Foundations | Configuration

This article provides detailed information relating to the first stage of implementing SupportAbility:  Foundations | Configuration. 

The objective of this first stage of implementation is for your organisation to configure your unique SupportAbility installation to ensure:

  • relevant functionality has been activated,
  • selectable options are familiar, specific and relevant to your organisation, and
  • SupportAbility is ready for creating Staff Accounts and inputting Client information. 

Information about configuring the various features in your installation is outlined below and has been divided into three sections as follows; Required, Recommended, and Optional Configuration. Your organisation will be best placed to determine which configuration needs to be completed initially and which can be completed at a later date.

Privileges: 'Edit System Preferences'

Audience: Authorised Representatives and anyone tasked with completing this phase of implementation.


The following list summarises the content of this article. Click on the links below to take you to the relevant sections:

Required Configuration

Recommended Configuration

Optional Configuration

Where is the initial configuration completed?

Setting up your installation and completing the initial configuration is performed in several of the 'System Preferences' tabs. 

Staff require the 'Edit System Preferences' Staff Account privilege in order to access this area of SupportAbility, which is granted to Authorised Representatives when an installation is provisioned.

You will notice there are multiple tabs in System Preferences: 

The configuration outlined in this article is completed on the following tabs; Settings, Dashboard, Sites, Services, Documents, Journals, Tags, Lists and 'Remote Access'.

Funding tab

While the 'Funding' tab will require some configuration, we recommend completing this only when your organisation is ready to manage Finance & NDIS in SupportAbility as completing this upfront e.g. entering additional Funding Types, may cause confusion and issues further down the track.  

Detailed information regarding this area of configuration is available in the Finance & NDIS | Preparation article, linked below for reference.

Rate Cards tab

The 'Rate Cards' tab does not require configuration as this functionality is only relevant for Non-NDIS funding and therefore is not discussed in this article. Please see the  Setting up and using the Rate Card for Non-NDIS Billing article for more information, linked below for reference.

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Required Configuration

The key configuration required in the initial phase of implementation is as follows:

  • make the relevant Services 'Available' at the Sites they are managed or delivered from
  • (if relevant) activate the relevant functionality for Employment-related Services, if your organisation delivers these types of services

Sites and Services

SupportAbility uses the Site and Service configuration in your installation to create privacy barriers around Client information and manage Staff access to this information. 

Access is granted either via high-level privileges, or the Sites and Services itemised in common in the 'Client Service Participation' section of a Client record and the 'Sites and services where this staff member works' section of a Staff Account.

Making the relevant Services 'Available' at the Sites they are managed or delivered from is an essential configuration requirement, as once completed the relevant Site/Services will be available for selection in the following records: 

  • Client records::Client Service Participation
  • Staff Accounts::Site/Service where this Staff member works
  • Activities 
  • Journals

Information on how to complete this is outlined below in the related sections.

Administration Service

It is important to note that all SupportAbility installations include a default Service called 'Administration' which is automatically set as 'Available' for all Sites. This cannot be removed or amended as it relates to specific system functionality. 

Related Learning Material

For a conceptual understanding of how Services and Sites form the foundation of your installation, and how these core concepts influence all other functionality in SupportAbility, including enforcing Privacy Barriers, we recommend watching the following videos: 

The Managing Privacy article, linked below for reference, also provides comprehensive information regarding this functionality. 

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Make Services 'Available' at the relevant Sites

The Sites and Services relevant to your organisation, as listed in your Implementation Planning Agreement, were created in your installation before it was provisioned. 

The next step is for your organisation to make the relevant Services available at each Site where they are managed or delivered from.

This is completed on the Sites tab, within the individual Site records:

Select the target icon to open an individual Site record.

Next, select the 'Available' checkbox for each Service that is managed or delivered from that Site: 

N.B. The default 'Administration' Service is checked as 'Available' by default, and this cannot be edited.

N.B. The 'Only Team Leaders can Edit Activities' functionality is not configured here as it is only relevant when organisations are completing the Activities & Rostering phase of your implementation.

The  Configuring Sites article linked below provides detailed information outlining how to complete the required configuration for a newly created Site.

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Activate functionality for Employment-related Services

When a Service is related to Supported Employment, turning on the 'ADE Service' setting will activate the 'Workforce' and 'Employment' tabs in Client records for those who participate in this Service. 

Turning on the 'Employment-Based Service' setting for Services that are Employment-based e.g. when your organisation delivers School Leaver Employment Support (SLES), or Transition to Work or Employment (TTW, TTE), will activate the 'Employment' tab in Client records for those who participate in this Service. 

To complete this configuration, navigate to the Services tab and select the relevant checkbox/es for the Employment-related Service/s: 

N.B. You will note that a warning displays advising 'No Funding Types Allowed'. This can be ignored at this stage as Funding configuration is not required to be completed until the Finance & NDIS phase of your implementation. 

More detailed information about employment-related Services is available in the following learning material:

  • Clients: Workforce tavideo - accessed via the Learning Centre in your installation
  • Clients: Employment tavideo - as above
  • Activate functionality for ADE or Employment-based Services section of the Configuring Services article, linked below for reference

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Recommended Configuration

While the configuration outlined in this section can be left until later to complete, we strongly recommend completing it in the initial stages of implementation in readiness for when Staff are accessing SupportAbility and entering Client information.

Many of the features mentioned below include some default settings, which we recommend are reviewed and updated where relevant to align the options with your organisation's processes and required outputs.

The recommended configuration includes the following:

  • Enter the Company Name & System Administrator details
  • Review and update Client Document Types
  • Review and update Client Journal Types
  • Create Client Tags
  • Review and update Lists

In addition to the above configuration, we also recommend using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your organisation which provides an additional security layer when Staff log into SupportAbility.

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Enter the Company Name & System Administrator details

There are several places within SupportAbility where your organisation's 'Company Name' and the 'System Administrator's Name' and 'Contact Details' will appear, once this has been configured.

To set the 'Company Name', and 'System Administrator' details for your installation navigate to the 'Installation Options' section on the 'Settings tab' in System Preferences and enter the relevant information in the corresponding fields:

Remember to select the 'Save Preference Set' button to save this information:

These details will then appear in:

  • the 'Reset Password' email a Staff Member receives
    • after selecting the 'Forgot Your Password' link on the Login screen, 
    • after selecting the 'Reset Password' button in 'My Staff Account'
    • after another Staff Member is assisting them and has selected the 'Reset Password' button in their Staff Account

      Company Name

      System Administrator Details

  • the 'Remote Access Denied' notification when a Staff Member tries to access SupportAbility from outside of the configured IP address range, if Remote Access has been activated in your installation:

  • when a Staff Member has selected the 'Forgotten PIN' link if Digital Client Support Logs are being used:  

More detailed information is available in the  Configuring the System Administrator Details article, linked below for reference.

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Documents in SupportAbility refer to any files or attachments that may be uploaded to various records in SupportAbility e.g. Client, Contact, Incident, Injured Party, Investigation, OFI, and Staff. 

Document Types are a useful way to categorise a large number of files uploaded to SupportAbility and can also be used as search criteria in the Document Search report to locate specific types of Documents.

We recommend reviewing the default options available for Client Document Types and updating these where necessary to be relevant for your organisation. This is important to ensure any redundant items in this list are deleted and any missing Document Types relevant to your organisation are added.

We suggest this configuration is completed before Documents are uploaded to Client records to ensure they are categorised correctly for your organisation's requirements.

Document configuration is completed on the 'Documents' tab:

IMPORTANT: SupportAbility does not allow Document mapping from Cloud-based document storage systems such as Sharepoint, DropBox or Google Docs.

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Review and update Client Document Types

A default list of Client Document Types is included when an installation is first provisioned: 

This list needs reviewing to align with the types of Documents your organisation manages. 

New Client Document Types can be added as required by selecting the '+ Add a new document type' button, selecting 'Client' as the record type, and then entering the New Document Type name:

Existing Document Types can be deleted as required by checking the corresponding 'Delete' checkbox for the Document Type to be deleted:

Remember to select 'Save Preference Set' to save your updates:

Once this configuration has been completed, when Staff commence uploading Documents to Client records, the relevant choices will be available to select from. 

More detailed information is available in the  Configuring Document Types article, linked below for reference.

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Journals in SupportAbility refer to any notes or evidence that is recorded for a Client, a Shared Contact or a Staff member.

Journal Types are a useful way to categorise a large number of Journal records with similar attributes or purposes and can be used as search criteria in the Journal Search to locate specific types of Journals.

While a list of default Client Journal Types is included when an installation is first provisioned we recommend your organisation reviews these and updates them where required, so the options are meaningful and relevant for your organisation. 

