Client Goal Strategy Search

The Client Goal Strategy Search allows Staff Members to search for Client Goal Strategies as added to Client Goal records via a range of search criteria. 

It is useful to track Goal Strategy progress and to identify Goal Strategies that have not been linked to any Client Journal evidence ahead of the Target End Date period for example. 

A detailed export is also available to download from the Actions menu, which contains information pertaining to the Client Goal in addition to the Goal Strategies.

This article discusses the purpose and possible uses for this search, along with how to generate a Client Goal Strategy Search, the various search criteria available, and the detailed information provided in the export.

Audience: Team Leaders, Support Staff, Operations Management


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Search Purpose

The Client Goal Strategy Search is useful for generating a list of Active Goal Strategies, primarily for the purpose of tracking Goal progress as per an organisation's NDIS requirements: 

The available search criteria are helpful for refining the Search Results to identify: 

  • Goal Strategies for specific individual Clients,
  • Goal Strategies for all Clients participating in a specific Site/Service,
  • Goal Strategies linked to specific Services only, or 
  • Goal Strategies that are yet to have Journals or Progress Assessments added

The results returned and information available in the export is dependent on how much information is being recorded in Client Goal Strategies added to Client Goals: 

While the Start Date, Target End Date, and Actual End Date fields in Goal Strategies are optional, recording this information may be beneficial and assist in monitoring Goal progress relative to the timeframe of a Client's NDIS Plan. Similarly, it may also be beneficial to link Goal Strategies to the relevant Service/s that the Client participates in who support the individual to work toward these. When this information is recorded, the related filters can be utilised in the Client Goal Strategy Search to further refine the results returned and provide more meaningful data.

It is important to note that the Clients available to select from in the 'Clients' filter of the Client Goal Strategy Search and the results returned in the Search are relative to the Clients the Staff Member generating the Search has access to, by virtue of the Site/Services listed in their Staff Account, or via high-level privileges.

A few examples of how the Client Goal Strategy Search can be utilised for different purposes relative to a Staff Members role within an organisation have been outlined below.

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Search purpose for Staff who work directly with Clients

The Client Goal Strategy search is a useful tool for Staff Members who work directly with Clients such as Support Workers or Therapists, to help track a Client's Goal progress and/or to monitor the currency of any related Journal evidence and Progress Assessments. The Client Goal Strategy Search can be used to view this information for an individual Client, or more broadly for multiple Clients, or those participating in a specific Service for example.

Reviewing Goal Strategies for individual or multiple Clients

For example, Eden Rodgers works in the 'Therapeutic Supports' Service at the 'Melbourne (HQ)' Site, therefore they only have access to Clients participating in this Service. Additionally, only Clients participating in this Service will appear in the 'Clients' filter for selection and in the results generated.

If Eden wishes to review the Goal progress of an individual Client, the Client's name e.g. Andrea Broadshaw may be selected in the 'Clients' filter:

Using this filter only will return a list of all Goal Strategies for the Client selected:

Just as one Client has been selected, multiple Clients could be located and selected using this filter e.g: 

This will ensure the results listed include Goal Strategies for all Clients that you work with.

It is important to note that if your organisation is adding Services to Goal Strategies, the results will include all Goal Strategies even if they are linked to different Services, regardless of the individual's access. Whilst Eden has access to the 'Therapeutic Supports' Service, they can see Goal Strategies for Andrea that are linked to Day Services, as they have access to Andrea's record:

To limit the Goal Strategies to those that are relevant e.g. those linked to 'Therapeutic Supports', this could be selected in the 'Goal Strategy Services' filter given Services are being added to Goal Strategies in this example: 

The results are now limited to only Goal Strategies for Andrea that are linked to Therapeutic Supports:

Reviewing Client Goal Strategies for a particular Service

For a more holistic overview of Goal Strategies that have been linked to a specific Service e.g. Therapeutic Supports, the Search can be filtered by selecting the relevant Service in the 'Goal Strategy Services' filter:

This will return a list that only includes Goal Strategies for Client's that you have access to, associated with the selected Service/s.  N.B. If your organisation is not adding Services to Goal Strategies, then the 'Services' filter under the Clients section of the search could be used instead, noting that this will list Goal Strategies for all Clients participating in that Service. 

Monitoring Goal Strategy evidence and progress

The Journals and Assessments columns in the Search Results can be used to check and monitor the evidence  being recorded in relation to the Client Goal Strategies: 

The 'Latest' Date of any linked Journals and associated Progress Assessments are listed in the results, along with a count of how may Journals/Assessments have been associated with the Client Goal Strategy to date. 

