Client Support Log activation requirements


Whilst an initial NDIS Client Sign Off feature had been made available for some time in an effort to assist providers meeting their NDIS compliance requirements, the solution provided was inefficient; required equipment, operational foresight and service process management to levels that were simply not pragmatic for most service providers.

Therefore, to reinforce SupportAbility's key objective of assisting Service Providers meet compliance requirements under NDIS and work more efficiently and transparently with participants, this functionality has been redesigned and now forms part of a new  Client Support Log feature available in the Client section of Activities, when activated and required.



Before configuring the Client Support Log feature, it is imperative providers consider:


Which Services, of those your organisation delivers, have an NDIS compliance requirement that Client Support Log evidence be collected and stored. Alternatively, when not mandated as a compliance requirement, which Services may derive governance benefits from enabling this feature?

Client Support Log Method

Which method will be utilised to perform the Client Support Log: 

  • Digital Signature, and/or
  • Evidence Received. 

If your organisation wishes to utilise the Evidence Received method, you will need to determine what constitutes sufficient evidence received. 


Security is always a responsibility shared by both SupportAbility and Service Provider organisation.  Whilst security has been factored into the design of this feature, it is imperative that the organisations policies and procedures are updated to address potentials risks associated with this feature.  The organisation will need to educate staff on the inherent risks and train them on the organisations strategies to mitigate against them.  It is also recommended that organisations conduct regular audits ensure the rules of governance are being upheld in operations.

For example, many web browsers are configured to autosave usernames and passwords. Therefore, consider updating your organisation's browser settings organisation wide, as these autosave settings may pose a risk when performing the Client Support Log via Digital Signature. 


Prior to activating this feature, your organisation may wish to inform clients that you intend to store their digital signatures in a secure cloud-based system to meet compliance requirements under the NDIS.  


A Support Log via Digital Signature can be completed from a  tablet device or using a computer with a touchscreen monitor, or regular monitor and mouse. Staff must therefore, have access to an appropriate device if Client Support Logs are required.    

Configuration and Browser Management

Please ensure that this feature is configured correctly prior to commencement. Staff require the latest version of their chosen web browser to access SupportAbility, noting Google Chrome is our recommendation. 

Both of these are required, as the Client Support Log via Digital Signature feature may not be available

  • when the Client Mode PIN has not been configured for your organisation,
  • when staff are using outdated versions of Internet Explorer (IE 8 and older), or
  • due to a bug with Internet Explorer 11 where permission is denied. 
Process and Communication 

What is the current process your organisation uses to record Client Support Logs?

    • how will this change?
    • how will staff be trained in the new process? and
    • how will this process be transitioned?

How will  clients be informed about the requirement for a Client Support Log to be completed?


Determine who your organisation's System Administrator is. The details that are listed in the System Administrator fields in SupportAbility will be listed in the Forgotten PIN window if staff have any issues with the Client Mode PIN.

Ensure that all first-tier support is managed by your organisation, and only escalated to SupportAbility via your appointed  Authorised Representatives where required. 

Staff Training

Before this feature is activated and once the points above have been considered, staff will need an understanding of how to use this feature including when and by what method Client Support Logs are required. 

We recommend the following: 

  • Conducting compliance training, providing a comprehensive overview of when this form of evidence is required and why,
  • Informing staff how the Support Log Evidence Required setting has been configured for the Services your organisation delivers, and
    • how your organisation decides which Activities this is required for and when it is not.
  • Educate staff on who in your organisation has the privileges required for updating the Support Log Evidence Required Activity setting,
  • Review how the Client Support Log feature works with all staff required to use this, and
  • inform staff which Client Support Log Method/s your organisation has chosen to utilise: 
    • Digital Signature, and/or
    • Evidence Received 
      • if this method is used, inform staff what constitutes sufficient evidence received. 
  • Advise staff on the device/s your organisation is allowing this feature to be used from. 
    • E.g. tablets and/or computers, 
  • Staff will need to be informed that SupportAbility enters a locked Client Mode when using the Digital Signature feature, 
    • staff also need to know what the organisation Client Mode PIN is and how it is used,
  • Providing general security training i.e. password management
    • E.g. not to store the Client Mode PIN anywhere unsecure i.e. their phone, or write it down on post-it notes stuck on the back of the device etc. 
  • Staff require an understanding of how to inform the clients, that they need to complete Support Logs with, about this requirement.
  • Staff also need to know who your organisation's System Administrator is, or who to contact if they have any issues.

Whilst training on the various aspects of this feature is available in our Knowledge Base articles and via the linked Learning Centre videos,  all staff training is the sole responsibility of the provider. 

Systems training must be coupled with organisational policy and procedure, to provide staff with the direction they need on how best to utilise this feature of SupportAbility within your organisation.

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