Activity Report

The Activity Report allows providers to search for Activity records via a range of search criteria. It is a useful report to locate Activities that are ready for review prior to performing the Activity Sign Off approval process, required prior to generating Invoices and Timesheets for payroll. This article steps through how to generate this report, search criteria, list results, and printing or exporting this report. 

Audience: Operations Management, Team Leaders


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

How to generate an Activity Report 

Select 'Reports' from the Dashboard: 

Navigate to the  Activity Reports subsection of the Activities section of the Reports menu and select 'Activity Report':

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Search criteria

A range of search criteria is available to select from that can be used independently, or in conjunction, to search across Activity records in SupportAbility: 

The following search criteria are available in the Activity Report: 

  • Staff Members
  • Clients
  • Sites
  • Services
  • Activity Date
  • Program
  • Tags
  • Activity Sign Off Status

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Multi-select and enter text 

Each of the search criteria with a drop-down selection option allows you to multi-select: 

Once selected, click the triangle icon to minimise this:  

Or, click anywhere outside of this to return to the search criteria: 

To remove the criteria selected, click on the cross to the right-hand side of the selection: 

Alternatively, the options to select from may be narrowed down by selecting the search criteria, then typing in the search term you are looking for e.g 'In home': 

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Staff Members and Clients

If you wish to search for specific Staff Members or Clients participating in Activities, they may be selected here: 

N.B. These criteria will only display the Staff Members and Clients that you have access to. They are not mandatory, however, and only need to be selected if you wish to search for specific Staff Members or Clients, or Active/Inactive for example. 

This may come in handy to search for things such as Activities with any Staff shifts that are TO BE FILLED: 

Please see the Managing Staff Shifts article linked below for more information about this. 

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Sites and Services

All Active Sites and Services are selected by default.  N.B. Whilst all Sites/Services are available to select from, the results returned are based on the level of access the individual has. For example, if we run a search for the Support Coordination Service and do not have access to this Service, no results will be returned.

Select the Sites you wish to report on: 

Alternatively, leave all Active Sites selected for a holistic view.

Indicate the Services you wish to report on:

Alternatively, leave all Active Services selected for a holistic view.

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Activity Date, Program, Tags and Activity Sign Off Status

Select an Activity Date range, for example, all Activities for today, or the current week: 

The  Program search criteria can be used to locate Activities by Program, provided the list of Activity::Programs has been configured, and Programs are being added to the Activities your organisation delivers: 

If your organisation is using 'Other' when adding Programs to Activities and entering a custom Program, the 'Other' option may be of assistance. Selecting this checkbox in the search criterion opens up a free text field which must be completed in order to yield the required results e.g: 

This information is included in the Programs column of the export. For more information about this, please review the Activity Programs List article linked below. 

The Tags search criteria can be used to locate Activities by any Tags which have been saved to the record, provided Activity Tags have been configured in System Preferences and applied to Activity record e.g. 'Supported Employment': 

A really useful search criterion is the  Activity Sign Off Status. You can search for Activities which are: 

  • Signed Off, or
  • Not Signed Off

To filter your search to indicate which Activities have not yet had the Sign Off approval complete, select the option 'Not Signed Off': 

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Generate Report

Once the desired parameters have been set, select 'Generate Report': 

Depending on the device you are using SupportAbility and how zoomed in to the web browser you are, the search criteria may remain displayed. However, this can be minimised by selecting the 'Hide Search Filters' button: 

'Show Search Filters' may be selected at any time to open this again: 

Otherwise, the search criteria will appear alongside the list results: 

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List results

Once the report has been generated, the results will be listed below along with a summary of the number of search results:

The following columns are listed in the Activity Report results: 

  • Activity - target icon and Activity Name link to navigate to that Activity record
  • From Time - the From Time of the Activity
  • To Time - the To Time of the Activity
    • N.B. The day of the week and Date will only be displayed in this column if this differs from the From Time Date
  • Activity Hours - the total Activity duration in hours
    • N.B. The total value displayed at the bottom of this list is the sum of the search results across all pages
  • Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs - the total number of all Client NDIS Support Allocations with an 'Hours' Unit of Measure
    • N.B. The total value displayed at the bottom of this list is the sum of the search results across all pages
  • Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
  • Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated by or managed by
  • Program - the Program added to this Activity where applicable
  • Location - the Location this Activity is occurring at as configured
  • Clients - all Clients participating in this Activity as configured
  • Staff - all Staff facilitating this Activity as configured
  • Status - Activity Icons specific to the holistic Activity records

Many of these columns may be sorted by ascending or descending order based on how you wish to view the results. 