We can see that no Journal evidence or Progress Assessments have been added to the first Goal Strategy as there is no information listed under the 'Journals' or 'Assessments' columns. Viewing this information can be handy so that you can either navigate to the record and link the relevant evidence (as outlined below), or use it as a prompt for the Client's next Activity, as a reminder that the related Journal should be linked to the Goal Strategy if this appropriate. Bookmarks could also be used for this purpose:

Selecting the 'Goal Strategy' link will navigate directly to the 'Goal Strategies' section of the related Goal in the Client record, where Journal and Assessments can be completed as required: 

Selecting the + icon next to Journals in the 'Progress Evidence and Assessments' section of the Goal Strategy:

Will create a new Client Journal, once the relevant Site/Service has been selected, where Goal evidence and progress can be recorded as required: 

It is also important to mention that the export available from the Actions menu of the Search Results includes information related to the Client Goal in addition to the Goal Strategies and may also be useful to help to monitor Goal progress:

More on this can be found later in this article. 

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Search purpose for Team Leaders and Operations Management

The Client Goal Strategy search is a useful tool for Team Leaders and Operational Management who may require a holistic overview of the progress of Client Goal Strategies by way regular Journal evidence and Progress Assessments being recorded across specific Sites, Services, Site/Service combinations, or the organisation as a whole.

When determining the scope of the Goal Strategies required for review, it is important to understand how the two 'Services' filters operate as these will generate different results. The Services filter in the Clients section, relates to Client Service Participation, whereas the 'Goal Strategy Services' filter, relates to the Applicable Services added to Goal Strategy records. 

Reviewing Goal Strategy progress across the whole organisation

Access to all Client records is required in order to generate a list of all 'Active' Client Goal Strategies across the organisation. This can be accomplished by Staff with the required privileges leaving all filters set to their default, ensuring the 'Client Status' and Goal Strategies 'Status' filters are set to 'Active': 

As a broad search of this nature will potentially generate a significant number of results, it is recommended to export the Client Goal Strategies List into a CSV file from the Actions menu: 

This export contains additional data related to the associated Client Goals and can be viewed, filtered and sorted as required:

It can then be reviewed to track Goal progress at a holistic level, monitoring the consistency of Journal evidence being linked and Progress Assessments being recorded to identify any gaps. More information on this export and the data it contains is outlined in detail in the relevant section of this article below. 

Monitoring Goal Strategies linked to a particular Service with a specified Target End Date

For example, Staff Member Mary has the Team Leader privilege for all Services at the Melbourne (HQ) Site and needs to review and track the Goal progress for the Day Service only, to monitor if Journals and Progress Assessments are being linked to Goal Strategies for those with an approaching Target End Date, in the current and following month.

Therefore, the relevant Service would be selected in the 'Goal Strategy Services' filter e.g. Day Services: 

The relevant date period would also be entered in the 'Strategy Target End Date From/To' filters e.g. 1/04/2021 to 31/05/2021:

The results listed reflect those associated with the Day Service with a Target End Date within this period. Minimal information is displayed onscreen and while the 'Target End Date' is not displayed, the results have been filtered on these criteria as selected in the search: 

N.B. Target End Date and other information is included in the export of these search results, as available from the Actions menu. 

We can see in the results that Client Petra Rosenberg has not had any Journal evidence linked to the Goal Strategy displayed. Usually, this would be completed by the Staff Member/s working directly with the Client when Journal entries are recorded. To assist with notifying the relevant Staff Member to complete this requirement the Bookmark functionality could be utilised by selecting the Goal Strategy link:

A Bookmark could be created for the relevant Staff Member, by selecting the Bookmark icon at the top of the page:

When the Bookmark opens, the relevant Staff Member can be selected, the Priority set, and a Note added requesting completion of Journals. The Bookmark will then appear on the top of the related Goal window:

It will also appear in the 'Bookmarks' section of Dashboard Notifications on the Dashboard of the person the Bookmark was set 'For' e.g. Abel Mccaa:

N.B. The Bookmark also displays on the Dashboard of the Staff Member who created the Bookmark.

Selecting the target icon next to the Goal 'Description' in the Dashboard Notification will navigate the Staff Member directly to the related Goal, where the required Journal evidence can be recorded.

More detailed information about Bookmark functionality is outlined in the Bookmarks article linked below.

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How to identify Client Goal Strategies with no Journals and/or no Progress Assessments

Monitoring if Client Goal Strategies are being linked to Client Journal evidence can be achieved by using the Journals filter. 

In order to identify Client Goal Strategies that have no Journals linked yet, the 'Journals' filter can be set to 'None':

This will return a list of all Goal Strategies which are yet to have Journals recorded:

This is to be expected for newly created Goal Strategies, however, using the Date functionality such as entering the 'Strategy Start Date' may be helpful when reviewing the results relative to a reasonable timeframe in which progress would be expected.

Blank Goal Strategy

The results in the above example also identify a 'blank' Goal Strategy for Client Jessie Regent as indicated by the solitary target icon which has no accompanying information:

Selecting the target icon will navigate directly to the Goal Strategies section of the related Goal where it can be seen that no 'Goal Strategy' information has been entered:

Similarly, it is also possible to search for Goal Strategies that have not had any Progress Assessments recorded in the associated Client Journals.

In order to identify Client Goal Strategies that have no 'Progress Assessments' recorded in the associated Client Journals yet, the 'Progress Assessments' filter can be set to 'None':

This will return a list of all Goal Strategies which are yet to have Progress Assessments completed, some of which may have Journals entered (e.g. Clients Bilbo Baggins, Ted McTesterson and Terri McTesterson), but no Progress Assessments completed as yet:

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How to generate a Client Goal Strategy Search

Navigate to the  Goals & Strategies subsection of the Clients section of the Reports menu and select 'Client Goal Strategy Search':

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Search Criteria

A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently or in conjunction:

The search criteria have been divided into four sections to assist with determining which search criteria will be the most appropriate to generate the required results, Clients, Goals, Goal Strategies and Journals. 

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The filters available in the Clients section allow Client Goal Strategies to be located by specific Client and Client Service Participation information: 

  • Client Status - This filter is set to 'Active' by default and is based on the status of the Client record i.e. 'Active' or 'Inactive' (Active deselected), as configured in the Client Details tab.
    • The results returned are for 'Active' Clients by default based on the records that the Staff Member generating the Search has access to
    • There is also the option to search for Client Goal Strategies associated with 'Inactive' Clients if required
  • Clients - The 'Clients' filter contains a list of all Clients that the individual has access to, both Active and Inactive. 
    • The purpose of this filter is to provide the facility to locate Client Goal Strategies for one or more individual Clients. 

      N.B. The 'Clients' filter functions independently of the 'Client Status' filter. Selecting either 'Active' or 'Inactive' in the 'Client Status' filter has no influence on the list of Client names displayed in the 'Clients' filter.
  • Sites - The 'Sites' filter contains a list of all 'Active' and 'Inactive' Sites and the default is set to 'All Active Sites'. 
    • The purpose of this filter is to search for Client Goal Strategies for Client's who participate at specific Site/s as required and the option is available to select one or more individual Sites. 
  • Services - The 'Services' filter contains a list of all 'Active' and 'Inactive' Services and similar to the Sites filter, the default is set to 'All Active Services'
    • The purpose of this filter is to search for Client Goal Strategies for Client's who participate in specific Service/s as required and the option is available to select one or more individual Services. 
    • N.B. If there are no 'inactive' records for Sites or Services, the default option will display without the word 'Active' e.g. All Services

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The filter available in the Goals section allows for Client Goal Strategies to be located by specific information as entered in the Client Goal record the Client Goal Strategies are associated with: 

Goals - Keywords and/or key phrases which may be included in a Goal Description can be entered here e.g. 'develop healthy and positive relationships'

This will return results of all Client Goal Strategies linked to Client Goals with the keywords or phrase listed in the Client Goal field.  

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Goal Strategies

The filters available in the Goal Strategies section allow for Client Goal Strategies to be located by specific Client Goal Strategy record information: 

  • Goal Strategy - Keywords and/or key phrases which may be included in a Goal Strategy Description can be entered here e.g. 'regulate emotions'
    • This will return results of all Client Goal Strategies with the keywords or phrase listed in the Goal Strategy field. 
  • Status - the default option is 'Active' with the option to also search for 'Inactive' Goal Strategies. 
    • Goal Strategies are deemed 'Active' when no Dates have been entered (i.e. Start, Target End, or Actual End Date), or, if the date functionality is being used it is within the Start and Actual End Date range. A Goal Strategy is deemed 'Inactive' when the 'Actual End Date' is in the past. 
  • Goal Strategy Services - This relates to the Services that have been linked specifically to individual Goal Strategies so that the search results can be filtered down to only those linked to specific Services.
    • This will generate a list of Goal Strategies linked only to the Service/s selected, relative to the Clients the Staff Member generating the Search has access to.
  • Strategy Start Date (From/To) - as per the Start Date entered in the Goal Strategy 
  • Strategy Target End Date (From/To) - as per the Target End Date entered in the Goal Strategy
  • Strategy Actual End Date (From/To) - as per the Actual End Date entered in the Goal Strategy
    • The above Date Range parameters allow you to search for Client Goal Strategies that commenced within a specific date range, from a specific date or up to a specific date as required