This configuration is completed on the Journals tab:

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Review and update Client Journal Types

A default list of Client 'Journal Types' is included when an installation is first provisioned: 

This list needs reviewing to align with the types of Journal evidence your organisation will be recording.

New Client Journal Types can be added as required by selecting the '+ Add a new journal type' button, selecting 'Client' as the record type, and then entering the New Journal Type name:

Existing Journal Types can be deleted as required by checking the corresponding 'Delete' checkbox for the Journal Type to be deleted:

Remember to select 'Save Preference Set' to save your updates:

Once this configuration has been completed, when Staff commence adding Client Journals, the relevant choices will be available to select from. 

More detailed information is available in the  Configuring Journals article, linked below for reference.

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Tags are a useful tool to further identify and group records with specific attributes. 

Tags can be created for and applied to various 'Entities' (types of records) in SupportAbility such as Clients, Client Contacts, Client Funding records, Shared Contacts (organisations), Journals, Activities, Staff etc.

Once applied, Tags can then be used as search criteria in various Searches and Reports.

It is worth considering if Tags will be a useful feature for your organisation. Many Providers choose to create Tags for Client records initially, in preparation for Client records being created. This is important to ensure Staff have the relevant options to select from when adding Tags. 

Tags are created, edited, or deleted on the 'Tags' tab: 

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Create Client Tags

To create a new Tag, select the '+ Add a new tag' button: 

Next, select the 'Entity' the Tag relates to e.g. Client: 

Enter the name for the Tag e.g: Complex Needs

Remember to select 'Save Preference Set' to create the Tag: 

For detailed information about this functionality please review the  Configuring Tags article linked below. The Adding and Searching by Tags article may also assist as this provides information on the utilisation of Tags.

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The options available to select from in many drop-down fields in SupportAbility are referred to as 'Lists'. 

While many of these Lists contain default options, we recommend reviewing and updating these as required, by adding and deleting options to ensure the options available to select from are correct and relevant for your organisation prior to Staff entering Client information. 

As a minimum, we recommend reviewing the following Lists:

  • Client: Behaviour
  • Client: Disability
  • Client: Medical Condition
  • Client: Gender - Even though this List is titled ‘Client: Gender’ this List also applies to the Gender options available in the Human Resources tab of Staff Accounts.
  • Client: Service Participation Status  - For more information regarding this area, please review the Client Service Participation article (linked below). 
  • Client: Consent Exclusions - For more information regarding this area, please review the Client Consent article (linked below). 
  • Immunisation: Type - For more information regarding this functionality, please review the How to add Immunisation records for Clients and How to add Immunisation records for Staff articles.
    N.B. this List is shared by both Client and Staff records.  
  • (Optional) Activities: Programs - Please note this configuration is more relevant to later phases of your implementation and can be left for now. 
    If your organisation intends to utilise Programs to either identify and/or group Activities, or as a way to categorise revenue data, please review the  Programs and Job Codes articles (linked below) for more information.

The above-listed configuration is completed on the Lists tab:

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Review and update Lists

All of the customisable Lists are grouped by record type where the field is located, for example, 'Client: Behaviour' indicates that this field is located in a Client record and the name of the field is 'Behaviour':

To review a List select the corresponding target icon to open the List:

The default options for this List are displayed as follows:

They are listed alphabetically, however, they can be reordered as needed by using the orange arrows to drag the item to another location in the List.

New List items may be added by selecting the '+Add a new list item' button located above the existing List Items.

To delete a List item simply select the corresponding Rubbish Bin icon.  Later when staff have begun entering information, it will be important to consider when deleting List Items how you wish to manage those records which already have that List Item selected in the relevant field.

As an alternative to deleting List Items, when a List Item is no longer relevant for your organisation, it is possible to archive it. Once archived the Item will no longer appear as a selectable option in the relevant List field. To archive an item, check the corresponding 'Archived' checkbox.

Remember to select 'Save Preference Set' to save any updates: 

Detailed information about this functionality is outlined in the Configuring Lists article, linked below for reference. 

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Configure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your organisation

Providers have the option to further strengthen the security when Staff log into SupportAbility by utilising Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). 

Setting up MFA in SupportAbility is comprised of three steps as follows:

  • configuring MFA for your organisation in System Preferences
  • each Staff Member activating MFA individually using an Authenticator App, and then
  • passing the MFA step periodically when logging into SupportAbility. 