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'Activity Hours' vs. 'Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs'

We recommend reviewing important information in the list results such as scanning the 'Activity Hours' vs. 'Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs': 

This can be handy to identify if there are any Activities without NDIS Support Items allocated that perhaps should have e.g: 

Please note, if your organisation delivers group services, the 'Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs' column totals all Client NDIS Support Allocations with the Unit of Measure (UOM) of 'Hour'. For example, if an Activity runs for 3 hours and has three participants in attendance, each being charged 3 x  Group Activities In A Centre Supports for the relevant ratios, the 'Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs' will equate to 9, whilst the 'Activity Hours' would be 3: 

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Status icons

The Status column displays various Activity icons and can also be handy to review at a glance as they provide information about the Activity such as Staff availability issues, or when Invoices have been created for one or more Clients. 

To view what the Status icon represents, hover over the icon for a few seconds and display text will appear e.g: 

The Status icons which may appear in this report based on the status of the Activity are as follows: 

Activity Report Status Icon Description
Activity Signed Off
Activity complete, not yet Signed Off
N.B. This will only appear when all Staff have completed the Timesheet Sign Off, or it is a Client-only Activity
Activity complete, Timesheets not yet Signed Off
Staff positions TO BE FILLED
Staff availability issues
Invoices created for one or more Clients

Timesheets created for one or more Staff

This information is also included in the CSV export available from the Actions menu. Please see below for more information.

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Opening the list results

To navigate to any of the Activities in the list of results, select the target icon and link to the Activity:  

To return to the Activity List results from within the selected Activity, open the Actions menu and select 'Return to Activity List': 

Alternatively, if you right-click on the target icon and link to the Activity, then select the option to 'Open Link In New Tab': 

This will open up the Activity in a new tab. 

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Printing and exporting this report

Print Activity Report

Once the report has been generated, there is the option to print this report by selecting the print icon on the top right-hand side of the window: 

Search Criteria as per what has been selected before the report was generated are displayed in the top section of the report, and the list results follow: 

N.B. Due to limited space, the list results in the print report are a condensed version.  

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Download Activity Report

Once the report has been generated, there is the option to download a CSV export of this report by selecting the Actions menu on the top right-hand side of the window:

Once opened in a program like Microsoft Excel, the following columns are listed in the Activity Report export: 

  • Activity ID - the SupportAbility Activity record ID
  • From - the 'Activity From' Date and Time 
  • To - the 'Activity To' Date Time 
  • Activity Hours - the total Activity duration in hours
  • Activity Total NDIS Allocated Hrs - the total number of all Client NDIS Support Allocations with an 'Hours' Unit of Measure
  • Site - the Site the Activity is being facilitated at or managed from
  • Service - the Service the Activity is being facilitated by or managed by
  • Activity - the name of the Activity
  • Program - the Program added to this Activity where applicable
  • Location - the Location this Activity is occurring at as configured

  • Clients - the Clients participating in this Activity as configured, comma-separated
  • Staff - the Staff facilitating this Activity as configured, comma-separated
  • Activity Signed Off - Status icon information specific to each Activity record listed as Yes/No based on the status of the Activity
  • Activity Sign Off Date & Time - the date and time the 'Activity Sign Off' was performed, if the Activity Sign Off has been performed
  • Activity Sign Off Completed By - the name of the Staff Member who completed the 'Activity Sign Off', if the Activity Sign Off has been performed

  • Status icon information - specific to each Activity record, listed as Yes/No based on the status of the Activity: 
    • Activity complete, not yet Signed Off
    • Activity complete, Timesheets not yet Signed Off
    • Staff positions TO BE FILLED
    • Staff availability issues
    • Invoices created for one or more Clients
    • Timesheets created for one or more Staff

  • Tags - any Activity Tags which have been saved in the Activity record
  • Non-Replicating Staff Notes - Notes as entered in this field in the 'Activity Details' section of the Activity
  • Replicating Staff Notes - Notes as entered in this field in the 'Activity Details' section of the Activity
  • Replicating Client Notes - Notes as entered in this field in the 'Activity Details' section of the Activity

Pivot tables and filters can be used in programs such as Excel to sort and filter this information as required for your organisation's reporting requirements. 

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