Allocating NDIS Support Items in Activities

Activities in SupportAbility generally reflect instances of direct service delivery and are where Client NDIS Support Allocations are entered to generate Bulk Payment Requests (BPRs) and Invoices following Activity Sign Off. 

In order to update NDIS Support Allocations, the Client's Funding Source must first be updated to their NDIS Funding record in the Client section of the Activity. This can only be completed by Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities. Following this, the relevant Client NDIS Support Allocations can then be added. 

All Staff who have access to the Activity (by way of being rostered into the Activity and/or by having access to one or more participating Clients) can update the NDIS Support Allocations for any Clients in the Activity. 

Depending on the level of flexibility required will determine who is responsible for completing each step in this process and how this is managed. Some providers prefer a limited number of Staff to set up Activities and manage NDIS Support Allocations. For example, Team Leaders may add the relevant NDIS Support Allocations at the same time as updating the Client's Funding Source and then replicate this as required. 

Alternatively, when more flexibility is required, the Client's Funding Source is often updated by Team Leaders during the process of setting up Activities and is replicated to future Activities in the Set. Support Workers rostered into Activities can then add the relevant NDIS Support Allocations following completion of service delivery when marking attendance and adding Journal evidence.

Your organisation will be best placed to determine the most appropriate way in which to manage this and who will be responsible for each step.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of each of the steps involved in this process, including adding the Client's Funding Source and allocating NDIS Support Items in Activities. 


  • In order to add NDIS Support Allocations, the Client's Funding Source must have the relevant NDIS Funding record selected. Updating this is reserved for those with the privileges required to manage Activities. Please see the Privileges required to manage Activities article linked below for reference.
  • Once the Client's NDIS Funding is in place, all Staff that have access to the Activity can update a Client's NDIS Support Allocations. 
  • However, only those with the 'View Financial Information' privilege will be able to see the value and total price for these Allocations and customise the price for the relevant Supports where necessary. 

Audience: Support Staff, Team Leaders


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:


Prior to allocating NDIS Support Items in Activities, it is important that the following has been completed in readiness:

  • your organisation is ready to begin using SupportAbility to generate NDIS Bulk Payment Requests (BPRs) and Invoices.
    This will assist with aligning the data in all systems i.e. the myplace provider portal, SupportAbility, and your finance system.
  • all Finance & NDIS Configuration has been completed as outlined in the Finance & NDIS | Preparation article, linked below for reference.
    This will ensure all related functionality is available for use, and the required outputs can be generated.
  • NDIS Direct Client Funding records have been created for all NDIS Clients and these reflect the Supports your organisation has an agreement in place to deliver. 
    This is required as the Client's Funding Source must first be selected, in order to add NDIS Support Allocations in Activities.

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How to add the Funding Source

In order to add NDIS Support Allocations, the Client's Funding Source must first have the relevant NDIS Direct Client Funding record selected. 

Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities i.e. Team Leader privilege can update a Client's Funding Source. 

When a Client is added to an Activity, the Client's Funding Source defaults to 'Billable (No Funding)':  

This must be updated to their relevant NDIS Funding record in order for NDIS Supports to be allocated:

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Multiple Available Funding records

If multiple Funding records display for selection in the Funding Source, this may be due to a couple of reasons:

  • multiple Client Funding records exist with overlapping funding periods, where the dates of each correspond to the Activity Date/s:
    When this occurs your organisation may wish to review the dates of each Funding record to align with the relevant NDIS Support Plans where appropriate. This may assist in providing clarity and accuracy when setting the Funding Source in Activities.
  • separate Client Funding records having been created for different services e.g. Support Coordination service and Direct Services, where the dates of each correspond to the Activity Date/s:In this instance, it will be important for Staff to select the most appropriate Funding record which aligns with the Service the Activity relates to:

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No Available Funding records

If there is no available NDIS Funding record to select from, only 'Billable (No Funding)' will be displayed: 

This may be due to: 

  • an NDIS Funding record does not exist for this Client
  • the Activity Dates are outside of the Start and End Dates set in the Client's NDIS Funding record, or
  • NDIS Funding may not be configured on the Funding tab in System Preference as available for the Service delivering this Activity. 

