How to place a Client Funding record 'On Billing Hold' and remove this when ready to generate billing assets
Activity expenditure is available for inclusion again in Direct Invoices and/or BPRs as soon as 'On Billing Hold' is updated from ‘Yes’ to ‘No’ in the Client Funding record. We, therefore, recommend using the Notes field to record all changes to this status, to avoid any confusion regarding historic expenditure being available.
This article outlines how to place a Client Funding record 'On Billing Hold' and demonstrates what this does, as well as stepping through how to remove this when your organisation is ready to generate billing assets for this Client again.
NDIS Direct Funding records and Non-NDIS Direct Funding records can be placed 'On Billing Hold', however, it is important to note that this article primarily focuses on NDIS Funding and some of the features are related to NDIS Funding only e.g. Plan Review.
- 'View Financial Information' in combination with either:
- 'Team Leader for ALL Services'
- 'Edit Client Records Across ALL Services'
Audience: Finance Team
The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:
- Purpose of this feature
- How to place a Client's Funding On Billing Hold
- Where does this information appear in other areas of SupportAbility?
- How to find Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold and the Total Value currently on hold
- How to find NDIS Budgets associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold and the Total Budget Value currently on hold
- How to find NDIS Support Allocations associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold
- How to remove the Client’s Funding record from being On Billing Hold when ready to generate billing assets
Purpose of this feature
We have received consistent feedback from providers, that on occasion they are informed a participant's Funding has ended based on an error received following submission of a BPR, or after receiving an update from the Client's Plan Manager to advise of this.
In these situations, the new NDIS Plan and/or Funding is not always known immediately and often takes some time to follow up with the Client, as well as ensuring a new Service Agreement is in place etc.
Placing a Client's Funding record 'On Billing Hold' is designed to assist in situations like this, where an organisation has determined a participant's Funding has ended, but the new NDIS Plan and/or Funding is not known.
Many providers have advised that when they become aware that the participant’s Funding had ended, but are continuing to deliver services to the individual, extending the original Funding period and then placing the Client’s Funding ‘On Billing Hold’ while awaiting confirmation of the new Funding period is assisting them with continuity of service delivery whilst providing the ability to bill for the services received against the correct Funding record when ready.
When a Client Funding record is placed 'On Billing Hold', the Funding record can continue to be utilised in Activities, however, all NDIS Support Allocations or other related Activity Charges utilising this are blocked from inclusion when generating BPRs and/or Invoice Batches, until this setting is removed at the appropriate time.
When the new Funding period is known, the 'Plan Review' feature can be used to create a new Funding record. Creating the new NDIS Funding record using the 'Plan Review' feature will:
- establish the new funding record complete with all settings from the prior Funding record e.g. budgets and custom pricing. These can then be adjusted in the new Client Funding record as required
- end the original funding the day prior to the new funding Start Date
- move all NDIS Support Allocations that occur within the new funding period from the original funding to the new, regardless of whether the Activity Sign Off has been completed yet or not
Please see the NDIS Direct Client Funding - Plan Review article for more information regarding this feature.
Following this, the original Funding record can have 'On Billing Hold' removed, which ensures all NDIS Support Allocations can be included in BPRs and/or Invoice Batches.
How to place a Client's Funding On Billing Hold

Even though there is expenditure available due to Activities having been Signed Off; when generating a BPR:

Why can't I see the Change button next to On Billing Hold?

Are Billable Activity Costs also placed On Billing Hold?

Where does this information appear in other areas of SupportAbility?
When a Client's Funding record is 'On Billing Hold', this is displayed in multiple places in SupportAbility as outlined below.
Warning bar in the Client record
A warning regarding this appears in the warning bar at the top of the Client record for Staff Members with ‘View Financial Information’ privilege:
Selecting the warning opens this up with more information and a link to the Funding tab:
If a Staff Member does not have this privilege, they will not see this warning, for example, Saoirse's Client record from the perspective of our Support Worker Abel:
Client Funding tab
An 'On Billing Hold' badge appears next to the Client Funding record when it is On Billing Hold:
Client section of the Activity record
An 'On Billing Hold' badge is displayed next to the Client Funding record in the Activity record:
NDIS Support Allocations

How to find Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold and the total value currently on hold
The Client Funding Search available in the Reports menu can be used to find Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold:
The Client Funding Search report export (available from the Actions menu) includes additional information regarding this:
- Client Funding On Billing Hold - Yes/No, when No, the next fields are empty as they are not applicable
- Client Funding On Billing Hold Since - Date of last change of On Billing Hold to Yes
- Client Funding On Billing Hold By - Staff Member Name who changed On Billing Hold to Yes
- Total Value On Billing Hold - Displays the total value of all Activity expenditure that is currently on hold
Please see the Client Funding Search article for more information, linked below for reference.
How to find NDIS Budgets associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold and the total value currently on hold
The NDIS Budget Utilisation Report available in the Reports menu can be used to find NDIS Support Budgets associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold:
It is important to clarify that Expenditure continues to accrue even whilst the Funding is On Billing Hold. Budgets associated with NDIA Managed Funding e.g. Saoirse, accrue Expenditure in the 'Claiming' column of the Overall Utilisation section. Whereas Budgets associated with Plan Managed Funding e.g. Jordan, accrue Expenditure in the 'Planned' column of the Overall Utilisation section.
The NDIS Budget Utilisation Report export (available from the Actions menu) includes additional information regarding this:
- Client Funding On Billing Hold - Yes/No, when No, the next fields are empty as they are not applicable
- Client Funding On Billing Hold Since - Date of last change of On Billing Hold to Yes
- Client Funding On Billing Hold By - Staff Member Name who changed On Billing Hold to Yes
- Total Value On Billing Hold for Budget - Displays the total value of all Activity expenditure that is currently on hold relative to each Budget
Please see the NDIS Direct Budget Utilisation Report article for more information, linked below for reference.
How to find NDIS Support Allocations associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold
The Allocations Report available in the Finance menu can be used to find NDIS Support Allocations associated with Client Funding records that are On Billing Hold:
The Allocations Report export (available from the Actions menu) includes additional information regarding this:
- Client Funding On Billing Hold - Yes/No, when No, the next fields are empty as they are not applicable
- Client Funding On Billing Hold Since - Date of last change of On Billing Hold to Yes
- Client Funding On Billing Hold By - Staff Member Name who changed On Billing Hold to Yes
Please see the Allocations Report article for more information, linked below for reference.
How to remove the Client's Funding record from being On Billing Hold when ready to generate billing assets
When your organisation is ready to update the Client's Funding record and generate billing assets for the Client, navigate to the Funding record, and change this status back to 'No':
Activity expenditure is available for inclusion again in Direct Invoices and/or BPRs as soon as 'On Billing Hold' is updated from ‘Yes’ to ‘No’ in the Client Funding record:
It is important to note that only Staff Members with the ‘View Financial Information’ privilege, in combination with either: ‘Team Leader for ALL Services’ or 'Edit Client Records Across ALL Services’ can change this setting.
We, therefore, recommend using the Notes field to record all changes to this status, to avoid any confusion regarding historic expenditure being available, for example:
N.B. If your organisation has configured the 'Show Client Funding Notes when Allocating Supports' setting in the Funding tab of System Preferences, these notes will appear in the NDIS Support Allocations window for this participant:
Once you have updated the Client's On Billing Hold status back to No and saved the Funding record, all Actvity expenditure will be available when generating BPRs and/or Invoice Batches e.g: