How to create a Client record

This article outlines who can create Client records and where and how they are created.

Privileges:  In new SupportAbility installations, the following privileges are required to be able to create a Client record by default:

  • 'Team Leader' at the relevant Site/Service level and/or 
  • Global 'Team Leader for ALL Services'

Audience: All


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Who can create a Client record?

In new installations, the creation of new Client records is restricted to those with Team Leader privileges by default. 

A configurable setting in the 'System Settings' section of the Settings tab in System Preferences is available to control this. Unchecking this setting will remove the restriction and allow all Staff Members to create new Client Records:

N.B. Providers often prefer to leave this setting turned on to limit the number of Staff Members that can create Client records in an attempt to reduce the instances of duplicate or blank Client records being created.

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Where can a Client record be created from?

There are three different locations where a new Client record can be created from:

  • Dashboard
  • Client Search screen
  • Client List screen

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Creating a Client record from the Dashboard 

A Client record can be created from the Dashboard by selecting the '+' icon next to the Client Search:

After selecting the '+' button, a confirmation window will appear. Select the green '+ Add a new Client' button to proceed with the creation of a new Client record:

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Creating a Client record from the Client Search screen

A Client record can be created from the Client Search screen by selecting the green '+ Add a new Client' button at the bottom of the Client Search screen:

Additional information about accessing and utilising the Client Search feature is available in the  Client Search article, linked below for reference.

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Creating a Client record from the Client List screen

A Client record can be created after completing a Client Search from the Client List screen by selecting the green '+ Add a new Client' button at the bottom of the Client List screen:

After selecting the '+ Add a new client' button, a confirmation window will appear. Select the green 'Add a new Client' button to proceed with the creation of a new Client record:

Additional information about the Client List is available in the  Client Search article, linked below for reference.

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New Client record overview

Once the new Client record has been created, it will be displayed on the next screen as per the screenshot below:

For more information, please see the  Client Details tab overview article, linked below for reference.

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Default Active Status for New Client Records

By default, when a new Client record has been created the status of the record will be set to 'Active':

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Mandatory Client data fields

Once a Client record has been created there are certain fields that have been made mandatory and must be completed in order for the record to be saved and/or considered 'Complete'.

These mandatory fields are colour coded to provide a visual indication of which fields must be completed

  • Red coloured underline to the field - this indicates information must be entered in this field before the record can be saved:

  • Amber coloured underline to the field - this indicates information must be entered in this field to deem the record complete, otherwise an Incomplete Client Record Warning will display:

  • A notification message with an amber background

Additional information about mandatory fields in a Client record is available in the  Incomplete Client Records and Search Report article, linked below for reference.

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Saving a Client record without completing Mandatory fields

It will not be possible to save a Client record when there are Mandatory fields that have not been filled. 

When this occurs, a red message will appear at the top of the Client record specifying which fields must be completed before the record can be saved and these fields are underlined in red:

  • The Client's First Name is required
  • The Client's Last Name is required
  • Date of Birth is required

All other validation issues relating to any amber fields that have not been completed will be displayed as Client Warnings at the top of the Client record. 

Selecting the amber banner will open the 'Client Warnings' window which provides further details specifying which fields must be completed in order for the Client record to be considered 'Complete':

NDIS Number

Entering the NDIS Number is optional at this stage. This is the NDIS number stated on a Client's NDIS Plan. A valid NDIS Number has no more or no less than 9 digits and no spaces between the numbers.

Entering the NDIS Number is required once an 'NDIS Direct Funding record' has been created for the Client, in order to deem the Client record 'complete'.  These steps are usually completed later in the Finance & NDIS phase of implementation. The NDIS Number populates in Invoices and the NDIS Bulk Payment Request file.

Additional information about mandatory fields in a Client record is available in the  Incomplete Client Records and Search Report article, linked below for reference.

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