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Changing Activity Dates once the Funding Source has been set

Once the Funding Source has been set for a Client, if the Activity Dates e.g. 08/02/2022 are subsequently changed to an alternative date e.g 26/09/2022 which falls outside the period of the Funding record selected e.g. 15/09/2021 - 14/09/2022, an amber warning message will populate as a reminder that  the Selected Client Funding is not available for this Activity From Date, or Service:

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Replicating Funding Updates

If the Activity belongs to a set and you would like the Funding Source applied to the remaining Activities in the set, activate the 'Clients' Replication Management Setting before saving the Activity record:

Selecting the 'Clients' checkbox then saving the Activity will replicate  all changes made to the Clients section of this Activity, such as added or removed Clients as well as any Funding Source updates, in all future Activities in the set which have not yet been signed off. 

N.B:  Only Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities can update the Replication Management Settings. These settings will be greyed out and inaccessible for Staff who do not have this privilege.

We recommend turning off all Replication Management Settings after the Activity updates have been saved, to ensure no unwanted changes are inadvertently made to future Activities in the set when individual Activities in the set are updated then saved or the Activity Sign Off is performed: 

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How to allocate NDIS Supports

Once the Client's NDIS Funding is set as their Funding Source, the relevant NDIS Supports the Client has used for the Activity can be allocated. 

To allocate NDIS Supports, select the 'Allocate NDIS Support Items' button in the Funding Source column: 

This button appears in orange when no NDIS Supports have been allocated. 

A Warning bar also appears at the top of the Activity record indicating NDIS Funding is selected, however, no Supports have been allocated: 

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NDIS Support Allocations window

Once the 'Allocate NDIS Support Items' button has been selected the 'NDIS Support Allocations' window will open, displaying the following information:

  • Client - Client's name
  • Activity Date - the day and date of the Activity
  • Price Guide - the Price Guide in use for these Supports, corresponding to the Activity Date, and relative to the Price Guide configured on the 'Price Guide Transition' tab of the Client's Funding record
  • Program of Support - displays either Yes or No to indicate whether Programs of Support are applicable and have been selected for this Client
  • Add Support Item - this is a dynamic search tool where individual Supports can be searched for by entering either the Reference Number or part of the Support Item description
  • Prepopulated Supports - sometimes you may note that up to five prepopulated Supports appear in grey
  • Client Funding Notes - any notes which have been added to the Client's Funding record will display here

N.B. Staff with the 'View Financial Information' privilege will also see the 'Price' and 'Value' displayed. More information regarding this is outlined in the View Price and Value details section below.

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Price Guide

The 'Price Guide' field indicates which Price Guide is in use relative to the date of the Activity, and how the Price Guide Transition has been configured (where applicable) in the Client's NDIS Direct Client Funding record. 

All Client Funding records which span a Price Guide Transition are set to using the latest Price Guide by default. Please review the Price Guide Transition article linked below for more information. 

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Add Support Item

The 'Add Support Item' field allows you to search for the Supports you wish to allocate. Simply type in part of the Support Item description or Reference Number of the required Support e.g. 04_102_0136_6_1:      

In cases where a large number of results are returned, the scroll bar to the right of the lookup field allows you to scroll up and down to find the exact Support required:

You will note some Supports display as 'Unavailable'. This will be for several reasons as outlined in the related section below, and if selected they will display a red notation in the Quantity column i.e. 'Support not available' thereby a Quantity cannot be entered:

Available Supports for selection will be those corresponding to stated individual Support Items or parent Flexible Budgets set in the Client's Funding record.

The currently selected Support is highlighted in blue: 

Select the required Support which will be added to the NDIS Support Allocations window. 

