategic consideration, as outlined in the activation requirements article

While the 'Support Log Evidence Required’ Activity setting can be configured in System Preferences for non-NDIS Services, this does  not however activate the Client Support Log feature in Activities for non-NDIS Services, as NDIS Client funding and related Support Allocations are not applicable and hence not set for these Services.

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'Support Log Evidence Required' configuration options

The following 'Support Log Evidence Required' Activity setting configuration options are available for each Service:

  • Never
  • Always,
  • On by default, or
  • Off by default. 


When selected:

The 'Support Log Evidence Required' setting never appears for Activities that are delivered by this Service.

The Support Log column in the client section of the Activity will also be hidden, except in cases where a Client Support Log already exists.


When selected:

The 'Support Log Evidence Required' setting  always appears as active for Activities delivered by this Service: 

Therefore, the Support Log column in the Client section of the Activity will always be displayed. 

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Default options

The next two options have been designed to give providers the flexibility needed to manage this requirement on an Activity-by-Activity basis.

On by default

When On by default is selected:

The Support Log Evidence Required setting appears as On by default for Activities delivered by this Service:

When the 'Support Log Evidence Required' Activity setting is active, the Support Log column is displayed in the Client section of the Activity:

Off by default

Similarly, when Off by default is selected:

The 'Support Log Evidence Required' setting appears as Off by default for Activities delivered by this Service:

If the 'Support Log Evidence Required' Activity setting is not active, the Support Log column will be hidden,:

Except in cases where a Client Support Log already exists:

Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can update this setting to ensure that it is on when Client Support Logs are required, and off when they aren’t. 

For all other staff, this will simply appear as either Yes or No e.g:

Please note when On by default is set, this will only appear as such on newly created Activities. It will appear as Off by default for any existing Activities delivered by this Service, as it was not available when the Activity was created. If it is required for existing Activities, staff who manage Activities can activate this. 

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Client Mode Organisation PIN

When a Support Log is being performed via Digital Signature, SupportAbility enters a locked Client Mode across all tabs open in the web browser, to ensure privacy is maintained: 

Your organisation’s Client Mode PIN must be entered to exit out of client mode and return to the Activity. The Client Mode PIN must be set in System Preferences::System Settings in order to utilise the Support Log via 'Digital Signature'.

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Setting the Client Mode PIN

To update this setting, navigate to System Preferences::System Settings.

Enter your organisation’s chosen Client Mode PIN. This must be a minimum of 4 digits: 

There is no limit to the number of digits that can be entered. However, it is advisable to keep the Client Mode PIN to a reasonable length as staff need to recall this:

Please also consider if general security training regarding passwords is required for staff, as per the Client Support Log activation requirements article

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System Administrator

If, when using the Support Log via Digital Signature, a staff member selects 'Forgotten PIN?', the information entered regarding the System Administrator in System Preferences will be displayed: 

It is important to update these details, to ensure this contact information is accurate. If these details have not been configured, this will simply display 'Please contact your System Administrator.'

Currently, the Client Support Log via Digital Signature, is the only area of the system where this information appears. However, this may be expanded to other areas in the future. 

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Entering System Administrator details

To update this information, navigate to System Preferences::Installation Options:

Enter the name of your organisation's System Administrator, or, the relevant contact information to be utilised by staff who require further assistance e.g: 

There is a limit of 250 characters for each of these fields. 

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Support Log Introductory text

When a Client or their nominee is completing a Support Log via Digital Signature, the Support Log Introductory text is displayed. This introduction is designed to describe the purpose of completing a Support Log to the participant or their nominee.

The default Support Log Introductory text reads:

'By signing this Support Log, you are confirming these supports have been delivered as stated.'

However, this can be customised as required in System Preferences::NDIS:

There is no character limit to this text field. However, please be mindful of how much text is entered, especially if staff are using the Support Log via 'Digital Signature' on tablet devices. This also needs be clear and concise for Participants and their nominees. 

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