If your organisation is already familiar with and using MFA for other programs and Apps, and/or your organisation is considering using MFA for Staff to log into SupportAbility we recommend reviewing the  Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in SupportAbility article, linked below for reference.

This article outlines information on what MFA is, how Authenticator Apps allow SupportAbility to verify a user's identity by confirming 'what the user has access to', and considerations before enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your organisation.

The  How to configure and transition to using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your organisation article, linked below for reference, provides instructions on how to complete the first step of configuring MFA on the Settings tab in System Preferences.

There are three settings available to configure MFA for your organisation:

  • MFA Status
  • Staff MFA Activation Instructions
  • MFA Valid For:

By default, MFA status is set to 'Optional', meaning that no Staff Members are required to complete this step when logging into SupportAbility, nor can anyone activate this in their  'My Staff Account'. 

If your organisation wishes to utilise MFA in SupportAbility, two configuration options and hence strategies are available when enabling MFA for your organisation - 'Optional' or 'Enforced'. 

  • 'Optional' is available to assist providers with the transition to MFA for Staff when logging into SupportAbility, before it becomes mandatory, or when MFA log-in is only required for some Staff in the organisation. 
  • 'Enforced' mandates MFA log-in as part of the SupportAbility log-in process. 

Once a plan to transition to MFA is determined and has been communicated to Staff, including which Authenticator App will be used and instructions about setting this up, it is recommended to transition to MFA by configuring this as ‘Optional’ to begin with. 

If your organisation plans to mandate MFA for all Staff logging into SupportAbility, when the majority of Staff have activated MFA, the configuration can be updated to ‘Enforced’.

Staff MFA Activation Instructions

When Staff activate MFA in 'My Staff Account', a QR code is displayed along with a field to enter the confirmation code generated by their Authenticator App. Your organisation can configure specific instructions to help guide Staff in the MFA Activation process which will display alongside the QR code during the activation process. More information on this is outlined in the aforementioned article.

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Optional Configuration

The configuration outlined in this section is optional and can be completed at any time as required.

When this further configuration has been completed, however, much of it can assist with ensuring that the relevant information is captured in SupportAbility in accordance with your organisation's policies and procedures. 

The optional configuration includes the following:

  • Set compulsory Document Types for Client records and Staff Accounts as required
  • Create Journal Templates for key Client Journal Types, to prompt Staff to enter the required information
  • Set 'Prompt to create Journal Action' for the relevant Journal Types
  • Review the 'Default Journal Type' for specific record types and update as required
  • Modify the default 'Lock journal entries after' number of days if required
  • Configure Remote Access if your organisation wishes to limit the IP Addresses Staff can access SupportAbility remotely from
  • Review and update Dashboard Portal settings as required
  • Create a Dashboard Broadcast Message as required
  • Review the following default Installation Settings and update where required
    • Only Team Leaders can create Client Records
    • Force Staff to Acknowledge Client Warnings
    • Automatically Log Users Out After
  • Configure 'Mobile App - Check In/Out' if your staff are required to check in/out using their mobile phones
  • Review and update the 'Staff Shift Settings' applicable to both the Web and Mobile Apps

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Set compulsory Document Types for Client records and Staff Accounts

Client and Staff Document Types have the optional additional feature where they can be set as 'Compulsory For' specific Services your organisation delivers. 

If your organisation plans to upload Documents to Staff Accounts in the near future, you may wish to review and update the default list of Staff Document Types and set the required ones as 'Compulsory For' the relevant Services.

This is completed on the 'Documents' tab:

Configuring Document Types as Compulsory

For example, if an 'NDIS Plan' is required for  all Clients who participate in specific Services your organisation delivers e.g. Community Participation, SIL, and Support Coordination, then this Document Type may be set as 'Compulsory For' those Services by selecting the relevant check boxes: 

Similarly, Compulsory Document Types can be set for Staff Accounts e.g. 'NDIS Worker Screening Check' and 'Police Check' are set as 'Compulsory For' In-Home Support  by selecting the relevant check boxes:

Warning Notifications when a current file for Compulsory Document Types has not been uploaded

When a Client record or Staff Account, related to a Service/s which has a Document Type set as Compulsory but does  not have a current Document file for that Document Type, e.g. 'NDIS Plan', it will be deemed as an incomplete record. 