The 'Quantity' and 'Claim Type', and 'Portion' if applicable, can then be entered, which is explained further below.

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Unavailable Supports

When searching for Supports, 'Unavailable' Support Items related to the search criteria entered will also display: 

Supports display as 'Unavailable' for a variety of reasons:

  • funding for this Support Item or the parent Support Category has not been added to the Client's NDIS Direct Funding record and therefore, these Supports cannot be selected. 
  • these Supports may have been configured to 'Not available' in the Client's NDIS Direct Client Funding record, potentially due to their Budget having been fully expended/allocated.
  • the incorrect NDIS Direct Funding record has been selected as the Funding Source in the Activity. When multiple Direct Funding records have been created for a Client and their Funding periods both include the Activity Date/s they will both display for selection in the Funding Source. However, the required Supports may not be available in the Funding record selected.

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Prepopulated Supports

NDIS Supports may prepopulate in the NDIS Support Allocations window, displaying below the 'Add Support Item' search.

A maximum number of five only will prepopulate, and all will display a zero Quantity and appear in grey until utilised. Group Supports requiring a Portion to be entered will also display a blank value for the Portion as this will vary in each situation.

Supports prepopulate when: 

  • the Client's NDIS Direct Funding record has been set up to include individual NDIS Support Items, or 
  • these Supports have been Allocated in Activities for this Client historically e.g. the highlighted Activity Based Transport example:

In this example, each of the individual Supports that appear here have been added to Bradley's NDIS Funding record, other than the Activity Based Transport Support which was allocated in an Activity he recently participated in. 

Once a Support is updated with the Quantity and Portion if applicable, and the Save NDIS Support Allocations button is selected, all non-utilised prepopulated Supports will disappear leaving only those Allocations in use displayed. 

If you wish to see the prepopulated Supports again, these will appear once any existing Allocations are removed. 

N.B. A Support Item may appear more than once if a different Cost Type has been previously used, as per the example below:

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Client Funding Notes 

Support Item Notes are designed to assist with choosing the correct Support Allocations and provide guidance e.g. 'Please use standard supports'.

If 'Notes' are displayed against the relevant Supports in the NDIS Support Allocations window of the Activity record: 

Your organisation has configured the 'Show Client Funding Notes when Allocating Supports' in the NDIS section of the Funding tab of   System Preferences:

These will be any 'Notes' added to Individual Supports or a Flexible Budget in the related  Client's Funding record:

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Allocating individual NDIS Supports

Once the required Support has been located several fields of information will need to be reviewed or completed in order to allocate the Support. 

While the Quantity, and Portion where applicable, are required to be completed, we recommend also reviewing the Claim Type for Supports with multiple Claim Type options to ensure the correct one has been selected.  Where the same Support using a different Claim Type is required, Supports can be easily duplicated via the Actions menu for convenience. Similarly, the Actions menu provides for easy deletion of Support Items where required.

The fields of information relating to a Support Item include the following:

  • Quantity - the default is 0, however, the relevant Quantity for the applicable Unit of Measure e.g. Hours or Units will need to be entered in order for the Support to be allocated
  • Reference Number - as listed in the NDIS Price Guide
  • Support Item - this field lists the following information:
    • Parent Category the Support Item relates to e.g. 0004: Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation, 
    • Description of the Support e.g. Group Activities - Standard - Weekday Daytime,
    • Cost Type if applicable to the Support e.g. Parking Fees
    • Funding Notes - if Notes have been added to the Client's Funding record and configured in System Preferences to show in the NDIS Support Allocations window
  • Claim Type - 'Standard Service' displays by default, however, some Supports have multiple options applicable for the Support
  • Portion - this field displays for the relevant Group Supports where the Price is required to be divided between the relevant number of participants
  • Actions - this contextual menu contains options for updating Support Items such as 'Duplicate' and 'Delete'

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Once the required Supports have been added, the Quantity must first be entered, relevant to the applicable Unit of Measure (UoM) for that Support e.g. Hour, or Unit.