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The filters available in the Journals section allow for Client Goal Strategies to be located based on the associated evidence i.e. Journals and Progress Assessments linked to Goal Strategies, or lack thereof:

  • Journals - options are 'One or more' or 'None'
    • This filter allows you to search for Client Goal Strategies that have been linked to Journals or not.
  • Latest Journal Date (From/To) 
    • Allows a date range to be entered, if you wish to search for Client Goal Strategies that have been linked to Journals within a specific date range.
  • Progress Assessments - options are 'One or more' or 'None'
    • This filter allows you to search for Client Goal Strategies that have had Progress Assessments recorded in the associated Journals they are linked to.
    • This relates to Progress Assessments created from Journals associated with Goal Strategies.
  • Latest Assessment Date (From/To) 
    • Allows a date range to be entered, if you wish to search for Client Goal Strategies that have been had Progress Assessments recorded in the associated Journals they are linked to within a specific date range.

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Client Goal Strategy Search Results

Once a Client Goal Strategy Search has been performed, the list results are displayed, including the total number of Client Goal Strategies returned at the top of the page e.g. 1 to 13 of 13: 

Each Search Result is a Client Goal Strategy and the list is sorted by Client name (A-Z) by default, then Strategy Start Date (oldest first), followed by Journal date (oldest first) and then Assessment Date (oldest first).

It is important to note that the results returned in the Search and thereby the Client Goal Strategies that Staff will have access to is determined by the Site/Services the Staff Member generating the Search has listed in their Staff Account, or the global Security Privileges they have been granted

The following fields of information are displayed where the information has been entered in the corresponding fields:

  • Client - displays the full name of the Client that the Goal Strategy relates to
    • Selecting the Client name links directly to the 'Goals' tab of the related Client record
  • Goal - displays the Description of the Client Goal the Goal Strategy is related to
  • Goal Strategy - displays the Goal Strategy. 
    • Selecting the Goal Strategy links directly to the 'Goal Strategies' section' of the related Goal
  • Goal Strategy Services - displays the 'Applicable Services' related to the Goal Strategy
  • Start Date - displays the 'Start Date' entered in the corresponding field of the Goal Strategy
  • Actual End Date (Date/Result) - displays the 'Actual End Date' entered in the corresponding field of the Goal Strategy and the 'End Result' selected for the related Goal Strategy where relevant
  • Journals (Latest/Count) - displays the date of the latest Journal that has been linked to the Goal Strategy and the total number of Journals that have been associated with the Goal Strategy to date
  • Assessments (Latest/Count/Score) - displays the date of the latest Progress Assessment linked to the associated Goal Strategy in a Journal, the total number of Progress Assessments linked to date, as well as the Assessment score of the Latest Assessment where relevant

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Download Client Goal Strategies Report 

While the Seach Results displayed onscreen contain minimal information a data export is available containing both the onscreen data along with additional information.  This can be downloaded in CSV file format from the 'Actions' menu:

This export contains the following fields of information relating to Client Information, Goal Information, Goal Strategy Information and related Journal and Progress Assessment Information. 

N.B. The data populated in the Report is dependent on an organisation entering information in the various corresponding fields of this functionality. Where data has not been entered the related cells in the Report will be empty.

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Client Information 

These columns of data are included from the 'Client Details' tab of a Client record:

  • SupportAbility Client ID
  • Client First Name
  • Client Last Name
  • Active Client
  • NDIS Number 

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Goal Information 

This data is from the associated Client Goal record:

  • SupportAbility Goal ID
  • Goal Description
  • Goal Start Date
  • Goal Target End Date 
  • Goal Actual End Date 
  • Goal End Result
  • Goal Strategic Plan Summary
  • Goal Responsibilities Summary
  • Goal What Success Will Look Like Summary

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Goal Strategy Information

The information in these columns is included in the 'Goal Strategies' section of the associated Client Goals:

  • SupportAbility Goal Strategy ID
  • Goal Strategy Description
  • Goal Strategy Start Date
  • Goal Strategy Target End Date
  • Goal Strategy Actual End Date
  • Goal Strategy End Result

  • Goal Strategy Strategic Plan
  • Goal Strategy Responsibilities
  • Goal Strategy What Success Will Look Like
  • Goal Strategy Services

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Journals and Assessments Information

The information included in the remaining columns of the export reflects the Journals and Progress Assessments associated with each Goal Strategy, including the count, latest date of the evidence, along with the latest Assessment Score: 

  • Goal Strategy Journal Count
  • Latest Journal Date
  • Progress Assessment Count
  • Latest Assessment Date
  • Latest Assessment Score

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