A Warning bar will appear at the top of the record to indicate this, serving as a reminder for Staff to complete this requirement.

For more detailed information about Document Types, including setting them as Compulsory for specific Services, please refer to the  Configuring Document Types article, linked below for reference.

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Create Journal Templates for key Client Journal Types

Journal Templates provide a useful guide as to the type of information Staff are required to enter when adding a Journal of a specific Journal Type.

This configuration is completed on the Journals tab:

Journal Template configuration uses a free-text field, with no formatting functionality, where subject headings or simple guidelines may be entered to create a Template for Staff when adding a Journal entry: 

Once configured, whenever Staff add a Journal of this Type, the Template will display in the Journal Notes by default.

For more detailed information on this area of functionality please refer to the  Configuring Journals article, linked below for reference.

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Set 'Prompt to create Journal Action' for the relevant Journal Types

A Journal Action is effectively a task linked to Journal entries that requires action and can be assigned to a specific Staff Member for follow-up.

Some Journal Types may typically require a follow-up Action to be completed, for example, Complaints, and in these instances, an organisation may wish to prompt their Staff to create a Journal Action when adding Journals of specific Types.

To configure a 'Prompt to create Journal Actions', select the related checkbox:

For more detailed information on this area of functionality please refer to the  Configuring Journals article, linked below for reference.

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Review the 'Default Journal Type' for specific record types

This configuration relates to the default Journal Type that will appear for each of the different record types; Client, Client Goal, Activity, Staff Account, and Shared Contact records, when Staff create a Journal from each of those locations. 

When new installations are provisioned, a 'Default Journal Type' is pre-configured for Client records, i.e. File Note, and for Client Goal records, i.e. Goal Evidence.  

Configuring a 'Default Journal Type' may be suitable for some record types, e.g. Client Goal records; however, for other record types where a range of different Journal Types would be applicable it may be best to leave the configuration empty i.e. set to '-'.  

In these instances when 'No default is set - Staff must select the relevant Journal Type when adding Journals' as indicated by the blue notification message displayed here:

If your organisation wishes to update the default Journal Type for any of the record types, we recommend applying this setting  after the list of available Journal Types has been reviewed and updated. 

For more detailed information on configuring the 'Default Journal Type' for specific record types please refer to the  Configuring Journals article, linked below for reference.

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Modify the default 'Lock journal entries after' number of days

Journal Entries are designed to lock within a specified timeframe after their creation, to preserve their integrity, and this period may be customised on the Journals tab.

By default, Journal entries are locked five days following creation, however, they can be configured to lock after a minimum of one day (the day following the entry) or any number of days greater than this:

For more detailed information on this area of functionality please refer to the  Configuring Journals article, linked below for reference.

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Configure Remote Access

Preserving the confidentiality of Client information is an important consideration when providing Staff with remote access to SupportAbility.  

Traditionally remote access may have been limited to a select number of staff, however, the COVID pandemic has resulted in many staff working remotely, which in turn has changed the way organisations need to manage remote access to Client information.

SupportAbility provides functionality on the 'Remote Access' tab in System Preferences for locking down remote access where required.

if your organisation requires control over who has the ability to access SupportAbility outside of your offices, the following configuration will need to be completed:

  • Apply the 'Lock Access to Site IP Addresses Only' setting to restrict remote access to only those IP Addresses listed in the IP Range Whitelist 
  • Enter the 'allowable' static IP addresses (i.e. the remote IP addresses) in the whitelist 
  • Update the 'System Administrator's Name' and 'System Administrator's Contact Details' (phone number) on the Settings tab, so they appear in the system notifications related to this functionality

If the 'Lock Access to Site IP Addresses Only' setting has been activated, the 'Remote Access' privilege will need to be granted to the relevant staff in their Staff Accounts in order for them to be able to access your organisation's SupportAbility installation:

Alternatively, if your organisation does not wish to restrict remote access the default settings can be left as they are. This means all Staff can access SupportAbility remotely, regardless of the public IP address they use to connect with, and regardless of whether they have been granted the 'Remote Access' Staff Account Privilege.

The  Restricting Remote Access to SupportAbility article, linked below for reference, further outlines information on how to restrict remote access in SupportAbility.

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Review and update Dashboard Portal settings

When logging into SupportAbility, the Dashboard is your landing page. It is designed to notify Staff of important tasks & actions and assist them to manage their day-to-day requirements. 