Supports with a Quantity of zero will display with a grey background: 

As soon as a Quantity greater than zero is entered the Support will display with a white background: 

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Quantities with 'Hours' Unit of Measure

When allocating Supports with an 'Hours' Unit of Measure (UoM), the Quantity can be entered in a number of different ways. In the case where 1 hour and 30 minutes of support was delivered, for example, this can be entered in the following formats: 

'h'+'m' e.g. 1h30m

'h':'m' e.g. 1:30

Or in a decimal format e.g. 1.5

Supports with an Hours Unit of Measure will always be displayed in decimal format in the Quantity field in the NDIS Support Allocations window, regardless of the format in which they have been entered, as this is the format included in the Bulk Payment Request export.  

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Cost Type (Travel/Transport)

When a Transport, Activity Based Transport, or Provider Travel Non-Labour Cost Support is allocated, an additional field titled 'Cost Type' will display under the Support Items column for these Supports: 

The relevant 'Cost Type' may be selected from the options displayed in the drop-down list: 

The  'Activity NDIS Support Allocations: Travel & Transport Cost Types' list can be configured in the Lists tab in System Preferences to meet your organisation's requirements.

You will note that the 'All kms' button also automatically displays below the Quantity field when these Supports are added.  Detailed information regarding this and Cost Types is outlined in the  Participant Transport and Provider Travel article linked below for your reference.

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Claim Type

The NDIS Price Guide identifies if as well as direct service provision, Support Items can be used to claim for the following non-direct services: 'Non-Face-To-Face Support Provision', 'Provider Travel', 'Short Notice Cancellations', 'NDIA  Requested Reports' and 'Irregular SIL Supports'; these are listed as Claim Types in SupportAbility where relevant.

One or more of the following 'Claim Types' will be available for selection, depending on the specific NDIS Support Item selected: 

  • Standard Service (default)
  • Non-Face-To-Face Support Provision
  • Provider Travel
  • NDIA Requested Reports
  • Irregular SIL Supports 
  • Short Notice Cancellation (appears only when a Cancellation Reason has been selected)
    • N.B. More information about the Claim Type Cancellation is explained further below.  

SupportAbility only allows Staff to choose from the Claim Types that are available for each Support Item as per the Support Catalogue: 

If no Claim Type other than 'Standard Service' is available for a Support Item, this will appear as 'Standard Service' only with no other options available for selection:

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The 2020/21 NDIS Price Guide changed the way in which group Supports were managed whereby ratio Supports were no longer applicable, and the price limit for relevant Supports is now required to be divided by the number of participants in the group.

Where the NDIS Price Guide stipulates that a Group Support must be divided by the number of participants in the group, the relevant 'portion' of service delivery that needs to be charged for each participant must be selected in the NDIS Support Allocations window of the Client's Activities. 

Once the Quantity has been entered, a validation message appears indicating that the relevant portion is required: 

Select the relevant option from the drop-down list:

Once the Support has been saved a badge noting the relevant portion will display in the Activity record under the Client's Funding Source for reference:

More information on Portions is outlined in the  Apportioning the Price of the required Group Supports article, linked below for reference.

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A contextual menu is available under the 'Actions' column providing easy access functionality for updating Supports, such as duplicating them when the same Support is required using different Claim Types, or when a Support requires deletion:

 More information on each of these functions is outlined below.

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How to duplicate NDIS Support Allocations 

There are occasions when the same Support may need to be added more than once using a different Claim Type e.g. 'Standard Service' and 'Provider Travel'.

In order to do this first add the relevant Support selecting the appropriate Claim Type e.g. 'Standard Service', then open the 'Actions' contextual menu and select 'Duplicate': 

The Support will populate again, however, it will will be greyed out until all relevant fields have been completed:

Enter the required Quantity e.g. 0.50 hours, then select the relevant Claim Type e.g. 'Provider Travel' from the drop-down list of options, and enter the Portion if applicable: 

N.B. The Portion may vary for the different Claim Types.

