Staff Accounts - Human Resources tabs

This article provides detailed information relating to the Human Resources tabs in a Staff Account. This includes the Human Resources, Contacts, Availability, Training, Documents, Medical, Reviews, Goals, Journal and Learning Centre Log Tabs.  


  • Staff with the 'Human Resources' privilege for any of the Sites/Services the individual works in or the global 'Human Resources For ALL Staff' privilege can access all of the HR tabs.
  • Staff with the 'Team Leader' privilege for the related Site/Services or the global 'Team Leader for ALL Services' privilege can access the Availability, Training, Medical, and Learning Centre Log tabs.

Audience: Authorised Representatives, HR Specialist, Team Leaders


The following list summarises the content within this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

What is the Human Resources functionality?

The 'User Details' tab is where login details are entered, and Site/Service access and higher privileges are granted. 

The tabs to the right of this are known as the 'Human Resources' functionality within SupportAbility and primarily relates to information managed by Human Resources and/or Management Staff:

Information in these tabs is not mandatory for completion, however, may provide additional benefit for providers as a place to record & manage personnel-related information. Additional privileges are required to access this information. 

Each of these tabs is outlined further below.  

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Human Resources

The Human Resources tab contains information relating to the Staff Member's employment, such as Job Title, Working Hours, Qualification/Award Level, volunteer status, employment dates, contact details, payroll details, etc:

N.B. While the 'Human Resources Details' section displays three phone numbers for the Staff Member, when performing a Staff Account Search only the 'Work Mobile Number' will populate in the search results. 

The Clinical Details section allows for a Provider Number to be entered, which is exported on Clinical Invoices. Please see the Managing Clinical Non-NDIS Funding article linked below for more information:

The Payroll Details section allows for the relevant Payroll System Category e.g. SCHADS to be selected, options as configured in System Preferences, 'Staff: Payroll Category' list; and enter the 'Payroll System Identifier':

The Sites where this staff member works (+ Hourly Rate Details) section displays the Sites and Service configured on the 'User Details' tab, and allows for an 'Hourly Rate' to be entered for each:

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Restrict HR Information

Additionally, if your organisation wishes to limit access to a particular Staff Account, for example, due to sensitive information, this can be achieved through a setting on the 'Human Resources' tab of that Staff Account called 'Restrict HR information':

When this setting has been applied, ONLY Staff with the 'Human Resources For ALL Staff' Security privilege can access the Human Resources information for this Staff member.   

Staff with the 'Human Resources' privilege for the Site/Services this Staff member works at, will not be able to access the Human Resources information for this Staff Account when this setting has been applied. 

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Not Available To Roster

This setting would be suitable for staff who do not provide direct service delivery to Clients, e.g. managers, HR, finance or administration personnel.

When set, it hides the individual from appearing in the list of available or suggested Staff when rostering or replacing someone on leave. 

This also results in an amber message, '  Not Available To Roster has been configured in the Human Resources tab,' displaying in both the Availability tab of the Staff Account and Availability tab in My Staff Account.

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The Contacts tab of a Staff Account contains information relating to the names and contact details for Emergency and important contacts of the Staff member.

Staff require a valid Emergency Contact to be set in the Contacts tab of their Staff Account, a first name and phone number is required as a minimum. Incomplete Staff Member warnings will be displayed if no valid Emergency Contact is available.

The Staff Account Search is a useful tool for identifying those Staff members whose Staff Account does not contain a valid Emergency Contact.

More information regarding this Search is available in the Staff Accounts Search article, linked below.

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Contains information relating to the Standard Availability times for the Staff member for each day of the week, along with Availability Exception information, and is where Leave Exceptions may be approved or declined. 

Standard Availability

Availability Exceptions

When creating Activities, SupportAbility understands Staff Availability based on the following factors: 

  • Standard Availability
  • Leave Exceptions
  • Clashes

The related articles, linked at the end of this article, outline detailed information regarding creating and approving 'Availability Exceptions'.

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The Training tab is where information relating to training undertaken by the Staff member can be entered including details of cost, renewal dates, Staff member set to notify, a link to related Staff Documents, and Notes added: 

The list of selectable options for Training Type can be configured by your organisation in System Preferences::Lists::Staff:Training Type. 

Assuming Training Document files have been uploaded on the Documents tab of the Staff Account, relevant Documents (e.g training certificates) can be linked here. 

A list of Qualifications can also be recorded on this tab:

Training Search

The  Staff Training Search report accessed via Reports::Staff Reports, can be used to search for training information such as Training Types, Scheduled Dates, and Renewal Dates, etc. 

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Relevant and compulsory Documents may be uploaded to the Staff members Documents tab. 

A 'Due/Review Date' and person to 'Notify' may be set for each Document. 

Notifications will then appear on the Dashboard for this individual and the Document Search report may also be used to locate and review Staff Documents. 

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The Medical tab of the Staff Account is where information relating to Immunisations can be recorded.

This includes the Date of the immunisation, Immunisation Type as configured in the 'Immunisation: Type' List in System Preferences, and Notes.

Documents such as immunisation certificates can also be linked here if the relevant Document files have been uploaded on the Documents tab of the Staff Account. 

The How to add Immunisation records for Staff article linked below provides related detailed information.

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The Reviews tab of the Staff Account is where information relating to Performance Reviews may be recorded, including review date, review score, renewal date, and renewal person to notify. 

Assuming Review Document files have been uploaded on the Documents tab the relevant documents e.g performance reviews can be linked here.

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The Goals tab of a Staff Account is where information relating to Staff goals may be entered including Start/End dates, notes about the Goal, Company Strategy and Staff Responsibilities.

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The Journal tab of a Staff Account is where notes relating to the individual may be recorded. Staff Journal Types may be customised in System Preferences. Please see the Configuring Journals article linked below for more information. 

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Learning Centre Log

Contains information relating to the videos the Staff member has viewed in the Learning Centre, displaying the number of views, dates viewed, and a Viewing Heat Map indicating the most frequently viewed areas of each video.

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