Each section of the Dashboard is referred to as a 'Dashboard Portal' for example:

  • 'Activity Schedule' - lists the Activities the Staff Member is rostered into and Staff Time Sheets for completed Activities can be Signed Off here also
  • 'Client Goal Support Evidence' - lists those Client records requiring recent Journal evidence to be added to their Goals/Goal Strategies

By default, Staff can only see notifications and tasks relevant to them, however, Staff with Team Leader privileges can filter the Dashboard to see notifications for the Staff they are responsible for:

While the Dashboard has some default settings when your installation is first provisioned, this may be customised on the Dashboard tab in System Preferences to suit your organisation's needs as outlined below:

  • Reorder Dashboard Portals
  • Review and update which notification portals will appear on the Dashboard i.e. turn On/Off
  • Configure the number of records to display in each of the Dashboard Portals.
  • Configure the number of days advance notice for when Notifications will appear on the Dashboard

    N.B. The 'Client Goal Support Evidence' and 'Bookmarks' Dashboard Portals have additional functionality which may also be customised. 

SupportAbility provides functionality for Staff to customise their own Dashboard if an organisation chooses to activate this setting.  Whilst this is at the discretion of your organisation, we do  not however recommend this, as Staff may choose to turn important portals off, thus overriding the purpose of notifications to prompt Staff to complete required tasks, and within due dates.

The Dashboard privileges and customisation article, linked below for reference, outlines in detail how to complete a custom configuration as required.

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Create a Dashboard Broadcast Message

Dashboard Broadcast Messages are a useful tool for broadcasting important brief messages to all Staff using SupportAbility, and when configured, this message will appear on the Dashboard of all Staff Members. 

This functionality may be particularly helpful when Staff first start using SupportAbility, as your organisation can provide Staff with guidance on key requirements, processes and/or policies relating to SupportAbility, including linking out to any related organisational documents.

Simple formatting is available with a choice of three different coloured backgrounds to indicate the level of importance of the message, and URL links to external documents or websites may also be included:

Detailed information on this feature is outlined in the  How to configure a Dashboard Broadcast Message for all Staff article linked below for reference.

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Configure the 'Only Team Leaders can create Client Records' setting

The 'Only Team Leaders can create Client Records' setting is activated by default to assist with the following:

  • reduce the potential for 'blank' Client records to be created
  • provide greater control over who can create Client records

Thereby, when this setting has been activated Staff will need to have the 'Team Leader' privilege granted in their Staff Account to be able to create Client records. 

This privilege can be granted either at a Site/Service specific level or as a global Security privilege (i.e. for ALL Services). It is important to note, that this privilege also grants additional functionality such as creating, editing and signing off Activities, which is managed in a later stage of implementation. Therefore it is important to consider which Staff Members it is appropriate to grant the Team Leader privilege to. 

During the implementation phase of creating Client records, your organisation may choose one of two options:

  • Grant the Team Leader privilege initially to certain Staff Members so they can create Client records, then revoke this privilege later as required. 
  • Alternatively, turn this setting off, thereby allowing all Staff to create Client records.

The 'Only Team Leaders can create Client Records' setting is configured in the 'System Settings' section on the 'Settings' tab in System Preferences:

Information on this functionality is outlined in the  How to configure who can create a Client record article linked below for reference.

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Configure the 'Force Staff to Acknowledge Client Warnings' setting

The 'Force Staff to Acknowledge Client Warnings' setting is enabled by default, thereby enforcing Staff to acknowledge Client Warnings, Medical Conditions and Behaviours which have been set as red or amber on the Status tab of a Client record, before they can access the Client record.  

The purpose of this functionality is to ensure  Staff are aware of important and critical Client information in order for appropriate care to be given, to assist with maintaining Client and Staff safety, and prevent potential incidents due to lack of information.

Staff may select 'I acknowledge these client warnings' which grants them access or select 'I do not acknowledge these Client warnings' where they are navigated to the Dashboard, and cannot access the Client record.

The 'Force Staff to Acknowledge Client Warnings:' setting is configured in the 'System Settings' section on the 'Settings' tab in System Preferences:

More information regarding this functionality can be found in the  Acknowledge Client Warnings Setting article, linked below.

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Configure the 'Automatically Log Users Out After (inactivity)' setting

Generally, the information displayed on SupportAbility screens is of a highly sensitive nature and thereby necessitates a level of privacy to be maintained around who can see this information. 