Finally, select the 'Save NDIS Support Allocations' button to save the added Supports:

Once saved, these Supports will display as '2 NDIS Support Items Allocated' in the Client's section of the Activity with the relevant badges displayed below e.g. 1:1, 1:3, Travel:

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How to delete NDIS Support Allocations 

If a Support needs to be deleted, open the 'Actions' contextual menu next to the relevant Support and select 'Delete': 

The Support will now be deleted and no longer visible.

Remember to select the 'Save NDIS Support Allocations' button to save the deletion:


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Save NDIS Support Allocations

Once the relevant Supports have been added with all required elements completed, select the 'Save NDIS Support Allocations' button to allocate the Supports and exit the 'NDIS Support Allocations' window: 

The 'NDIS Support Items Allocated' button in the Clients section of the Activity now displays in blue with the relevant number of allocated Supports displayed e.g. 2, along with any identifying Badges related to the Supports displayed e.g. the relevant portion i.e. 1:1, 1:3, and whether or not there are any Travel or Transport Support Allocations:

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When a client is a 'no-show' or provides short notice of a cancellation the provider may still charge for this service. 

The Client is marked as Absent in the relevant Activity and if still being charged then 'No Charge' is  not selected:

Cancellation Reason

If a Client is being charged for cancellation and has any NDIS Support Allocations with a quantity greater than zero that allow the 'Cancellation' Claim Type; a 'Cancellation Reason' is required to be entered:

The 'Short Notice Cancellation Reason' options to select from are: 

  • Health reason
  • Family issues
  • Unavailability of transport
  • Other:

Once selected, this will display as follows:

Clients participating in a Program of Support

If the Client's participation is associated with a Program of Support, short-notice cancellation reasons are not applicable: 

More information on this is outlined in the Program of Support section of this article.

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'Cancelled' Claim Type

Once the Cancellation Reason is selected, the 'Cancellation' Claim Type will automatically update to this effect in the NDIS Support Allocations window. If 'Standard Service' was selected before the Client was marked as Absent, for example, this will be overridden to 'SN Cancellation - Standard Service': 

If required, it will be possible to update the Claim Type to the relevant Short Notice Cancellation option, based on the available options in the Support Catalogue, e.g: 

  • SN Cancellation-Standard Service
  • SN Cancellation-Provider Travel
  • SN Cancellation-Non-Face-To-Face

Where does the Claim Type and the Cancellation Reason appear?

The 'Claim Type' and 'Cancellation Reason' appears in the following where applicable:  

  • in the Client's NDIS Statement printed from the Client record,
  • the read-only version of the Internal Invoices when generating or viewing an Internal [Direct] Invoice Batch. Please see the article with this title linked below for more information
  • the Invoice Description for MYOB, Xero and Zed Axis Invoice Batch exports
  • the applicable code will populate in the NDIS Bulk Payment Request export e.g. NSDH, TRAN, etc. based on the Cancellation Reason entered.

Cancellation Reduced Price Percentage

The 'Reduced price percentage for cancellations' as configured on the Settings tab in System Preferences is applied to the 'Price' and 'Value' of any NDIS Support Allocations with a 'Cancelled' Claim Type. However, Short Notice Cancellations can now be claimed at 100%, and we recommend that providers ensure this is configured to 100% in System Preferences. 

Please see the 'Cancellation and "no show" management' section of the Finance & NDIS | Preparation article linked below for more information. 

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2-day and 7-day Short Notice Cancellations

With the  2024/25 NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, the Short Notice Cancellation terms were updated, based on the kind of support, as follows: 

  • DSW (Disability Support Work) e.g. most Core supports:
    Short-notice cancellations can continue to be charged for up to 7 days’ notice to align with the requirements under the SCHADS award. 
  • Non-DSW (non-disability support work) e.g. most Capacity Building supports: Short-notice cancellation terms are 2 clear business days. 

To assist providers with managing this in SupportAbility, when Absent has been ticked, and the Short Notice Cancellation Reason is required, '2d SN Cancellation' and '7d SN Cancellation' badges, as relevant, display under the 'Funding Source' in the Activity Client section:

They are also displayed in the 'NDIS Support Allocations' window:

We recommend providers consider utilising the other features available in SupportAbility, such as specific Journal Types and Templates for Staff to capture the required evidence regarding Short Notice Cancellations, as these can be reported on later, should the need to do arise. 

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Program of Support

When this has been configured to 'On by default' for the relevant Services in System Preferences, a new setting becomes available for each Client row in the Activities for this Service in cases where NDIS Funding is being used as the Client's Funding Source:

This allows Staff with the privileges required to manage Activities to indicate if the Client's participation is related to a 'Program of Support'. 

When this setting is selected, and the Client is marked as Absent, a Cancellation Reason is  not triggered to display for the relevant Support Items applicable to the Client in the case of Absenteeism:

N.B. If Supports have been allocated that are not allowable as part of a POS, then the Cancellation Reason and Claim Type will still apply in such a case. 

Please see the Programs of Support article linked below for reference for comprehensive guidance regarding this feature. 

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How to view and complete the finance actions

Only Staff with the Finance Admin access i.e. those with the ‘View Financial Information’ privilege in combination with either the ‘Edit ALL Client Records’, or ‘Team Leader for ALL Services’ privilege, will be able to complete the following:

  • Link to the Client's Funding record
  • View Price and Value details
  • Customise the price for the relevant Supports
  • Replicate required changes to future Activities
  • Set No Charge where applicable 
  • How to make corrections to NDIS Support Allocations in Finance Edit mode

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Link to the Client's Funding record

Once the Funding Source has been updated and Supports have been allocated, Staff with the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account Privilege will be able to access the Client's Funding Record via the link displayed: 

Staff who do not have the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account Privilege will only see the name of the Funding Record displayed, without a link: 

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View Price and Value details

Staff with the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account Privilege, will see additional information displayed in the NDIS Support Allocations window as follows: 

  • Price - this column displays the Full Price for the Support as set in the Support Catalogue e.g. $59.67, or a customised Price if applicable, along with the calculated Portion price if relevant based on the Portion selected e.g. 1:3
  • Value - this column displays the final Value of the Support, relative to the calculated Portion Price x the Quantity entered

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Customise the Price for the relevant Supports

When Support Items are set to quotable in the NDIS Support Catalogue, or, do not have a Price Limit and a Fixed Price Allocation has  not been set in the Client's NDIS Direct Funding record, the 'Customise Price' button will be available for Staff with the 'View Financial Information' Staff Account privilege to customise the price of this Support: 

To customise the price of this Support, select the Customise Price button which will open the 'Full $' field where the relevant value can be entered: 

N.B. The example used here was a Notional Unit Price Support. Please review the Notional Unit Price Support Items article, linked below for reference, for more information on this type of Support.

Once the Full $ Price has been updated and the 'Save NDIS Support Allocations' button selected, SupportAbility will automatically calculate the Portion Price and final Value based on the Customised Price entered, and the Quantity, and Portion if applicable, selected:

N.B. A blue notification will display to indicate that the Price is a Custom price.

Please review the  Customising NDIS Support Items article, linked below for reference, for more information regarding this. 

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Replicate required changes to future Activities

If the Activity belongs to a set and the updated Support Allocations are required to be applied to the remaining Activities in the set, Staff with the Finance Admin privileges, specifically the Team Leader privilege, can activate the 'Clients' Replication Management Setting then save the Activity record:

This will replicate  all changes made to the Clients section of the Activity, such as Clients who may have been added to or removed from the Activity as well as any Support Allocation updates. 