Unintentional breaches of privacy may occur when a Staff Member temporarily moves away from their computer/iPad without locking the screen or logging out, or if they forget to log off on a shared device/computer once they have completed their work.

To assist with this, SupportAbility can be configured to automatically log users out after a specified time of inactivity.  The default is set to '60' minutes however this can be configured to a time that better suits your organisation's requirements eg. 10 minutes.  

This setting is configured in the 'System Settings' section on the 'Settings' tab in System Preferences:

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Configure Mobile App - Check In/Out

N.B. This setting is relevant when your organisation is rostering Staff in Activities in SupportAbility and staff are using the Mobile App.

When using the SupportAbility Mobile App, Staff Members can Check In/Out of their shifts if your organisation requires this.

However, Mobile App Check In/Out must first be configured for each of the Services this is required for, as this is 'Off' by default in all SupportAbility installations. 

To configure the ability for Staff using the Mobile App to Check In and Out of their shifts, navigate to the 'Services' tab of System Preferences.

Select the 'Change' button for this setting to configure this setting for each of the required Services: 

The available setting options include the following:

  • Off - When 'Off' is configured the Check In/Out functionality will not be available for Activities for that Service, and the Check In/Out buttons will not be visible in the Roster view in the Mobile App.
  • Record Time - When 'Record Time' is configured, this functionality will be available for Staff Shifts associated with this Service and the Check In/Out buttons will display in the Mobile App.
    The Mobile App will record the date and time when checking in and out.
    This data will be displayed in the 'Recorded' column for that staff member's Shift in the Staff section of the related Activity.
  • Record Time and Location - When 'Record Time and Location' is configured, the Check In/Out functionality will be available for Staff Shifts associated with the Service.
    The Mobile App will record the date, time and location when checking in and out.
    The phone settings must be set to allow the recording of location for location data to be captured.

The Configuring Mobile App Check In/Out by Service article linked below provides detailed information about this.

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Configure Staff Shift Settings

N.B. These settings are relevant when your organisation is rostering Staff in Activities in SupportAbility.

'Staff Shift Settings' are configured on the Services tab in System Preferences and can be configured individually by Service as required.

The configured settings are displayed, however, these can be edited by selecting the corresponding 'Change' button:

There is also the option to update a setting for multiple Services at one time using the checkboxes located far left in combination with the 'Bulk Actions' menu:

The Staff Shift Settings include the following.

Shift Sign Off

  • Applicable to both the Web and Mobile Apps.
  • This setting enables your organisation to turn on or off the staff 'Shift Sign Off' feature, and set it to record 'Time Only' or 'Time and Location'.
  • Turning this setting off removes data entry points that are irrelevant for that Service.
  • The default setting for new services is:
    Shift Sign Off settings for 'Community Access' - 'On - Time and Location'

Shift Hours Settings

  • Applicable to the web app only.
  • This setting enables your organisation to configure the Shift Hours data to be used in the Finalised column of the Staff section of the Activity; either Recorded or Rostered. 
  • Warnings can also be activated to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded Shift Hours deviate, up or down, from the Rostered Shift Hours.
  • A Warning Threshold can also be set, specifying the number of minutes of deviation between the Recorded and Rostered Hours that would trigger the inline Warning Message.
  • The default setting for new Services is:
    Finalised Shift Hours Default - As Rostered 
    Recorded Hours Warnings Settings - No Warning

Capture Kms

  • Applicable to both the web and mobile apps.
  • This setting enables your organisation to Roster and Record private and company kilometres associated with the Service.
  • The default setting for new Services is:
    Activate Capture Kms Settings for 'Community Access' - On

Shift Kms Settings

  • Applicable to the web app only.
  • This setting enables your organisation to configure the Kilometres (Private and Company) data to be utilised in the Finalised column of the Staff section of the Activity, either Recorded or Rostered. 
  • Warnings can also be activated to alert staff via an inline message when the Recorded kilometres are higher than the Rostered kilometres, or deviate, up or down, from the Rostered kilometres.
  • A Warning Threshold can also be set, specifying the number of kilometres of deviation between the Recorded and Rostered kilometres that would trigger the inline Warning Message.
  • The default settings for new Services is:
    Finalised Kms Data Default - As Recorded
    Recorded Kms Warning Settings - No Warning

The  How to Configure Staff Shift Settings by Service article linked below provides detailed information about this.

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