We recommend turning the Replication Management Settings off again after the Activity has been saved to ensure any changes made to individual Activities are not inadvertently replicated to future Activities when the Activity is saved or the Activity Sign Off is performed: 

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Set No Charge where applicable

When a Client has been marked as Absent in an Activity, Staff with the Finance Admin privileges can activate No Charge:

N.B. An amber notification may populate when the Absent checkbox is selected, depending on the Supports allocated e.g. Absent Client with NDIS Support Allocations that cannot be claimed as Short Notice Cancellation. This can be ignored when No Charge is selected.

When 'No Charge' has been selected, the following updates will automatically occur in the NDIS Support Allocations window:

  • a blue notification will populate at the top of the NDIS Support Allocations window i.e. 'No Charge'
  • the dollar amounts in the Price::Portion and Value columns will revert to $0.00:

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How to make corrections to NDIS Support Allocations in Finance Edit mode

Changes to NDIS Support Allocations are made in the Activity record itself and are limited to Staff with Finance Admin privileges. 

A blue notification appears at the top of the Activity record for Staff Members with these privileges, advising any saved changes to NDIS Support Allocations will be available in BPRs and/or Direct Invoice Batches immediately. 

Corrections to NDIS Support Allocations are made by selecting the blue NDIS Support Allocations button for the relevant Client in the Activity record: 

Finance Edit Mode allows Support Allocations to be edited (e.g. an incorrect Quantity fixed) or deleted (e.g. if the wrong Support Item was selected) prior to financial processing i.e. up until billing assets (Direct Invoices or BPRs) have been created for these Allocations. 

Any required changes can be made to the Quantity, Claim Type, Portion, (Travel/Transport) Cost Type or Custom Price (where relevant) e.g. adding an additional Support Allocation via the Duplicate feature for the Non-Face-To-Face component of service delivery: 

Please see the How to correct NDIS Support Allocations after Activity Sign Off in Finance Edit Mode (edit, delete and/or add) article linked below for more information regarding this. 

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When a Client has NDIS Support Allocations and is marked as Absent but is still being charged, any changes made to their NDIS Support Allocations will not be replicated to the remaining Activities in the set, regardless of the Replication Management Settings. 

This is due to the likelihood of changes being required that should not be overwritten or applied to other Activities in the set. 

Warnings are displayed in the Activity Client row to alert Staff to this and other things, such as when there are Support Items with a quantity greater than zero that the Cancellation Claim Type is not applicable for e.g:

These also appear in the NDIS Support Allocations window: 

Whilst SupportAbility will provide this warning, they will not inhibit these Supports being allocated. This is at the discretion of the provider. 

The quantity of any Support Allocations can be updated to zero or removed for any Supports your organisation   does not wish to charge for, in the event of a cancellation or "no show".  

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Invalid Allocations

NDIS Support Allocations may appear as invalid: 

For either of the following reasons: 

  • The Support is no longer available due to a new or updated Price Guide being in use
  • The relevant 'portion' has not been selected for the applicable Supports
  • It is associated with a Group Support Approach no longer in use
    • Please see the Transitioning to the New Approach for Community and Centre Based Group NDIS Supports (FY2020/21) article linked below for more information

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NDIS Direct Budget Utilisation Warnings

From the upgrade to SupportAbility v7.9 (May, 2021) NDIS Direct Budget Utilisation Warnings are displayed in Activity records: 

These warnings are designed to alert all Staff Members when NDIS Support Allocations are associated with NDIS Support Budgets that have less than 5% remaining, as well as if the associated Budget has been over utilised: 

Budget Utilisation Warnings are displayed in the NDIS Support Allocation window also:

These warnings are designed as an alert for the relevant Staff Members to review the related Funding Budget Utilisation either directly in the Client's Funding record, or using the NDIS Budget Utilisation Report. Please see the   NDIS Budget Utilisation Report article linked below for more information regarding this report. 

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